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Posted: 10/02/2006 - 22:54
by gibs
dan gillgrass wrote:
gibs wrote:typical message from Eliott
Who is this guy? he seems to down vote lots of stuff when they have been getting good reviews
Maybe he is a musician who use another account to down vote the others :?:

Think about it !

Posted: 17/02/2006 - 13:44
by putzi
I´d rather say he is suffering from incest in the past and therefore his DNA being in a bad condition, causing him to talk shit only because he doesn´t know better... :lol:

Actually, he appears to write "reviews" only because he wants to see his name somewhere on the net. Just to be "important". Well, in his way and in his little world ofcourse only.

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 17:18
by Romeo Knight
I can at least say he's a weird personality - I had some mail contact with him the last days. He complained about me not putting my real name in the tags of my remixes (although it's in the arranger info page as well as on my hp) and kept hiding his own real name. Strange. :roll: :lol:
But that's it for me.

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 18:12
by LMan
He downvotes tunes for using "low quality" 128kpbs mp3 encoding, too. Oh well, I guess every community needs its trolls. ;)

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 18:19
by Chris Abbott
LMan / Remix64 wrote:He downvotes tunes for using "low quality" 128kpbs mp3 encoding, too. Oh well, I guess every community needs its trolls. ;)
I dunno, I could do without it.


Posted: 20/02/2006 - 18:25
by Vosla
At first I thought he was just a harsh critic... :/

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 18:26
by LMan
Chris Abbott wrote: I dunno, I could do without it.

You <i>could</i>, but you can't. They're everywhere! :eekout:

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 19:25
by Chris Abbott
LMan / Remix64 wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote: I dunno, I could do without it.

You <i>could</i>, but you can't. They're everywhere! :eekout:
Won't somebody PLEEEEASE think of the CHILDREN??!


Posted: 20/02/2006 - 21:15
by putzi
...or of the remixers having to puke at comments like Elicraps´ ...

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 21:31
by Chris Abbott
putzi wrote:...or of the remixers having to puke at comments like Elicraps´ ...
I'm sorry, the bitrate of that comment was too low. Marks have been deducted ;-)


Posted: 20/02/2006 - 21:35
by putzi
Which makes me think that E. is actually the owner of a dictionary for the English language, which leads him to highlights like using such a phrase. ;-)

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 9:30
by Max Levin

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 10:06
by putzi
"smeliot" = born to be a crapic (an incestive critic)

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 15:50
by Max Levin

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 19:08
by putzi