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Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:29
by Kenz
Ooooh-kay, ALMOST everything will be audible and lovely ;)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:35
by renegade_si
thalamus wrote: stop comparing it to previous events and criticising what the gig didn't have, and just appreciate it for what it did).
how are you supposed to evolve if you don't try and be honest about your feelings at the time, hence why I wrote it last night. Absolutely as I said, I am honoured to have been to so many and for them to be so local to me, and I know that makes a difference. If I had to fly from Sweden each time, I'd goddam make sure I loved it. But ask those there, who rocked the most in the crowd? I'd like to go head to head (my neck still is locked now!) with whomever reckons they rocked more than me.

Constructive criticism is the word, and again as I staed, there was NOWHERE else I was gonna be last night, and if its in Copenhagen next year, Chris, put me down for a £50 ticket.

I love you all.


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:37
by Mayhem
A great night had by those who attended... some worse for wear so I've heard after they left :lol:

Apart from the dodgy lighting (switch on, switch off Daniel-san!) everything pretty much went to plan and one of the best evenings of my life music wise here.

As for Copenhagen next year, I say go for it! No doubt you're gonna make me visit Denmark for the first time in over 10 years so I can preserve my record of being to every single event put on (and yes that includes BIT Live Germany). But then again, PPoT are good enough excuse for me to have another mini-break holiday :)

Photos are being sorted as I type... so best get back to them...

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:48
by fnordpojk
merman wrote:- the lighting, which seemed to switch itself on/off at the wrong times
Yes, the light controller died(!), and the guy who did the lights wasn't used to the replacement one. Talk about bad luck.. :)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:12
by Bog
It was a superb day - not just the night. The pre-build in the pub, with people who weren't complete strangers - just friends who I hadn't met yet. With the surprises of Visa Roster, who rocked my fscking box.

Benn... I don't know what to say bar what I said in the pub - I wish I had your energy. I could lock you in a bare room with a stick, and you'd end up doing a drum-roll version of Gotterdammrung on the floor within ten minutes. You're creativity incarnate, and it's my privilege to share space with you once a year.

Chris... don't give up. Please.

PPOT. I love you guys individually and collectively. You chaps are Star Material, if only the world would remember what that means.

Lars. *slap* *HUG*

Makke. *slap* *HUG*


Marcel: With your blend of precision and artistry I can understand with what you do. Thank you again.

Fiddler... you crazy, beautiful bastard.

Jon. You rock. End of statement.

Visa Roster: You are indescribable, unique and beautiful.

Speaking strictly as an animator, an a visual artist of over ten year's not-small accomplishment ... who gives a wet slap what was happenning on the projector? I was there for the band. And yeah, I reached across to a guy who I'd only met the previous night, squeezed his shoulder and grinned like a crazy bastard... and he grinned back, knowing exactly what I was saying.

This rocks

Please. Don't let it stop now. Really. Please.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:18
by renegade_si
hmm someone squeezed MY shoulder during PPoT, but Bog, you were on the right of the stage as you viewed it this time weren't you!!!?!

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:19
by Bog
hmm someone squeezed MY shoulder during PPoT, but Bog, you were on the right of the stage as you viewed it this time weren't you!!!?!
How linear you humans are...

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:20
by renegade_si
where was this years wizball animation ;)

in the drink of course, cos who cares - as long as you can mosh to it!!

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:26
by Bog
where was this years wizball animation
Being completely honest... I dearly wanted to get a Zoids tribute done this year, but I was badly burgled in November with over ten thousand pounds' worth of equipment stolen.

Aside from the insurers screwing me for at least half of that, the information stolen was irreplacable. I've had over two years' work disappear with no comeback, because I operate on a simple decision: Stay competative in terms of CPU grunt and software upgrades, or buy backups. I don't charge enough to have both, and I'm charging as much as I possibly can as a one-man band.

I've been gutted by this, and have only just materially returned to the equipment stage I was at a year ago in terms of what I can do, at current standard, in one day. I'm very sorry, and I know I've let you guys down - Chris especially, but that's how it is.

It's been a very bad year, and I haven't been able to take the time out to do any creative work at all. I really am horribly, horribly sorry.

I wish this wasn't the case, but it is as simple as that. It takes one burglar ten minutes to destroy my ability to do creative work for at least one year. It's too much of a shame that DVD piracy is more of a crime than home burglary is. But there we go. I really hope the £40 that the guy got for my £2700 laptop went on bad heroin and that he's fscking dead.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:28
by Chris Abbott
Yeah, it's been a pretty crappy decade from 9/11 2001 onwards.


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:31
by Kenz
Chris Abbott wrote:Yeah, it's been a pretty crappy decade from 9/11 2001 onwards.
A few days of it were nice ... *bathes in the rosy glow of BitLive 2004*

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:36
by fnordpojk
Kenz wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Yeah, it's been a pretty crappy decade from 9/11 2001 onwards.
A few days of it were nice ... *bathes in the rosy glow of BitLive 2004*
And here I was thinking you were going to say something about your wedding, etc.. ;)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:36
by thalamus
Bog wrote:And yeah, I reached across to a guy who I'd only met the previous night, squeezed his shoulder and grinned like a crazy bastard... and he grinned back, knowing exactly what I was saying.
That was incredible moment #1.

#2 was that girl from Visa Roster emulating the SID. Weird but utterly fantastic.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:38
by Chris Abbott
> #2 was that girl from Visa Roster emulating the SID. Weird but
> utterly fantastic.
Human Race, eh? I loved that bit too! But then she was a cutie anyway... :oops:


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:39
by Bog

Yeah... we take it back. Now.