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Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 31/05/2014 - 1:16
by Commie_User
Though you'd have to admit they would look very snazzy in a Datasette. I might take the plunge.

And I'm also on the bags again. They'd do wonders refreshing the now-foggy ones, wrapping my wall keyboards and micros.

Image ... 5ae99404ff

Gotta look after them. They don't make them anymore. ... 3a8feb5360 ... 3a8feb5366

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 02/06/2014 - 23:31
by Commie_User
Image ... 48676a35a6

Then I splashed out for the Chewits game. Now there's some commercial nostalgia. I already have the KP Skips one and will enjoy one more little curio on the pile.


Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 03/06/2014 - 13:21
by Commie_User
And I'll have a bit of this too.

Image ... fresh=true

Programmers pushed the Commie's boat out, on a good day, I'm ecstatic to admit. It still keeps me off the Playstation.



And note to self: Leave something like this ( ... 43ca5907bb) for next week.

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 07/06/2014 - 15:50
by Chris Abbott
You can buy this collection if you want: I'm selling it.

Image ... 1426895791

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 07/06/2014 - 16:29
by Commie_User
Wow-ee. I hope it's still there when I've more cash maybe next week!

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 07/06/2014 - 18:14
by Chris Abbott
Why not buy it now, and I'll give you lots of time to pay? :)

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 08/06/2014 - 0:28
by Commie_User
That's very kind of you. I'm most touched. I won't dive in for now because I only buy when I know how I'm doing.

Might do it anyway though. Cheers :)


And a note to self, I should also look out for PENTHOUSE HOT NUMBERS on the Amiga. Naughtiness AND retro computing? What a sugar rush.


...And Armalyte: ... 540a5ed01e

Plus Scooby And Scrappy Doo: ... 46203565a4

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 10/06/2014 - 21:04
by Commie_User
With a scrap of pocket money I treated myself to this though. Apparently there are filmed stripper scenes in it!

Image ... 462030d100

Naughtiness on a modern family console? And wait, on a BMX game? That's a kids' bike! And is that her little brother's or.... what?

My my my, vicar.


These may be tamer:

Image ... 2a385b9cf9

Image ... 3f379ac862

And what the Atari 2600 could have been had 70s tech been more like today's. Not everyone likes it though but it is a knock-off console: ... 3ce2bdc8b6

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 20/06/2014 - 12:34
by Commie_User

Speakers for £3.19.


For the price, they're lovely and do just the job for one or two instruments with no inbuilt system. Outside recording or any proper job, they're all you need. And they look the part too.

-<br /><br />I've another pair coming for the syndrums!<br /><br />;_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649<br />_

I've another pair coming for the syndrums!
speakers.JPG (20.26 KiB) Viewed 17523 times

There's also a sound system for £2: ... OU:GB:3160


And USB video for under a tenner! Who knows if it's too good but probably just the ticket for that graphics overspill:

Image ... 5d4c641a07

Bugger me, mate!


£2.95: ... 4606a249b2 !!

Try getting any media drive for that money in 1984!

Plus a nice cheaper-than-chips hub to plug them in: ... OU:GB:3160

They're very handy for when you need a boxful for whatever turns up. But back in the day, you'd get killed in the rush for such trinkets had they been around so cheap at the Millennium. Even with the new £10 sound cards, you still had to fit them and hope the driver wouldn't play up.

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 20/06/2014 - 20:07
by Chris Abbott
I honestly don't know how anyone makes money off this stuff.

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 20/06/2014 - 20:35
by Commie_User
From what I gather, it's a combo of ultra-cheap miniaturisation, vast output quantity, dirt-cheap workforces, exchange rate benefits and threadbare industrial rights legislation in the Far East. And the Internet for that humungous low-cost marketplace. Stack 'em up high and cheaply enough and even selling for crumbs can put you in the lolly.

Especially these days, when progress means even these trinkets can be of solid, serviceable quality. I have an S-VIDEO-to-VGA box I bought for a tenner, in good quality with plenty of controls. This is an improved version of what I paid £30 for just two years back. Just gasp at that price-performance ratio, even if the makers are miserable and work 18 hour days.

An extreme example being Apple, taking their own advantage of the cut-price tiger economy for on-the-floor 'underheads': ... -hour.html

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 21/06/2014 - 20:47
by Chris Abbott
Chris Abbott wrote:You can buy this collection if you want: I'm selling it.

Image ... 1426895791
Still on sale...

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 21/06/2014 - 23:19
by Commie_User

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 22/06/2014 - 15:41
by Commie_User
And to top off, Santa Claus about to mow down an injured teenage girl, for £30: ... 258c06c0c5

Pic: ... V/$_57.JPG

And Giana Sisters for £20, current bid: ... 1426895791

But oh, right, the stuff:

Image ... 1426895791

Re: Reaping the Ebay harvest

Posted: 29/06/2014 - 10:28
by Commie_User
And here's the record album by Mussolini's grand-daughter.

Image ... 589b4f4dfe

For £146! And if you think that's a bargain, check out the other copy. It's even more expensive.