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Posted: 25/05/2007 - 8:13
by Razmo
...I don't want thing thing... I don't want this thing... I don't want this thing!... Have no room... have no room... has no MIDI, and would not want it!..... someone tell me I do not want this thing! :shock:

Don't know what it is... there is something fat and creamy about the sound of the Eminent.... if this is a trick played on my brain because it reminds me of the first albums of Jarre, or it's the sound in itself I cannot reason with myself about... weird! :lol:

Posted: 25/05/2007 - 9:59
by Analog-X64
Its a good thing I cant find this thing on sale on ebay or otherwise I would be in a lot of trouble.

Posted: 25/05/2007 - 11:26
by Razmo
Analog X:

Seems that you just have to go to the netherlands on your holliday to get one! :wink: ... they're in abundance there as it's the Eminents birth country I read... they'll more or less throw them at you (though this might give you a large hospital bill, if that ever happended! :lol: )... also, I'm unsure if the thing will fit through the airplane doorway? :? maybe a few nice stewardesses would be helpful?...

anyway... I'm NOT going to get me one of these things! :roll:

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 10:27
by Reyn
FYI, the main lead instrument on Stifflip & Co is the Eminent 310!! Although I also used a bit of the String Ensemble section of it, I merely used the main 'cheesy' side of the machine.... as you can hear. Pretty diverse machine...... not bad for an invention from some dutchies, right?

Here are some pics of a work in progress. It's the organ with the 2 manuals.



Posted: 08/06/2007 - 10:54
by Razmo
Reyn: Nice! :D ... anyways, I've just got me self an Alesis Micron minisynth VA... Damn! it's possible to move some air with this little devil! :shock: ... Bought it mainly to take it with me on vacation. After studying the manual a bit I stumbled on something in it's effects department, namely something they call a "string phaser"... claiming, that it's an emulation of the chorus/phaser combination engine used in old stringers, and that actually underlines the fact, that the E310 schematics hint of some phase flipping and chorusing... the Micron one should do the same, so I'm looking foreward to hearing how good this sounds... afterall it's a direct emulation of the thing, and I should be surprised if they did not model it on the Solina, as this is the most famous of them all... I have my fingers crossed, cause if this works out fine, my problem should be solved only a SmallStone away :P

Next stop will be getting a Nord Modular G2 Engine.... if that does not cut it, nothing will exept for the E310U... period! 8)

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 11:08
by Tonka
razmo wrote:Bought it mainly to take it with me on vacation.
Taking a mini VA synth on holiday?!!! :worship:

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 11:16
by Razmo
Tonka: He he! ... yes... what else can a man do, when the darkness has crept in, the kids are in bed, and the rest is playing a boring card game? :lol: ... no... I'll be sitting out in the chill evening-darkness playing away..... hey! It's not worse than the painter, placing himself in the forest to paint... is it!? :? ... please say I'm normal... PLEASE PLEASE!!! :lol:

But believe me... it's not used only for vactaion hideouts... it's so darn cool, that it's got a permantent place in my studio now... the sound quality kicks butt on both novation, access and waldorf alltogether if you ask me. 8)

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 11:32
by Analog-X64
We dont go to vacation very often so I cant use it as an excuse to buy new gear. :)

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 11:44
by Razmo
Analog X... well... actualy I don't go on vacation very often either :) ... but this year I am... and the excuse is... well.... really bad :lol: ...

BUT... to be honest, I'm a rather visual person, and I believe I may get inspired from looking at a bunch of moths circling a few candles... so if the first new remix from me is a bit creepy, you'll know why :lol: ... and if there is a few sudden tonality changes in the score, it might be the mosquitos :?

Besides, I live by myself, so I don't NEED excuses to buy new gear 8) ... ahh... well... maybe a little caused by my own internal dialogue (thanks Dr. Phil for the term) with my little gear-devil :roll: ... did I mention that me and my gear-devil are very good friends? :P

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 11:45
by Tonka
razmo wrote: the sound quality kicks butt on both novation, access and waldorf alltogether if you ask me. 8)
Well I've only ever heard Novation out of those three, but I can confrim that Novation VA sucks ass. :)

IF I ever bought another hardware synth, it would probably be this:


REAL multitimbral analogue + FX - yum! :drool:

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 11:53
by Razmo
Tonka: ... STOP THAT! :shock: ... My heart can't take it! :confusion:

Yes... that machine is a wonder and a dream, but unfortunately so is it's price for me at the moment... otherwise, I could easily have fallen victim to this beast also :P

No... I'm not going to have more equipment very soon (7-9-13, knock on wood)... My Mackie Mixer will not take more than 16 stereo inputs, and I've got only 2 left... My next stop will be the Nord Modular G2 Engine as this is one of the last types of synthesis I do not have in my studio. I've been very certain to get machines that have a unique form of synthesis, so that I do not have too much that can do the same thing. My analogue polysynth here is the Roland MKS-50, and the hybrid synth Waldorf Microwave 1, Enisoniq ESQ-1.... and then the KORG DSS-1 sampler with analog filters.... they will have to do :lol:

But at the right price, I believe I could squeeze an Andromeda in here somewhere :thumbsup:

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 11:59
by Razmo
...anyways, what is the most cool instrument for making music? .... TADAAA!!!: your brain! :lol: ... Instruments are nothing but tools to get the job done.... of course it's nice to have a chainsaw, in contrast to an akse... but again, limitations can be very creative :) ... I've been going around with a thought for very long, about making entire songs, constructed on just ONE piece of equipment.... I mean, taking every synth in my studio and let them do a tune each on their own.... it will require some tweaking.... guess it's some left over "sickness" from the good ol' C64/AMIGA days, where the sport was in the squeezing.... I don't know why, but when you can do everything you want, the thing start to get boring on me... anyone else with this trait? :confusion:

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 12:27
by Tonka
razmo wrote: guess it's some left over "sickness" from the good ol' C64/AMIGA days, where the sport was in the squeezing.... I don't know why, but when you can do everything you want, the thing start to get boring on me... anyone else with this trait? :confusion:
Yep - that's one of the main reasons I'm doing THIS:

(Oh dear, was that another shameless album plug)?! :twisted:

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 12:38
by Razmo
Tonka: ... Hats off for that project :thumbsup: ... now it's basicaly the same I want to do with my synths, even though these will be capable of quite a bit more modern sounds than the good ol' C64 :) ... but the idear is the same for sure.

I remember clearly the fun when I participated in Creative's Open MIDI contest back in 1996... Had to make use of 4MB of sample memory, and the effects was just chorus and reverb/delay... the delays was not adjustable in rates, so it was generally useless, as it would not fit the timing of the score.... so delays was done using several extra tracks, with the same track playing a delayed identical pattern, and lower in volume... you'd have to sort out unused samples in multisampled instruments to conserve memory (only leaving the ones that was actually played in the melodies)... Some samples had to be downsampled to fit in on the 4MB also... really fun thing... and oh, it was the AWE64 I used back then...

Posted: 08/06/2007 - 13:29
by Analog-X64
razmo wrote: BUT... to be honest, I'm a rather visual person, and I believe I may get inspired from looking at a bunch of moths circling a few candles... so if the first new remix from me is a bit creepy, you'll know why :lol: ... and if there is a few sudden tonality changes in the score, it might be the mosquitos :?
Looking forward to hearing you're new work.