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Posted: 16/06/2003 - 13:49
by Steve B
merman wrote:
If you commit hari-hikari, does that affect what you come back as in the next life?
in my last life i was a Paperboy, before that, a Commando. the ones before that were: a Ninja (i think i was the last one..), a Barbarian and a Mole. the earliest life i can remember was the one that my dad kept borrowing things off the locals. they just called me 'The Son of Blagger' ...

Posted: 16/06/2003 - 16:53
by merman
Oh dear, looks like I am TRAPped in a SUPER CYCLE of bad jokes and even worse puns from Steve B. The only option is to look for the LIGHT, FORCE my way out and get through this TUNNEL VISION...

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 7:29
by LMan
I know what you mean, those puns make your head spin dizzy. Makes you feel blue. Max Levin, what would you have to add to this? Guess only a h.e.r.o could provide us deliverance from this. But I fear noone would even take on this impossible mission.

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 8:32
by merman
I don't feel so spritely this morning, the weather is really humid and I'm sure there's a STORM on the way. I throw down the GAUNTLET to anyone who can top these bad puns, which have had Remix64 readers SPELLBOUND. :D

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 10:41
by Hille
Oh help... My simple inquest to find out who still had a C64 has turned into a TOTAL ECLIPSE of bad puns. Everyone seems to be joining in. The brits, the normans, the krauts, THE VIKINGS, everybody - the unknown, the ELITE, - everybody acting like a CRAZY CAVEMAN!! It's a real CHILLER!

It's a regular SUPER PIPELINE of SLAM DUNK, RENEGADE tantrums, ready to KIKSTART only more bad puns.

Come on now, people... Let's see if we can't OUT RUN the PANIC, and in stead focus on the CAULDRON of good remixing we have here...


Posted: 23/06/2003 - 20:56
by hikari
If you commit hari-hikari, does that affect what you come back as in the next life?
Well, that all depends on what rendering of "hari" you're using. Because in theory you could be talking about stretching light or needling it or possibly even crystal light.