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Posted: 14/09/2003 - 18:02
by Subzero
renegade_si wrote:hmmm

been looking at the site - weren't they going for £69.99 on the day ;) I've love to get one. hmm, I sense a bit of advertising coming on here..... :lol:

Its a top machine, albeit large, it has to be. Very genuine bit of kit.
I'll sell you my signed version for £180 + £30 p+p - whos it signed by I hear you asking? By me of course!!!! ;) :lol:

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 18:04
by renegade_si
Not surprised u hurt!

Did u get any, did ya, did ya? :lol:

What a fantastic weekend...

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 18:07
by graveyardjohn
Quick message to say thanks to all involved for making it a Saturday night to remember, all the acts were great, and to see Rob Hubbard play was fantastic. Most people seemed to be pretty captivated by his playing, no matter whether it was C64 or not (from where I was sitting, I think the booing was really just a bit of light-hearted banter due to the mentions of other systems, not his actual playing or choice of tunes!)

It was nice to hear some of the work he has done apart from the C64, and as he said - "Its my concert, I'll play what I want!" - More power to the man! :D I will be looking forward to getting hold of the DVD when it is released!

After the first BIT being a bit empty, the second being too full, the third was JUST RIGHT. It was really nice to meet up with people and make some new C64 friends as well. Congratulations to all involved.

And Chris, I hope you are a bit de-stressed now! (Thx again for finding us the power lead by the way)


Posted: 14/09/2003 - 18:44
by Lee's PeeknPoke
Firstly amazing night! hi to everyone who I met up with- It was fantastic - Best one yet. (read my report/pics this week)

All the bands were very.very.very good. fantastic. The lot. very talent groups of people.
Stuck in da 80s - Superb!
Rob - fantastic and once in a lifetime!
Press play on tape - fab!

right, i think some people here got the heckling wrong, Rob was enjoying himself,everybody was,. there was no bad atmoshpere (that reads here on this forum like there was but I didnt feel it and other people didnt and total agree with Mayhem.) it was all in fun!!!

People wanted to here some songs thats all, it wasnt rude. In fact it was me who shouted out "Sam fox strip poker" (not when rob was talking mind) which resulted in one of the great highlights "quote" when Rob played it putting that myth that he didnt produce that piece of work (which we all knew but still....). I loved that and so did the crowd as they went wild. :D :D
The game music he played was bang on great, and good to hear some other pieces in there too. Loved the slow medley of high scores tunes.

it was just a great night, a fucking great night and thats swearing. Cannot wait for the DVD.

Thanks and hello to everyone I met! I will send emails out soon.

oh big thanks to Mort for the disks :lol: /Gamebase lads of the disks
:lol: and a big thanks to Boz for letting me have the DVD collection of gameclips. Sorry for being checky mate, the beers in the post :wink:


Re: I have to say this else I will burst!

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:00
by Lee's PeeknPoke
StudioX64 wrote:I have to say this else I will surely burst! To the people in the crowd who heckled Rob Hubbard, and said some very nasty things
Sorry Paul,
I didnt hear any nasty things so maybe Im wrong (I was near the front so only could hear the noises from the stage)
Shame if people were doing that :?


An Era Complete.....

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:04
by Punisher_Genetix
I'd like to thank Chris Abbott, Rob Hubbard, Ben Daglish, Dave Whittaker, Fred Gray and Martin Galway, Richard Joseph for completing my C64 music era at last.... and not forgetting the bonus of meeting Simon Nicol and Gary Liddon - Remember me Gary, I was the guy in the blue shirt taking a photo of you at the same time you took a photo of me at the evening event :D -.... Ive been on the C64 scene for many many years and have always loved the sid music listening to it almost everyday when possible. So going to the show and meeting my idols was a dream come true at last..... 'MayheM' were you the guy i meant early on friday nite, I was the guy in the white shirt with my girlfriend (from belfast), I came down to your table and asked if you were going to the back in time show???. Anyway about 20 mins later Fred Gray and his Daughter came in to the bar and sat down beside me, I turned to my girl and said 'Shit, I think thats Fred Gray!'... So i got chatting to Fred and his daughter and hes so so nice, really down to earth and easy to talk to, i have him in loads of photos, then the next evening i was getting a photo taken of me and ben daglish and he asked if he could join in the photo with me and ben.. WOW! how cool was that! 8) asking me if he could he join in the photo.... His daughter ALEX told me she was a bit freaked out that people knew her father. LOL! She was 6yrs old when her father was composing on the c64 and didnt know then and even now what he was doing LOL! .... As for Martin Galway - whos from Belfast just like me :lol: - , is another great great guy, what a laugh we had with him.... Dawsy, Stevie and me talked to martin for well over an hour at the evening event :P and the story he told us about hearing 'Thing on a Spring' for the first time and the faces he pulled while explaining it had me in fits of laughter..... All in all the whole weekend as amazing for me, and all the bands played together so well..... Cant wait till the DVD is released.... (Chris Abbot... why not get some of the photos taken by the guys that attended the show and add them to a photo part of the DVD... just an idea!)..... Well thats it from me i guess..... Just like to say again, Thanks Chris for putting together a great show and bring all those C64 musicians together in one place! I think God himself would have struggled to achieve this.... Who else could have made it possible for me to meet Martin, Rob, Fred, Ben, Dave, Richard,Simon, Gary and PPOT.... to chat with them and get my photo taken with them.... Only you Chris..... Thx

Punisher - Genetix - Genesis-Project

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:17
by Benn
Jut a quick note fom me to say thanks not only to Skitz, Chris and crew, but to *eveybody* that came and made it such a magical night - I think I can say with confidence that all the performers were as excited by it as the audience.

My own personal highlights... muso. I'm flattered that he wastes his time re-mixing my stuff, and I *love* the way he says "musician" - makes it sounds like "magician".

Getting to play a duo with Rob on piano while they fixed the stand...last time was 15 years ago :)

Spending a marvellous 3 days with Mark playing pretty much non-stop from the time we got up (midday) till the time we went to bed (4am). Man - he can play de fiddle.

Stuck In D'eighties (Note spelling / acronym :) ) ...I suspect we might do that again...

Meeting people who *weren't* 'sceners' - people who never owned a C64/Amiga etc., and for whom there was no 'nostalgia factor', but had been introduced just to the remix scenec and liked it for what it was.

And of course - you lot, for giving as much energy back to me as I expended :)

Apologies again to PPOT and eveybody about 'Ark Pandora' - I think the collapsing keyboard buggered my WX5 when it fell on got transposed up, and I ended up playing the track in G# - not the nicest of keys :)


What a great night

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:20
by simonnicol

Well thats the first BIT show I've been able to get to and I have a great time - thanks Chris!

Nice to meet Ben for the first time - brilliant performer and top bloke.
I hadn't seen Rob in years and no one told me he was going to be there, so I was amazed to see him.

Sorry to everyone I didn't make it to Buddies for breakfast that night, but I wanted to catch up with Rob and had breakfast with him the next morning, the dude is cool, and has offerd to help me on sound technical stuff for my capricorn15 project.

Saw Mark Stacy as an adult, Mike Clark who did a great job remixing Crazy Comets and Mega Apocalypse together for Apocalypse II on the SNES (If you want a binary file of the image just ask me and I'll try my best to post one to you as soon as I can, but really busy these days so please be patient)

Ben and Martin, Garry Liddon it was great to see them all again - I really do recon I went back in time to the 80's.

Loads of really friendly people - pleasure to meet all of you.

Nice to finally meet the Mighty Kenz.

All the best

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:27
by DHS
freakybun99 wrote:With that, they lept off stage and started dancing around like lunatics on the dance floor while we were given an exceptional dance remix of the arpeggios and lunacy of the end of the song. Absolute Class. :).
I'm glad it came out well :)


Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:41
by Chris Abbott
That reminds me... I guess the winner of the remix competition (According to the rules) would be Ul-Tomten and Yodelking, because
Mahoney and Peter (The winners of the actual competition) won
the event to that soundtrack. Although the competition didn't go as I'd
planned (probably went better since everybody danced multiple times),
it was cool, and all the competition entries were played and enjoyed!

Honorable mention to Makke who did some funk-eeee moves to his
well-funky remix, and DHS who ended up with two entries (yes, I used
your first one as well!! But I had to edit it to one minute)...

Ah, it was fun. Who was the entrant who danced to the speeded-up
breakdance with Devil's Gallop on the end? There's a prize for ingenuity
right there!


Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:42
by Chris Abbott
It was nice to see you finally Simon! I'm still holding the disks you gave me: more later by private email ;-)


Re: An Era Complete.....

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:43
by gazl
Punisher_Genetix wrote:Remember me Gary, I was the guy in the blue shirt taking a photo of you at the same time you took a photo of me at the evening event :D
Oh yeah, nice to meet you mate :)

I got your piccy on this page ->


Posted: 14/09/2003 - 19:44
by Chris Abbott
You know, I'm very impressed at how the performance aspect of PPOT's set has come on over the years :) It's great that there's an element of surprise and showmanship taking a big part now, thanks to some fertile imaginations.. :) Kudos!


Size Matters!

Posted: 14/09/2003 - 20:12
by Punisher_Genetix
Was nice to meet u 2 Gary mate.... Me and Richard Joseph commented how much bigger u look in real life compared to your black and white picture in Zapp..LOL!!! :lol: