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Posted: 25/06/2007 - 10:14
by leoni
Ah damn.. so many nice people in one place. Its not often that happens :D

It was really nice meeting you all. The event itself was great, so thanks for that Chris and the rest who made it work.

Hope to meet you all again soon !

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 11:24
by khisanth
Makke wrote:
khisanth wrote:hehe i was holding the invisible banana
Ah! So that's you! I saw your t-shirt, with the Makke Gooooooood! thing on the back, but never really got a chance to actually walk over and speak with you!

Sorry about that. Someone wearing you name on his/her t-shirt really deserves your attention. :oops:

no worries, glad i got to say a quick hello on the stairs! Good job on the hosting side of things :)

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 11:26
by khisanth
Boz - i know what you mean, so many people to either catch up with or new faces to meet quite hard to do especially with the thumping choons.

I think i freaked you out a bit as i drunkenly butted into your conversation trying to introduce myself!

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 11:32
by Boz
khisanth wrote:Boz - i know what you mean, so many people to either catch up with or new faces to meet quite hard to do especially with the thumping choons.

I think i freaked you out a bit as i drunkenly butted into your conversation trying to introduce myself!
Hehe... no, don't worry -- it's probably the best thing to do as I was almost constantly in one conversation or another, catching up with things!

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 11:38
by Sidman 64
Well what a great time I had a this years B.I.T live in London.
Great meeting Reyn - Jeroen - Ziphoid - DJ Skitz - Boz - Makke - Slygon and all the others I had a chat with :)
Hopefully people enjoyed my set, and didn't mind me wearing the 70's blonde wig and glass :lol: all a bit of fun and different from the rest.

Anyway for you guys who didn't make it to the show and would like to hear the tracks I played on the night, you can listen to them on my new website
There in a jukebox form on my site, not downloadable mp3's, hope you enjoy, and thanks to all the people who said they really enjoyed my tracks :D


Posted: 25/06/2007 - 12:38
by tomsk
Oh well, another great event over. Just wanted to say big thanks to all those involved in organising the 'do'.
I enjoyed the weekend as a whole, and every year it gives me the chance to catch up with old mates, and meet new ones.
Particularly nice to meet Lman and give a personal and sincere thankyou for all the great work he does around these parts. :)

Also the pub meet and gig gave me the opportunity to speak with some really nice folk who I know from the scene but have never had the pleasure to meet ; Ziphoid (great speaking to you and look forward to hearing more of your project); Andreas; Subversive Elements; Misser (shame the night had to end! :beer: ); Tron (winner of the Alan Davies lookalike competition); Steve Barrett; Jeroen Tel (isn't it great when music runs in the family); plus 8 bit weapon and Reyn who put on such great shows too!

Plus the people I only get to meet once every blue moon who make this event such a great laugh Makke,Boz,Marcel, Kwed, Octavesounds, etc.

Special mention to Dan, Tas and Waz for making the afternoon sessions so damn fine.

Funny, but hearing pure SID blasting out of speakers did not sound as out of place as I had expected. In fact it sounded damn fresh!

I know the people who organised the event won't want to hear this.....but "roll on the next one!"

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 12:52
by Mayhem
khisanth wrote:Uploaded some pics to the flikr group!

And here are some youtube vids!

Jeroen Tel:

and a bit of Reyn:
Cheers for those... had wanted to record more Jeroen but I was starting to run out of space on my camera (2GB!) sadly...

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 12:56
by Chris Abbott
Waz's report is up on the front page news now...

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 14:46
by Misser
Chris Abbott wrote:Waz's report is up on the front page news now...
Waz and beeing shy? Hmmm he almost tackled me when I entered the venue. After i recovered it took me the best bit of an hour to figure out 'what hit me' and hunt him down. Everytime i saw him and got to that spot he was gone.

Great report Warren enjoyed reading it.

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 15:04
by khisanth
who was the guy with the decent camera , long black curlyish hair?

was he the alan davies lookalike?

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 15:10
by Misser
khisanth wrote:who was the guy with the decent camera , long black curlyish hair?

was he the alan davies lookalike?
Yeps that sounds like Tron, half Indonesian half dutch and one 100% Japanese :)

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 15:15
by merman
Chris Abbott wrote:Waz's report is up on the front page news now...
And a great read it is too. Working on my report right now...

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 15:27
by StormKeeper
Was a really good night... very glad I went :)

Was nice to be able to meet a few people I've talked to on IRC, as well as seeing a few familiar faces, although sadly, it's a bit difficult to talk over the music... might try to get there earlier next time for a catchup.

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 16:20
by Waz
MJ Hibbett's just updated his blog with an entry about Friday. He seemed to really enjoy it too, although I completely agree with him about the bar prices!

MJ Hibbett's BITLive Blog entry

Posted: 25/06/2007 - 16:55
by dan gillgrass
Misser wrote:
Dan, Tomsk and Tas I'm still having a big smile on my face from our day after party 'slow down'. Just a shame that we got thrown out off two pubs because they closed, next time we should do it in NL :twisted:
I must have missed your "slowing down" part ;)

Just got back, was a fucking fantastic weekend, everything was awesome, the gig, the Saturday morning and night, getting caught in the rain and the beers on Sunday (sorry your plane was delayed guys). Ill get some pics posted tomorrow. A massive thanks to everyone involved in the organization of the event and everyone I got to catch up with and the new folks I met... and the usual special greets to Tas, Tomsk and Waz for being fine drinking buddies and making me laugh my ass off a lot....