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Posted: 02/07/2007 - 8:04
by Subzero
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
Steve Dee wrote:what the hell you going to edinburgh for? *nosey mode on*
Same as everyone else who heads there for their vacation: Whisky, haggis, deep-fried marsbars and Irn-Bru. :D
Aye - bloody tourists will eat any old shite ;)

Posted: 10/07/2007 - 19:56
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Steve Dee wrote:
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Same as everyone else who heads there for their vacation: Whisky, haggis, deep-fried marsbars and Irn-Bru. :D
Aye - bloody tourists will eat any old shite ;)
The deep-fried marsbar turned out to be absolutely yummy, actually. So I guess you're right. :)

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 18:41
by tas
Heh, even i refused to try that one! Was a little bit of a fad about 10 years ago which now seems to have died out not surprisingly.

To those floods, Doncaster has now finally dried out and weve been given nearly 2 million pounds from the government to get people back on track but alas this weather over here is still bizarre to say the least - Mexborough and Swinton just today got flooded again and is under 4 foot of water. Predicitions look bad yet again for the coming days with the forecast saying as much as 100 mm could fall on certain parts! That was more than what we had during the last floods!

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 20:02
by Matrix
Im 12 miles from Donny, and all i've seen all day is sunny skies and fluffy clouds :shock:

Posted: 23/07/2007 - 18:44
by tas
It was a flash flood it seems, all has returned to normal there. The citizens of Toll Bar in Doncaster have it harsh big time as even though the water has gone people are still unable to return home. They are doing a test run on a house in Toll Bar at the moment and if those tests fail almost the entire of Toll Bar will be demolished. And although many won't know the village of Toll Bar it's actually a part of the Doncaster Town central and could effect around 4 thousand people.

The latest floods missed the Yorkshire region but they were just as severe as the ones that hit South Yorkshire..

Here's a picture of Glouchester football ground. It shows the severity of it quite well...


Although my house missed the major part of the floods (It was a bit too close for comfort) I would express my deepest best wishes to those who have had to struggle with it in either Yorkshire or their other regions!

Posted: 23/07/2007 - 19:04
by leoni
tas, please tell me that is a waterpolo bassin? :shock:

Posted: 23/07/2007 - 19:31
by Waz

Sadly not, it's a football ground - or at least was!

The flooding in Gloucestershire has been even worse than the flooding that we had up north in recent weeks. Unfortunately for the residents of that county, one of the major water treatment works has also been flooded, meaning water supplies have run out - and there's also a risk of a power station being turned off because the flooding's getting near to there, too.

To give you an idea, this is what Upton-upon-Severn looks like at the moment - it's more like Upton-under-Severn to be honest:


This is Worcester racecourse, you can just about see the top of the steeplechase jumps in places:


And this brings new meaning to playing pool:


It's pretty grim stuff, and my journey back home from Cornwall was slightly interrupted, I had to go from Bristol to London and then to Manchester instead of via Birmingham - the train line between Birmingham and Bristol was flooded at Gloucester and Cheltenham. However, the way I looked at it it was a minor inconvenience compared to what some poor people have been through in the last few weeks. I really don't envy them whatsoever, it must be absolutely horrible.

Posted: 23/07/2007 - 19:47
by leoni
:shock: *gulp* that looks really bad Waz!
= understatement of the year - i know..

Posted: 23/07/2007 - 20:20
by Vosla
F*ck! That's hard! My best wishes to those hit this time!
Tas, you are OK? Good to hear!

Posted: 23/07/2007 - 23:54
by Dumper
Yes it's one hell of a nightmare for the people caught up in all these floods. I've found a couple of pictures of the worst affected areas.



Posted: 24/07/2007 - 11:29
by leoni
hey dumper - I'm sorry to say this but that picture with the highway is the most beautiful scary picture I've seen in a long time.

I'm also sorry to read about all of this for those of you who are trapped or know people that are - take care all.

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 18:07
by Kenz
I'm about a 10 minute drive from Worcester ... ! Luckily our house is up on the Malvern hills so we've managed to keep dry (so far!)

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 20:07
by Waz
I knew you were on a hill, Kenz! Sounds like a wise move, squire.

Especially as Malvern Link station was under 1.5 feet of water over the weekend, I heard.

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 21:44
by tas
Horrendous isn't it :(

I don't think the worst is over either. The whole forecast for the rest of the summer paints a similar picture. We haven't even had a summer!

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 20:14
by Armand
Tas, there's supposed to be the promise of a Summer next week, but the forecasters have been crap recently, so I'll not believe a word.

I hope all concerned are alright now and getting compensation for all they lost in the flooding.