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Posted: 03/06/2007 - 18:02
by dan gillgrass
Waz wrote:Ticketdiasaster

Posted: 03/06/2007 - 18:27
by Chris Abbott
Waz wrote:On a more serious note about the forthcoming BITLive, the venue it's at (The Spitz) is currently under threat of closure this September:

Save The Spitz!

I think when we go we shoul, if we can, all donate something to help them out, particularly as it's an independent venue and not owned by the likes of Carling , Ticketdiasaster etc.
Indeed, though I'm not sure that mere money would solve the problem... :(


Posted: 04/06/2007 - 7:31
by tas
It doesn't seem a matter of money really. The landlords want it shut down for some reason or another - Prolly to build luxary flats or something. No matter the amount of donations is gonna stop that from happening.

Only the voice of the people can do much against it and knowing these types of chaps that won't make much difference either.

Posted: 04/06/2007 - 15:59
by Chris Abbott

Posted: 04/06/2007 - 16:19
by Chris Abbott
And we're on the front page of Google News UK (Entertainment section)... blink and you'll miss it!

Posted: 04/06/2007 - 16:52
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote:And we're on the front page of Google News UK (Entertainment section)... blink and you'll miss it!
Must have blinked... great promotion on the other sites tho :)

Posted: 04/06/2007 - 16:52
by Chris Abbott
... and we're gone :) Although still in the entertainment section.

(actually, if you click "more stories" we reappear, but not for long!)


Posted: 04/06/2007 - 19:21
by Misser
Damn it changed to dutch news :(

Anyway that should be it :)

Posted: 05/06/2007 - 9:38
by Chris Abbott
OK, here's a fun project.

It's not a definite, but if Disco Danceaway had a dancer, who would it be?

We need to compile a shortlist, and it's up to our resident expert Skitz to pick the winner from that shortlist!

Of course, they might be too expensive, blah blah blah, but it's fun anyway innit?

Well, go on then...!!


Posted: 05/06/2007 - 15:42
by dan gillgrass
U should get the same two girls from BIT1, now THATS retro ;)

Posted: 05/06/2007 - 16:35
by Infamous

Ere dan you meeting up with neil etc again this year? its looking like i can come so it'd be nice to meet up with you lads again for a few drinks etc.

Promise i wont keep my mobile phone glued to my ear hehe.

Posted: 05/06/2007 - 17:19
by dan gillgrass
Infamous wrote: Promise i wont keep my mobile phone glued to my ear hehe.
Hmmm... I doubt that! Funny, we (sic: tas) were talking Sat night wether you were going or not, but yes, just me, Neil and Tomsk will be there this time (the rest of the group are damn slackers ;) ) so if u wanna pm me ur mobile (and i KNOW u have one of them) number ill get in touch.

Posted: 06/06/2007 - 5:18
by Infamous
me and a mobile phone? NEVER :lol:

anyway's pm sent!

Posted: 06/06/2007 - 6:18
by Chris Abbott
No interest at all? OK, I'll handle it myself. Er, not in that way, of course.


Posted: 06/06/2007 - 7:41
by Infamous
hehe looking at them, any one of them ladies would do .. for podium dancing.. obviously... erm... yeah ... oh dear