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Posted: 18/06/2007 - 6:30
by tomsk
In vintage 'Slaygon style' (i.e. years after the event) I would like to wish you a great belated birthday.

Ha ha - hope you had a great day matey :)

Posted: 18/06/2007 - 8:42
by Slaygon
Oh man!

I'm disappointed!!!

Here I go vintage, and not a single gray hair on me! Feck! Oh, wait! I FOUND ONE! IN MY BEARD! WOHOOOO!!!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, both here, by cards, on IRC and text messages! I am truly humbled to be among so many great people. Love you all!

Had a brilliant day...

Woke up by a birthday gratulant and realised that I was running late to pick Makke up at the train station... A text message later I was out the door... Got there, and we went out for a bite to eat and then picked some beer up, and in the process managed to make the cashier's day by commenting the size of the plastic bags not being built for Swedish alcohol consumption.

Once we got home, Boz and Robert joined us and we started on the brews. We ran out of beer pretty early, so we had to dash off to the pool place, at which point we were already pretty drunk, but got even more drunk while there. I managed to almost get my ass kicked by some stupid fucks who stole our pool cues when I went there to fetch them back. Thanks for stepping in, Makke!

Did we stop there? Ooooh, no... Of course we had to move our drunk, sorry arses over to the local pub Ada's, where I almost got thrown out even before I got in, because the guard thought I'd been there for a while already and was too drunk. Huh... That would have been irony for you, getting thrown out of the local pub that harbours the most drunk people on this planet... And to be honest, I was pretty drunk. And tired... Having had between 2 and 3 hours of sleep every night of the week takes it toll, so when they were closing at the local pub, Makke, Boz and Robert decided they needed to go to town, so they did... I went home and just... passed out.

Makke, I will hopefully be able to bring that bag of yours to BIT Live.

Speaking of which, I am really looking forward to meeting you all there again! God, I'm like furniture around these events by now. "Here babe, come sit in me lap!" =)

Right... This got to be a bit longer than expected. Sorry about that. Still reading? Oh, go do something of importance, will you? =)

Posted: 18/06/2007 - 9:07
by Romeo Knight
Sorry I missed it, Slaygon, hope you had a Happy birthday nevertheless!

Posted: 18/06/2007 - 9:29
by Makke
Slaygon wrote:Makke, Boz and Robert decided they needed to go to town, so they did...
And that was the WORST IDEA EVER! It was pretty fun, though very weird, and the day after I had such a hangover on the train home I almost felt like crying!
Makke, I will hopefully be able to bring that bag of yours to BIT Live.
That would be great! Cheers!

I hope you had a great birthday, man! It was great! Except for when Annika tried to fix me up with that pygmy woman. That was pure evil!

Posted: 23/06/2007 - 23:04
by fnordpojk
Slaygon wrote:Woke up by a birthday gratulant and realised that I was running late to pick Makke up at the train station...
What the hell? Makke is in town and noone tells me? :(

Happy belated birthday anyway, Slaygon, you bastard. ;)

Posted: 24/06/2007 - 9:45
by Makke
fnordpojk wrote:What the hell? Makke is in town and noone tells me?
Ah, sorry about that, man. Don't have a good excuse as to why I didn't mention it to you, only that I forgot. Which kind of makes me feel even worse about it. :(