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Posted: 04/11/2006 - 1:15
by the_JinX
Well to make it short..

Misser made a couple of torrents,
Slaygon provided the tracker..

edit: 11-06 changed url

Posted: 04/11/2006 - 9:32
by Misser
the_JinX wrote:Well to make it short..

Misser made a couple of torrents,
Slaygon provided the tracker..
Damn you really are EVERYWHERE Jinxer :)

Have fun with the torrents ppl, atm i'm also Seeding them but Jinx and prolly Ziphoid will do the 24/7 seeding.

Updates when I can be arsed and if there is enough to make it worth the effort.

Posted: 04/11/2006 - 11:12
by the_JinX
I do expect a 2006_Complete somewhere januarish ;)

Ah well.. I'm glad to have this :)

thanks again Mark !

Posted: 04/11/2006 - 18:01
by Aero
This is totally awesome!! Now i can finally get those remixes i don't know i don't have and couldn't find out of before :D
I'll try to help seed

Posted: 04/11/2006 - 18:59
by Misser
Aero. glad you like it. the 'dump' i made is from around half august. So all removed tunes before that are not in there. I do got about 300 more but can't place them in a time frame :(

happy leeching and seeding.

Posted: 04/11/2006 - 21:18
by Aero
So many songs i somehow have missed or lost and looked for.. WOHO!
I wonder how we can get those other 300 in the right directories..
Too bad my memory is as bad as my french.
I guess you've already tried to check id3 and properties for the files?

Posted: 05/11/2006 - 1:40
by Analog-X64
I dont want to stir any trouble. But I've been collecting from RKO since before there was a cleanup of the SID+Drum stuff....far inferior stuff than what is available now. I wonder if anyone would be interested in those for historical purposes if anything else.

Posted: 05/11/2006 - 11:42
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Great stuff, Misser.

As some of you know I've toyed with the idea myself a couple of times, but never got around to following it all the way through due to the usual
not-enough-hours-in-a-day reason, so this is most welcome and gets the official RKO Stamp-of-Approval(tm).

A huge round of applause to you (and everyone who joins in on the seeding)

Posted: 05/11/2006 - 23:24
by the_JinX
Analog-X wrote:I dont want to stir any trouble. But I've been collecting from RKO since before there was a cleanup of the SID+Drum stuff....far inferior stuff than what is available now. I wonder if anyone would be interested in those for historical purposes if anything else.
Sure thing.. I'd like to have those too !
here are some 5 not in RKO ones in the torrents too though..

Posted: 05/11/2006 - 23:30
by Steve B
once i get my AOL set up again (long story) i will seed (once i have downloaded)
at the moment though, i am on a limited transfer broadband thingy :(

Posted: 06/11/2006 - 1:49
by Analog-X64
I've been quite busy since I've gotten back home with bunch of house stuff to take care of.

Anyways. I would like to join and help seeding. Do I just use the link provided in this Thread?

Posted: 06/11/2006 - 3:21
by Misser
Analog-X, just download the torrents from and start downloading, you start sharing the moment you download. After you get one complete you become a seeder.

I'm kinda sorry to not make it one whole dir, but that would be to big and to hard to update. So i went for the uploaded/added to RKO date thing, and that worked out nice imho.

@Jan, Yeah the RKO thing was something i tried to fix but could not. (must mail Slagge after a week if nothing changed) Nice to read you like the initiative and I hope I find the time to do those updates to the torrents.

Posted: 06/11/2006 - 8:49
by the_JinX
Slagge fixed it allready..

New link:

Posted: 06/11/2006 - 10:58
by Analog-X64
Misser wrote:Analog-X, just download the torrents from and start downloading, you start sharing the moment you download. After you get one complete you become a seeder.
It will be interesting to see if I'm missing anything, I think I have a complete set, already Just want to help out the scene and share.

What is the folder name/structure? So I can set everything up before I start the torrent. Currently my entire collection is in a single file folder.

Posted: 06/11/2006 - 11:24
by the_JinX
RKO-2000 Complete
RKO-2001 Complete
RKO-2002 Complete
RKO-2003 Complete
RKO-2004 Complete
RKO-2005 Complete

Just the mp3's in the folders based on year of upload/approval..