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Posted: 16/09/2003 - 11:29
by fgasking
Yeah... it was awesome Boz... me and Vinny were asking Kenz about it... Vinny even thought it was on the CD :)..

I think it would make a fantastic addition for the Galway DVD, if there is room?... I'm sure others will agree too. :)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 11:37
by Boz
[quote="fgasking"]Yeah... it was awesome Boz... [quote]

Thank-ee! OK, if there's room I'll whack it onto the DVD then! :)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 21:17
by skitz
I would actually like to thank everybody who helped set-up the exhibition stands during the morning.

Marcel Donne was the "Screen Master" and made it his mission in life to fit the square pegs of the feet into the round holes on the actual screens! Big thanks to everybody who helped with these DAMN things!

It was a lot of work but I think it looked REALLY good once the C= logo was set-up (did any body actually notice it was in the shape of the Commodore logo?)

I think we managed to get enough computers running although I would love to know what happened to my monitor cables that were on an C128D and a C64 along that back row :( Btw, I noticed the C128D was working later in the day and for the life of me I could not get it to boot up - who fixed that?

Also, the MAME guys still have a couple of my cables they used for the Sony Laptop :(

It was very tight as I think we were still puting the final touches on everything when the doors opened at 11am :) Shame my Amiga A3000 was the first computer set-up in the morning (at about 6:30am) and wasn't actually used for anything - it just stayed on the desktop all day :)

I actually never got to see much of the exhibition after it opened @ 11:00 as I was downstairs most of the time trying to figure out how to work a HD recorder! :)

Thanks to everyone that helped on the day.... it was much appretiated!


Posted: 16/09/2003 - 21:36
by Subzero
'Also, the MAME guys still have a couple of my cables they used for the Sony Laptop'

to the best of my knowledge skitz - we gave them to chris abbott to pass on to you - please check with chris :)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 21:57
by skitz
I did speak to Chris about this but I would imagine in his frame of mind if you were to have given him anything he may have forgotten about it very shortly afterwards :(

Oh well, not to worry - just sell me an X-Arcade controller at a considerable discount and all will be forgiven. :lol:

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:02
by rockwaldo
skitz wrote:I did speak to Chris about this but I would imagine in his frame of mind if you were to have given him anything he may have forgotten about it very shortly afterwards :(

Oh well, not to worry - just sell me an X-Arcade controller at a considerable discount and all will be forgiven. :lol:
We were standing in front of your mixing desk for the concert, and i asked you if you had got your cables back from Chris, and you said yes....

mind you, i gave Chris a MAME set and he cant remember that either - so its probably part of the same rushed craziness...:)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:08
by Matrix
> just sell me an X-Arcade controller

- Cant you just fubar a jamma board rig ?

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:10
by Subzero
We could sold about 40 x-arcades on the day - if only we owned that many!!!!!

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:23
by Matrix
Hey Sub.... my baby avatar vs you in a stareout competition - the prize - YOUR MAME RIG !! lol....

Seriously tho - can i ask what config you used on the pc there, there looks to be LOADS of commands n switches to run the emulator !! - or will it be XP Pro thats the problem ? not having a DOS as such....

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:34
by rockwaldo
matrix - im the guy in the green Tshirt who was running the compo (and in fact the owner of that Xarcade...;))

its nothing to do with OS's. you need to run the MAME32 frontend, grab it from the authors page here:

thats what we were using....and indeed your shiny DVD set has all of the support files and structure ready for MAME32 as well...:)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:38
by Matrix
:wink: thx man - all this data, kinda overwhelming - musta missed it lol - thx again !! u guys ROCK !

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 8:14
by skitz
I wish I woulde have picked up the DVD too - I assume it has all the Mame ROMs?

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:16
by rockwaldo
take a peakie at and get yourself a set burnt my friend.......
in fact, i better add a special thread meethinks...:)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:24
by skitz
Sounds like too much trouble - I'll give it a miss :)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:31
by rockwaldo
skitz wrote:Sounds like too much trouble - I'll give it a miss :)
ya lazy bastich...;)

how about you email me at and i send you a spare set we found that we didnt give away as a thank you for the cables?....
