
Have you released a new remix at Remix.Kwed.Org, AmigaRemix or somewhere else on the web? Tell the community about it here!
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Post by Chris Abbott »

I'm also finding it extraordinarily ironic that this thread is entitled "Sweet"!

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Post by tas »

someone missed second part....." 'n sour" ;)
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Post by Vosla »

Just wandered by... had a couple of thoughts after reading this thread... Yes, there are remixes I would like to be done in a different way because there is just one little thing in it that doesn't work for me. That would make a good remix a superb remix in my taste.
Well, it's MY taste and I guess it would ruin the remix for everybody else. That doesn't make it easy for me to give feedback; often I just shut up and pass by instead of risking to step on someones' toes...

P.S.: My "english" doesn't really help in understanding my intentions.)
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Post by Infamous »

Anything that bothers to be different in my opinion is good to me, dont matter if its got vocals or its done in a 20thousand euro/dollar/squid studio or in someones shed aslong as the conceived idea is something that breaks away from being your average stereotypical boyband/sash/trance artist of your choice style bullcrap that our airwaves/cd players are filled with.

there are good and bad remix's, good n bad tunes just like we have good n bad people, good and bad food products. sainsbury's vs kwiksave etc its a matter of taste.. we'd have never got to the top of the foodchain had we never expressed our willingness to choose what we *want* to choose rather than follow a pack leader.. if we did that we'd be lemmings.

if mahoney wants to put vocals on his tracks and piss lala and waz off because they dont think vocals suit sids or its ruined a personal favorite... but then on the flipside they make lars and neil happy then great, keep it up.. who really cares? i dont.. we are all allowed to express how we feel and if you dislike the tune that much then "right click file... delete"
simple as that.

no ones forcing anyone to like anyone elses stuff if that was the case then i doubt people like myself would be remixing very long not having even a semi proffesional set up, id be taken out to pastures new and shot for lack of equipment not lack of talent or inspiration and where the hell would that get any of us in the long run?.. we have the voting system dont we?
if u dont like it.. vote it bad then.. if you have an opinion on it .. express it
lets not spend precious time sitting bitching about things that people like elvis has already done... breaking from the norm... doing things different...
stepping up levels... some people are gonna like it some people aint.

and again. who really cares? i always thought we remixed for fun.
not like many of us make money out of it is it?.. if anything if chris's commitement is anything to go by people are LOSING money supporting this "scene" making it grow. and isnt that really the important thing?
we are all individuals milling around eachother doing what we love the most, be it listening to the remix's or making them.. somewere along the line we are all connected by the same thing.. the love of a silly little chip.. the love of music.. but we cant please everybody.


i've never planned myself to please everybody.. i dont go and do a remix to please everyone, only thing i ever get bothered by is sound quality i like to at least make it listenable.. but if im gonna put a 4000000db bassdrop that blows everyones speakers up then im gonna put it in there.. and not give a f$"% what anyone thinks. im happy with it and somewere along the line someone else will be too.. and aslong as i have the critic and the fan to give me the black and white on what im doing im happy.

there are more than enough remix's out there to cater for whatever taste.. sweet has done impressively well and to be honest.. sticking the likes of markus and mahoney together.. it was the least i'd have expected.
same goes for lagerfeldt... i expect a red face over his version too.
we all have a vision in our head of what a sid should have been and not all of us are going to share that vision.. but im sure lala and waz.. that somewere down the line there will be a mix of your fav sid and it will be exactly how you heard it in your head too and it'll please you no end but then it might piss me off :-D ... choice... gotta love it.

thats my 20quids worth now who's gonna buy me a beer?
im knackered.
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Post by tas »

Well written Inf :) hats off mate ;)
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Post by LMan »

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Post by dan gillgrass »

I find it more interesting that single track sparked off this huge thread. Personally I just listened to it and found it an amazing mix, I didnt look into any emotions and I didnt even think the mix was that humourous, just really enjoyed it and thats what counts isnt it?

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Post by Infamous »

dan gillgrass wrote:I find it more interesting that single track sparked off this huge thread. Personally I just listened to it and found it an amazing mix, I didnt look into any emotions and I didnt even think the mix was that humourous, just really enjoyed it and thats what counts isnt it?

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Post by Waz »

Thanks to everyone for putting their point across. I thought I'd better clear some things up from Infamous' post.
Infamous wrote:as long as the conceived idea is something that breaks away from being your average stereotypical boyband/sash/trance artist of your choice style bullcrap
Indeed. That's why my music collection is full of all sorts, and that's also why I try as much as I can to listen to the remixes with an open mind as much as possible based on the music I own and listen to.

Various remixes can be done in various styles, it's what the remixer feels right for them when doing it. The ideas are often the key to what makes something enjoyable by a lot of people. Even if personally the remix of Sweet wasn't my cup of tea, at the same time I can appreciate why people enjoyed it so much, because it made them feel something inside and the idea was to try and do a different take on it.
Infamous wrote: if mahoney wants to put vocals on his tracks and piss lala and waz off because they dont think vocals suit sids
I don't think it was ever Mahoney's intention to do that, he intended to make something that he enjoyed doing, and what others might also enjoy doing. I wasn't even p*ed off by the mix either, just that ultimately it didn't appeal, despite the different approach.

Just for the record, some of the remixes I like do actually have vocals in it (PPOT's Comic Bakery is one that springs to mind). However, although the vocal is another instrument per se, it's probably one of the most difficult to actually implement into a tune, and to be fair to the remixers, most of them do a pretty bloody good job.

After all, how many songs have you heard where the vocalist(s) just aren't up to scratch, even if the backing instruments do a really good job? It's really tricky to find that balance, and for the remixer, it's ultimately their baby, and their decision whether or not they feel that it would enhance the mix or not. Whether or not we actually like it shouldn't matter. If the remixer is happy with their work and they feel they've pushed their own boundaries forward then that's all that should matter to them. Many creativists in real music suffer for their art for years, carrying on with what they believe in, before finally getting the recognition they deserve.
Infamous wrote:no ones forcing anyone to like anyone elses stuff if that was the case then i doubt people like myself would be remixing very long not having even a semi proffesional set up
When listening, for me it's more about the ideas and feel, and the arrangement too, and not just about the choice of instruments used or the equipment. No one should be criticised if they can't afford the equipment, it's what you do with it that counts. Some of the best ideas for remixes have often come from limited equipment. There's even a few MODs and XMs that I still enjoy, for example.
Infamous wrote: if you have an opinion on it .. express it
lets not spend precious time sitting bitching about things
I hope no one sees me as bitching but just trying to be constructive. Ultimately, I'd love the remixers to succeed in really touching the hearts of the public with what they do and what they do best. Most of them are already there.
Infamous wrote: im sure lala and waz.. that somewere down the line there will be a mix of your fav sid and it will be exactly how you heard it
There's quite a few that have already done that for me anyway, and they weren't even my particular personal favourite SID tunes! Now if someone takes on one of my personal favourites and does a bloody good job of it, they'll know about it. Trust me.

(and I'm still waiting for someone to do PRI's Dream Odyssee Parts 1 and 2 justice - there's a challenge :)

Anyway, I'll buy you a beer as well - albeit a virtual one.
Warren Pilkington (Waz)
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Post by Chris Abbott »

> (and I'm still waiting for someone to do PRI's Dream Odyssee Parts
> 1 and 2 justice - there's a challenge :)
Apart from "Black Rollins band", how do you think this one should be done justice to? Enhancing the feel of the SID and keeping the structure? Or something weird but achievable?

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Post by Waz »

Chris Abbott wrote:Apart from "Black Rollins band", how do you think this one should be done justice to?
For me: the first part's gotta keep the punchy feel but maybe use some rock/metal inspiration for guitars er al. The second bit's got to come in and either be really dreamy ambient trance, or more rock and metal.

But I do feel you can't lose of the feel of the SID too much with this tune - it's what makes it work.
Warren Pilkington (Waz)
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Lagerfeldt's version

Post by LaLa »

Well, I just listened to Lagerfeldt's version of "Sweet" - and I am still
waiting for the "ultimate" cover of this tune.

In spirit, Lagerfeldt's version is much closer to the original's than Mahoney
and Schneider's. I have no problem with the vocals, either, although the
vocoder/pitch-corrector was a bit overused for my taste. The lyrics are very
nice. The modifications in the arrangement work out very nicely, too. What I
really don't care for is the club-rhythm that was slapped on this piece. It
definitely makes the piece more "digestable" for the masses, but I find it too
"commercial" and too in-your-face.
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Post by Peacemaker »

if waiting for the "Ultimate" cover of a sid, then i suggest you that you remix the tune by yourself ;)

you know best what the remix should sound like..
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Post by Infamous »

if waiting for the "Ultimate" cover of a sid, then i suggest you that you remix the tune by yourself
oh no!... does that mean ive got to remix terry's big adventure myself?

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Post by LaLa »

Peacemaker wrote:if waiting for the "Ultimate" cover of a sid, then i suggest you that you remix the tune by yourself ;)

you know best what the remix should sound like..
I'd love to, but I lack the skills and the time.

But I may commission Reyn Ouwehand to do it for me. :D
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