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Posted: 12/09/2005 - 23:22
by Matrix
I think this is the first time ive seen a drunken self confessed (and to the publisher no less) pirate protected on a forum (yakyak) where they frown on piracy.

So if he was stone cold sober - then im with mark - if he was drunk, he ought not to be allowed to the next event if he cant control his drinking.

I felt more for mark's violin and beer really, i thought it was going over - several times.... only reason nobody kicked up a fuss I thought was because he was more entertaining than the hibbert lot.

Sorry, but there it is. He may be a nice chap when sober, but he shouldnt drink at these events - or even pretend he has been. the whole thing was dire really - funny - but dire.

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 0:12
by Slick2097
Hi Chaps,

The drunken dancer was (as has been said) just simply drunk, no harm in that. Its not like he got up on stage and trashed the place or anything. We've all done something similar and drank to excess. Even me, and I don't drink (anymore).

The guy with the iPod, yeah unless there was more than one, he was with me. He doesn't get out much and has an inability to accept that people know more about him on any subject. Just take everything he says with a pinch of salt. He talks himself up too much but he's not actually like that in real life.

So if he caused offence or upset anyone, apologies from me on his behalf.

Anyway, I loved the event. I basically found out about it through MJ Hibbert's website and bought my ticket as soon as I could. hey hey 16k was good, the audio was not setup well for the rest of his set but it was still a good set which I really enjoyed.

PPOT, this was my first retrovision / BIT and as such, the first time I had heard any of these bands and I was totally blown away by not only PPOT but The fiddler and Rob and Stuck in D'80s ... absolutely awesome.

I bought the DVD, a few cd's a few t-shirts .. loved it. Wanted more and was desperately upset when I learned about it being the last one. Then, hurrah, SidStock appeared on posters on the sunday .. huzzah.

Big thanks to everyone who was involved, i had an awesome time (even though I didn't speak to many people (bit shy you see)) and I hope to see you all at future events (without iPod guy).


Posted: 13/09/2005 - 0:32
by Driller
As there was a guy with an iPod sat across from me, I can only talk about that guy. (if there WAS another guy then I never saw him). He didn't *do* anything at all to me, just that I thought it was a bit rude to be at a gig and to listen to his iPod.

As has been said a few times, there were some people being really loud and they were more disruptive.

I guess that since some people were new and some people were there to see MJ Hibbett, maybe some of the board and even regulars didnt know who everyone was. For all I knew, the iPod guy could have just come for the gaming and to see MJ Hibbett and had less interest in the C64 themed groups.

*my 2cents*

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 3:46
by Matrix
So basicly, if apple mase some management software called "iTeam", supervisors can no longer hound us with "theres no i in team" hehe.... Ok, that aside, we all know anything on an ipod is superior to the rest of the planet, so no point arguing that - he preffered what he had, so why buy a ticket to the conert ? mad if you ask me. If there was a point to be made - i missed it.

So, this feebles, was he drunk then or just putting it on ? Is this the same fella as confessed his want of abject piracy to Chris or was that mr iPod ?

I feel lost in facts.

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 7:30
by Chris Abbott
Matrix wrote:So basicly, if apple mase some management software called "iTeam", supervisors can no longer hound us with "theres no i in team" hehe.... Ok, that aside, we all know anything on an ipod is superior to the rest of the planet, so no point arguing that - he preffered what he had, so why buy a ticket to the conert ? mad if you ask me. If there was a point to be made - i missed it.

So, this feebles, was he drunk then or just putting it on ? Is this the same fella as confessed his want of abject piracy to Chris or was that mr iPod ?

I feel lost in facts.
Oh God, no. Feeblez = nice chap who liked taking photos and really enjoyed the music, but got a little sloshed.

Other guy = well, other guy.


Posted: 13/09/2005 - 7:36
by Jan Lund Thomsen
subzero wrote:oh - was nice to meet you Jan!!!!
Right back at'cha, subbers.

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 8:12
by Slick2097
iPod guy .. well lets just forget about him I think. He's all talk, no trousers as we say round here. He says a lot, does very little.

I've not had a chance to watch my BIT Live dvd's yet, i'm going to re-burn that disc 1 until the replacement arrives but from what I saw at the show, it looks absolutely superb.
For all I knew, the iPod guy could have just come for the gaming and to see MJ Hibbett and had less interest in the C64 themed groups.
Well I went there mainly for the gaming and to see MJ Hibbert, but once i'd heard the concert I was *converted*. I had no idea the C64 scene was still so large and the quality of music was simply awesome. Granted I didn't know anyone there, I didn't even recognise the musicians by sight, and some i'll confess to having never heard of before but I still really really enjoyed myself and hope to attend future events (and maybe speak to people this time).

I bought BackInTime3, the Creatures soundtrack (one of my all time favourites) and Pure 6581. The danceaway bonus cd was a nice touch. They are all superb, and they are all in my iTunes list on my work pc right now as i'm "working" away.


Posted: 13/09/2005 - 13:15
by Slick2097
I always try to sit in the same place, only talk when people are not performing and try not to walk about unless I absolutely have to when i'm at gigs, no matter who is performing or where I am.

Its the decent thing to do, they are making an effort to entertain people so i'll have the decency to make an effort not to move and possibly distract them.

Once the show was over, then I got up and thanked the musicians for a brilliant show. People talking and the like .. gets on my wick.

Sub: Sorry your "friends" were acting like that. Nothing worse than people like that. You should have just changed seats.

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 13:30
by madfiddler
I remember the singer in my old punk band got really pissed off with the audience talking.. He stopped singing, said "I may as well go home and have a wank instead of singing in front of you c's" and left... haha :D

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 13:38
by Chris Abbott
madfiddler wrote:I remember the singer in my old punk band got really pissed off with the audience talking.. He stopped singing, said "I may as well go home and have a wank instead of singing in front of you c's" and left... haha :D
Now THAT'S Rock 'n Roll.


Posted: 13/09/2005 - 16:20
by merman

I liked MJ Hibbett and the Validators, interesting to find out they've been around a long time (7 years) and have songs other than Hey Hey 16K - which was great fun. (I have a video file of their performance but it's on the large side). Very English in terms of lyrics/style, so may not have been everyone's cup of tea.

PPOT acoustic - awesome stuff. The cover of Thrust reminded me of the classic "Thrust Concert" demo.

Rob Hubbard & Mark Knight - no disrespect, but it would have been nice to have song titles/a bit more banter between songs. Amazing musicianship.

SID80s - where n is a number between 2 and 7 representing the number of people in the band ;) Good stuff yet again, nice to hear a new song in the repertoire (Think Twice III) - and it took a few moments to click (I blame the cider) that during Paperboy, there was a paperboy making a delivery to the stage :D

Retro gaming - great victory against Waz on Out Run 2 (just before the line!), great selection of games and machines from Console Passion & Retro Passion, and looks like House of the Dead 2 and a lightgun will have to be purchased as well

Socialising - started drinking Friday evening, had a few more Saturday and carried on Sunday. Met some new faces (Driller, Trooper, RS200, Tomsk), met up with some old friends (Tas, Mayhem, Waz, Chappers, Subzero, Kenz & Natz, Bog, Markie, Chris Abbott, Matrix and Sandra, and many more)

Kudos to Chris Abbott, Mark Rayson, Danceaway and Octave Sounds.

Venue - despite the location, it really worked. Smaller, more intimate and yet room to move around. And what more could you want? Waz was standing there Saturday evening with a pie in one hand, a Guinness in the other and the stage was less than 10 feet away. Perfection.

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 16:48
by betamax
subzero wrote:I was sitting with people who 'apparently' are friends of mine, so can they explain to me why all the way through the concert which i was quietly trying to enjoy they'd poke me in the guts, they slap me on the back, they'd fiddle with my glasses really did begin to piss me right off, all i wanted to do was sit quietly and enjoy the gig and they wouldnt even let me do that..Grrr
I think I chose that moment to say "hi". Sorry.

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 16:58
by Chris Abbott
Hi to all YakYakkers reading this :)


Posted: 13/09/2005 - 17:19
by Matrix
LMFAO !!! :lol:

Btw, thanks for straightning that whole feebles thing out for me.... anyone got a band-aid ? :lol:

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 17:45
by korruptor
Chris Abbott wrote:Hi to all YakYakkers reading this :)

Allo :D