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Posted: 23/06/2003 - 14:15
by tas
I wasn't serious about that part markus, i was just toying :)

But i actually agree with ya. it'd be very hard to dance to many of the tunes. Anyone want to head bang to Thanatos orchestral version? Doesn't really happen does it ;)

hey new genre... Headbanging Orchestral. :)

Back in time live Germany

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 15:37
by Lucky1
Hi there,

I'ld like to say that this was a great event and thank you
Dr. Future and Markus.
Hope to see you soon. Perhaps in Brighton.......

Arkanoid after italian food

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 15:43
by Lucky1
Before I forget, have you been able
to finish that arkanoid or did you just leave
it the way it was. It was quite hot up there and
with three different kind of beers things didn't work
out the way the should :?

Anyway thank you very much.

I hope Dr.Future also has been able to clean his
place up after we crashed it like Marcel allready said.

Again all I can say is thank you very much!!!!!!


Posted: 23/06/2003 - 16:20
by Markus Schneider
Before I forget, have you been able
to finish that arkanoid or did you just leave
it the way it was.
Oh, I bought a VST-DXi adapter today and will convert everything to Sonar. Then I can work much faster than in Cubase :lol: and will finish it someday.

Very nice to meet you, Mike. Thanks for paying me the breakfast at Ralf Schumacher's Kart Racing. This was a huge portion, right Marcel ?!? :wink:

Hope to see you at Brighton again !

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 16:25
by tas
huge portion ;)

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 17:05
by tom
of what ? :wink:

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 17:12
by Marcel Donné
tom wrote:of what ? :wink:
Breakfast. :lol:

It was called "Bauernfrühstück" (Farmer's breakfast) and it really was a big plate full. So much so that I didn't have to eat until 18:00 :D

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 17:21
by tom
:lol: well, even if you'd would have been hungry that nite, i guess there wouldn't have been 2 seconds of spare time for you, right ??!!
Funny thing was, that close to midnite more and more people wanted to buy some cd's .. did they know that you'll take 'em away at 24:00h ??

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 17:34
by Rafael Dyll
Well, just for the records though, seeing as it looks like I'm always complaining... :wink:

It was a fun evening, thanks to Volker and everyone who made it possible. I realise that taste varies so with all respect, a big round of applause to Arvirus who made the (for me) impossible work: Our tracks played in a disco. 'Nuff said.


PS I'm not as mean as poeple think I am. 8)

The big fat breakfast

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 19:25
Well Markus you're welcome. I hope you liked it.... The breakfast :wink:
The italian food was also superb...BTW Marcel didn't eat till 18.00 hours and as far as I know him that was quite amazing :D

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 19:27
by DK
What a party!

Special thanks to Dr. Future who made all of this possible.

Special greetz to arvirus (good job, man!), 2klang, andré and marcel donné.

Hope to cya all soon!


Posted: 23/06/2003 - 20:06
by xantopi
It was my first C64 party, and it was great. Never thougt that there where so much people still like und use a commodore computer.

I reached the partyplace at about 20:00h, because we (a freind of mine and me) used the worng exit of the station and walked into the wrong direction ;( we only had to straid a head and ten rurn hard right.... I meet a lot of frindly people to talk with and have a cool time.

At about 4:30 we left the party and took the first train back to Hamburg. at the Station "Altuna" we should change the train (from S1 to S31). Bit at this station a voice said that all S31-trains will be canceld. so I tought "OK, then take the S21, it will also drive to "Berliner Tor" ". Sitting in the S21 i saw that the S31 was replaced by a S3, that had the same destination as the S31, but it was to late to run to the S3. So we had to wait 15 minutes at "Berliner Tor" instead of 3 minutes. At about 5:50 we reached our destination station. I was so happy as i reached my lovly bed ;)

All in all it was a graet weekend. I meet an old freind again, and was at a cool party.

If there will be another party in Germany i wish more Remnixes, and maybey some original SIDs from a real C64 ;)

greetings to all ...


and remember, 8 bit are enough....

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 20:09
by xantopi
a bit out of topic:

Was anyone of you at the 'Döner-Station' ? I've never been i such a shop where you can here Gabber/Harcdcoretechno Music :D

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 20:14
by Marcel Donné
I didn't. But we went to have a Döner-kebab just around the corner from Shooters before the event started :lol:

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 20:23
by Dr.Future
Was anyone of you at the 'Döner-Station' ? I've never been i such a shop where you can here Gabber/Harcdcoretechno Music
Hehe, yeah, a bit different than the usual stuff... :mrgreen: