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Posted: 01/06/2005 - 10:32
by Sidman 64
BIG THANKS TO WAZ - for all these places to stay :) "we should call you the Route Master or Tour Guide" :lol: :lol:
This is a big help and covers all the main places to stay 8)
All I will do now is see if there is any places which is very close to the venue & cost less :)
Like local guest houses - B & B'S etc etc.

Just to note that the Travel lodge on Broadway-Chadderton "as Waz stated" is possibly the best option as this is just of the M60 - is only 2 mile away from the venue - and is one of the cheapest.
It would only cost about £2.50 in a taxi to the venue "if you are planning on drinking on the night & not driving", where as if you stay in the centre of Manchester then it will cost about £9 in a taxi to the venue !!!!!.

I will post any Guest houses - B & B's that I find and think is ok to stay at.

Danceaway :)

Posted: 01/06/2005 - 10:50
by RetroMarkie
I'll be leading the Friday night Curry and Beer procession so any help on a good Indian would be fab! and may the happy times commence ...

Posted: 01/06/2005 - 11:10
by Chris Abbott
> so any help on a good Indian would be fab!
Gandhi? He was good.


Posted: 01/06/2005 - 12:22
by Subzero

Posted: 01/06/2005 - 14:24
by Sidman 64
There is an excellent Indian restaurant in Failsworth on Oldham Road - so if you are staying near the venue then this is perfect and really nice.
If not I know others - but this one is GREAT :)


Posted: 01/06/2005 - 16:50
by Matthew Cannon
All of the places I can recommend for a decent curry are in Rusholme (the 'curry mile' as it's known), but it's just a bit too far out of the way - shame.

Can't say I know any curry houses (of repute) in the north.

Curry... and SID... a near perfect combination? :D

Posted: 01/06/2005 - 20:48
by Waz
RetroMarkie wrote:I'll be leading the Friday night Curry and Beer procession so any help on a good Indian would be fab! and may the happy times commence ...
To be honest, if you want to sample a good curry in Manchester, then as Matthew Cannon already stated then the Curry Mile in the district of Rusholme is the place to go. Not only are the prices very reasonable, but you're not exactly lacking in choice of places either, there's around 40-50 of them within a mile stretch (hence the name). Try this site for a full guide:

If you're staying in Manchester city centre, it won't be hard to get there, simply hop on one of these buses from Piccadilly bus station:

41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 142, 143, 144, 145.

Combined they make Wilmslow Road the busiest stretch of road for buses in the whole of Europe (true) so I can't see you having any problems whatsoever. The buses also run back to the city centre till around 3am.

As for restaurants within the curry mile, my own favourite is Lal Haweli, 68 Wilmslow Road (0161 248 9700), I go there often myself and when Kwed was over in Manchester we went there and had an ace time. Check the independent reviews: ... l%20Haweli ... li_M14.asp

Other ones I can recommend in the area are:

Hanaan, 54-56 Wilmslow Road (0161 256 4786)
Shere Khan, 52 Wilmslow Road (0161 256 2624)
Sangam, 9-19 Wilmslow Road (0161 257 3922)

Whatever you do, do NOT go to the Royal Naz. They used to have a good reputation but recently the food's gone downhill and the staff were (according to a local news report) skimming people's credit and debit cards. Ouch. And another one to avoid is Lal Qila, the food last time I went was downright awful.

If a lot of you are going then I strongly suggest you pre-book a place in advance as some of these places get very busy on a Friday night - reputation and all that, you see.

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 6:54
by RetroMarkie
a plan is forming!

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 13:47
by Mayhem
Indeed... how far from the centre is the venue anyhow?

I'd be coming up on the Friday, so the plan would be to avoid all the rush hour traffic and then check in, and finally figure out how to get into town for any curry in the evening ;)

So yeah, any accommodation that is near the venue would be good :)

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 18:38
by Waz
Mayhem wrote:Indeed... how far from the centre is the venue anyhow?
Around 3 to 3.5 miles north of the city centre.

Posted: 03/06/2005 - 11:03
by Mayhem
Cheers... a bit of a way then. So it's pretty much either drive in there, or find a bus I guess.

Still, if all the action is at the venue, then not so much to worry about. Apart from any Friday night action :P

Posted: 03/06/2005 - 12:55
by Sidman 64
You can grab a taxi from the City centre and it will cost you around £8 to get to the venue.
Don't forget that there are plenty of Travel lodge type places etc, very close to the venue and if you stay there it's not that far for you to get to & from the City centre on the Friday night for a good old piss up & curry :D .
Also if your staying around the venue area, then you have more choices in where you can go for a good friday night out :D
You can hit Manchester city centre - 3 mile away
You can hit Oldham town centre - 2 mile away
Or you can stay around Failsworth area, or even try Woodhouses which is only 1 mile away from Failsworth and is a very nice country setting with some great pubs etc.

Also if you fancy a nice curry there are around 3 very good indian restaurants near by 8)
It all depends on how you all feel after traveling up to Manchester on the Friday, do I travel around Manchester centre or do I stay local to where I am staying near the venue.
Staying around near the venue - it will also save you on the DOSH :D

Hope this help's


Posted: 05/06/2005 - 13:31
by Mayhem
Oh yeah, that was the plan... stay somewhere near the venue and venture in for the Friday evening pissup and curry :P

Posted: 16/06/2005 - 0:00
by madfiddler
woah... are you guys in for a treat!!! :) Something new is always something good, something new and good is even better, and this something new you really really don't want to miss... trouble is... we're not going to tell you what it is... are we Chris... :twisted:

Up to you guys!!!!!

Help Chris out here, get your tickets early!!!! pretty please with g strings on top...

Posted: 16/06/2005 - 1:05
by Driller
I'm definitely going to this one :)

(especially as it's almost literally on my doorstep)