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Posted: 04/06/2004 - 12:23
by Zzapback
Hey Chris, how are things going?
Just curious you know, there's this silence over here...?

I've booked already, but even in the (unlikely) case that it's not happening, I don't mind another weekend in London. :wink:

Hope it all works out and things are coming together nicely.
All the best, and keep up the excellent work.

Posted: 04/06/2004 - 13:18
by Chris Abbott
Yeah, the silence isn't by choice: it's just we're waiting patiently to decide the venue. It will probably be at St. Luke's, but there's another possibility we want to exhaust first, and unfortunately it's taking some time for that to happen.


Posted: 04/06/2004 - 13:29
by Matrix
Crikey - with just 13 weeks left is it even a likley event for 2004 ?

Posted: 04/06/2004 - 14:20
by dan gillgrass
Matrix wrote:Crikey - with just 13 weeks left is it even a likley event for 2004 ?
Its gonna be at my house

Posted: 04/06/2004 - 14:33
by Chris Abbott
No, there will be an event, and it will be on September 11th. It's just there are two possible places in London it might be, and we don't know which one yet. Guaranteed it will be at one of them.
