SLAY Radio gathering.

Radio shows, podcasts, live events, CD releases, etc...

If a SLAY Radio gathering was arranged, what are your chances of turning up?

I would turn up no matter what
I would certainly try to make it
It all depends on travelling costs
Only if you provide accomodation
I wouldn't turn up at all.
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Post by Raiden »

I will Try to make it also.. i dont wana miss this! :D
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Post by StormKeeper »

I would consider going, only I'm in Ireland. I did try booking a flight from Dublin, but it's booked out. I'd have to fly from Dublin to Stansted, then Stansted to Sweden, which works out at a bit too much effort on my part. I'll definately set aside some time at a later date, apart from August and September, as I'm heading to the US mid-August till mid-September, if things go to plan. I may head there anyway, even if things don't work out too well...
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Post by n3mo »

Tickets are booked.. ^^

I'll be in Gothenburg from thursday already due to travelling costs..
Managed to save 50% on travelling thursday, and 25% when travelling home sunday again.. chose the cheap way to do it.. ^^
Well.. only got the saving becoz I'm under 26 years of age..
Yay for DSB Wildcard!! ^^

Who will I be able to drink a few pints with thursday evening?? Meself?? ^^

Really looking forward to this event.. ^^
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Post by Chappers »

Looking likely it's a no-show from Chappers for this one. :(

The fact that I've yet to sort out a passport (yes, I'm very lazy) means it's looking remote for turning up in July...

Hark, do I hear the sound of a collective sigh of relief? :wink:
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Post by Vosla »

Paul Chapman wrote:Hark, do I hear the sound of a collective sigh of relief? :wink:
Funny, I actually thought of joining you guys at this event...

Nah, not really. The usual... no money.
All is lost.
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Where ???

Post by Dimmignatt »

Where in gothenburg will this be held ??
I checked up hotels and the total cost for travel (by car) and hotel from Friday to sunday becomes about 2370SKR which is fine by me since we are 3 in the car :) but a fourth person would be welcome.. Anyone in Stockholm or Norrköping ??

Also i wonder if there is a posibility to Camp anywhere ??
Use a tent would decrease the costs very much (but then again it depends on Where in gothenburg this is held??)
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Re: Where ???

Post by Makke »

Dimmignatt wrote:Anyone in Stockholm or Norrköping ??
I might be in Linköping around that time (which would make for a quick trip to Norrköping) since I'm probably spending midsommar there, but since I don't know yet I don't want to promis anything or make ararngements. I'll probably end up traveling from Kristianstad -> Göteborg.
Dimmignatt wrote:Use a tent would decrease the costs very much (but then again it depends on Where in gothenburg this is held??)
There's a small patch of grass outside Slaygon's place, but I'm not sure "allemansrätten" applies within the city limits. ;)
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Re: Where ???

Post by Slaygon »

Dimmignatt wrote:Also i wonder if there is a posibility to Camp anywhere ??
Use a tent would decrease the costs very much (but then again it depends on Where in gothenburg this is held??)
It can be a bit hard to find a spot for a tent in a city. =)
I am looking into a hotel (they promised to get back to me on Monday) to see if I can pre-book a bunch of rooms and get some discount.
I'll let you know on Monday how it went.
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Re: Where ???

Post by Makke »

Dimmignatt wrote:Anyone in Stockholm or Norrköping ??
Just had a talk with the mrs. If that seat is still open I can fill it, since I will be in Linköping then. I suspect you'll be passing by Linköping if you're driving Stockholm -> Norrköping -> Göteborg?
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Sure Makke!!!

Post by Dimmignatt »

sounds very good.. i just have to arrange the housingthingys down there so i know that i have a place to sleep and park my car without worrying about that it can be stolen or something like that..
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Post by Dimmignatt »

well i can borrow my parents car so that is not a problem :)
no it's only the sleeping arrangements left so until then i can't say for sure that i am coming..
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Re: Makke!!!

Post by Makke »

Dimmignatt wrote:well i can borrow my parents car so that is not a problem :)
Excellent! I'll tell Sara she can tag along for sure then. ;)

Oh, and I'll probably need a ride back to Linköping as well, so never mind what I said earlier about only needing a ride to Göteborg. ;)

We'll have to exchange phone numbers and such later...
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Post by Dimmignatt »

Only problem is that i have proberly have to take a train to linköping.
because i don't know if my girl is coming with me or not.. but i'll know that later this week..
but i'm going anyway so... :)
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Room Booked.. !!!

Post by Dimmignatt »

Now i have booked a room at Kville Hotel..
So me, my girlfriend and Floaf are definitly coming to the gathering.. :lol:

Shall be nice to put some faces to those names at the irc..

Makke: Vi planerar att påbörja våran avfärd ifrån Lkpg runt 12 på fredagen om det går bra för er ?
Vi kan ju byta telenr nästa gång vi ses på Irc'n.
Själv åker jag ner till Norrköping på torsdagen.

It's GOING TO BE VERY VERY FUN ... :twisted:
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Re: Room Booked.. !!!

Post by Makke »

Dimmignatt wrote:Makke: Vi planerar att påbörja våran avfärd ifrån Lkpg runt 12 på fredagen om det går bra för er ?
Jepp! Det funkar perfa!

Sara says:
Låter ju perfekt. De kan ju få komma in på lite kaffe innan avfärden också om de vill. :)
Dimmignatt wrote:Vi kan ju byta telenr nästa gång vi ses på Irc'n.
Indeed! :D
Dimmignatt wrote:It's GOING TO BE VERY VERY FUN ... :twisted:
It's going to be a very very big HIT hit hit hit.
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