The shape of the scene 10 years on

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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by analoq »

I tend to make remixes for one of two purposes:
  • for a compo
  • for an album project
What those activities have in common is they are community oriented activities. The idea of submitting music to vast collections (OCR/RKO) doesn't interest me and the remixes I do submit to these sites usually originate from one of the two aforementioned purposes - neither of which are very popular here.

So I think Analog-X64 has a good idea there with trying to get more community activities going. I've noticed analog people tend to have good ideas and are very smart & attractive as well. :nod:

Also, if you're interested in starting a competition I can set you up with the compo tool on ThaSauce (I developed it for them). It takes care of hosting and collecting votes, etc. It's handy.

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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by NecroPolo »

analoq wrote:I tend to make remixes for one of two purposes:
  • for a compo
  • for an album project
You seem to missed AROK#12 remix compo last month ;)
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by RobinsonMason »

Infamous wrote: I remember a thread by robinson mason where he challenged us to have a go at more obscure sids and even started to push them up for us to listen (waz also did this with similar results) and largely it was ignored which I think is a shame, I think that could do with a resurrection and maybe give little rewards for it too. Like if you go look over at the retro remakes page oddbob started doing "thing of the month" where you did a remake or a demake in a seasons theme or a months theme ... ie December people would make christmas related games or July it would be a summer game .. with bunny rabbits and stuff. We could do similar maybe to keep things interesting.
Hey, I'd love to sponsor another competition. I could give away gift certificates to Psytronik Software stuff or something like that. Last time I gave away a downloadable game certificate for Defender of the Crown to C64 Glen for a Spelunker remix he did on the fly. :)

There are still 10 or so game tunes that I love from rather popular games that have not been remixed yet, or perhaps once back in 2002 or something.

If you guys would be interested in that just let me know. I'm thinking some Electronic Arts games for the next go around.
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Makke »

In 10 years, I think this will be the only thread on this forum still active.
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by SarahKreuz31 »

Just a few thoughts,guys - in my terrible english, as always. :shock: I spend almost 1 hour reading most of the posts in this topic.

So.....Yes, there`s not much going on on this Forum (speaking of quantitative posts o`course!). I could change my daily visit into a "every 2-3 days".... and...yeah, I wouldn`t miss a single post. :!:
well, I can deal with it. But I`m sure there are some new registered (maybe even forthcoming) members, watching the activity of Remix64 a couple of days/weeks (to glance about) and thinking; WTF...this is a graveyard compared to other Forums (and this includes the "Radio (name removed)" Forum (and some other "small" Forums as well) - you may have noticed, that I`m a member there too).

You aren`t aware of this, if you`re browsing Remix64 from "the outside". Something I did for almost one Year and a half. Tons and tons of interesting posts, comments, and a lot of musicians discussin` about their "obsession". So much fun --->>> so many things to read. Once you`re registered and try to be a part of this (great) Remix64 community you have to recognize, that all these interesting people haven`t very much to say. Most of these guys are mute. A daily visit turns out to be a "okay, let`s read 2...maybe 3 interesting posts --- 3 minutes later; done".
well, that`s not plenty compared to roundabout 1000 registered Users (I think i read something like that over here !?).

We`re only a small (!) bunch of people in the "Radio (name removed)" Forum - and I know (I`m aware of your relationship with "(name removed)") you hate to read this...but: there`s much more goin` on overe there. On the other Hand: Sure, this isn`t an Emu-Community like "RomUlation". You simply CAN`T read all daily posts on "RomU" unless you spend 4,5 Hours a day. :help: And that doesn`t include answering.

Again: I have no prob with the low activity of most Remix64 members in this Forum (but of course it would be great if there`s much more going on over here :nod: ). But: I`m sure people do exist who leave this place after they`re registered and are about to glance about. Since every new member tries to avoid spamming and (well, that goes for me :lol: ) takes a look around of what`s going on here the first few days.
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Analog-X64 »

SarahKreuz31 wrote: Again: I have no prob with the low activity of most Remix64 members in this Forum (but of course it would be great if there`s much more going on over here :nod: ). But: I`m sure people do exist who leave this place after they`re registered and are about to glance about. Since every new member tries to avoid spamming and (well, that goes for me :lol: ) takes a look around of what`s going on here the first few days.
Yup same here, I love this site and the people here, I wish the activity level would go up a little... however when there is some kind of activity, its usually of a music w.i.p of good quality. Like the recent dubstep test
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Chris Abbott »

Analog-X64 wrote:
SarahKreuz31 wrote: Again: I have no prob with the low activity of most Remix64 members in this Forum (but of course it would be great if there`s much more going on over here :nod: ). But: I`m sure people do exist who leave this place after they`re registered and are about to glance about. Since every new member tries to avoid spamming and (well, that goes for me :lol: ) takes a look around of what`s going on here the first few days.
Yup same here, I love this site and the people here, I wish the activity level would go up a little... however when there is some kind of activity, its usually of a music w.i.p of good quality. Like the recent dubstep test
I've been in the scene for 16 years. I ran out of things to say ages ago, except for ignoring Beyond, that's always fun. I really feel sorry for people who came into the scene recently: they've missed so much.

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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Infamous »

Oh I dunno theres still plenty to see, yeah I guess compared to yesteryear with all the bit lives to go to and so on and so forth its a little less "buzzing" but there are still plenty of things happening to keep the old and the new happy.

The radio stuff as i said before is definitely the life blood of the scene now in my opinion.

and I do think its helped ALOT that electro music uses alot of sid noises to flesh out its dancey flavours .. someone goes and wiki's a tune and usually someones been kind enough to mention that quadrasid was used or a hard sid etc and then they come looking for the sid sound and find us... you.. him. .. her .. etc.
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Razmo »

Chris Abbott wrote:
Analog-X64 wrote:
SarahKreuz31 wrote: Again: I have no prob with the low activity of most Remix64 members in this Forum (but of course it would be great if there`s much more going on over here :nod: ). But: I`m sure people do exist who leave this place after they`re registered and are about to glance about. Since every new member tries to avoid spamming and (well, that goes for me :lol: ) takes a look around of what`s going on here the first few days.
Yup same here, I love this site and the people here, I wish the activity level would go up a little... however when there is some kind of activity, its usually of a music w.i.p of good quality. Like the recent dubstep test
I've been in the scene for 16 years. I ran out of things to say ages ago, except for ignoring Beyond, that's always fun. I really feel sorry for people who came into the scene recently: they've missed so much.

THat almost sounds like a "give up" call.... I can understand if some of you "big guys" in the scene are getting tired/bored with it, but if you want the scene to keep going, something has to be done... I myself personally are really getting bored in here to say the least... the musicians forum is almost completely dead, and the only sure poster to a thread is Analog-X64 (thank you!... you participate more than you think by ANSWERING people! :worship: )

It may sound arrogant, I do not know, but recently I threw in 256 C64 samples for free in the forum, and if I compare how many responses I got from that weeks hard work to what I got from a danish forum run by Lagerfeldt, the difference is STAGGERING! (5 responses here, 24 on the other forum) ... and this is quite a shame taken into account that this is a C64 musicians forum! the other one is for pop music in general.

That leaves something to think about... I'm thinking if all the remixers from RKO are here at all!? ... and if yes, then wgy they say so little... there are regularly many new tunes coming ot from RKO so there HAS to be some connection problem between RKO and Remix64, and sometimes I get the feeling that the people who run this site just really don't care that much anymore, so they let RKO spit out, and everyone to themselves after that.

Maybe I'm being a bit rough, but sometimes I just have to get out my feelings, and this is what I think... unfortunately. The remixers get nothing for their remixes on RKO, and the little feedback from the shouts there is what drives them to continue... for as long as it lasts.

The charm has left Remix64... it feels more and more like a "ghost town".
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Analog-X64 »

Remix64 is a complicated site, I've tried to understand how it works, but I cant seem to be able to put my finger on it. There are members how have not been on here since 2002 so you would think we can simply give up on them, but then all of a sudden one of them will show up out of the blue and ask a question or share a remix.

We also have some fairly regular members who post time to time and the strangest topics seem to take off like the current "Ignore this thread"

I try to liven things up with what I think could be topics that can muster up conversation but If I'm lucky I may get one or two reply's and fizzle.

I got some good feedback when I asked peoples opinions on audio interface and headphones, but would have loved to have seen as much movement on that thread as there is on the ignore this thread. Why did I ask about audio/headphone questions on Remix64 vs any other audio site? because I want to hear feedback from people who enjoy the same style of music as I do. Which is ofcourse C64 remixes and other electronic type of music.

For example I would not have asked about audio interface and headphone quality on a Forum that does American Country Music or Classical music, because I dont listen to that type of music and maybe the type of equipment those people use may not suite the style of music I listen to.

Like Sarah mentioned, new people show up, and think this site is dead, when in actuality its not.

If veterans feel they have nothing to say, there is not much I or Razmo could do about it. I just hope we dont lose the little that we already have.
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Razmo »

One thing I've noticed is, that SOME forum cattegories are more alive than others, but especially the musicians forum is dead, and I think that this is part of the problem. The remixers themselves have lost the spirit to keep the scene alive in here... they keep on spitting remixes out, but they never talk to one another in here anymore really (of course there is the rare exeption). New remixers that come here to try and get a bit of feedback with others with a passion for the C64 will get very disappointed (I am for sure).

It seems like those Chris was talking about that had participated in all the fun in the past have forgotten, that they themselves are a part of keeping the scene alive... it's like they threw a gigantic party once, and are now deserting it, thinking that new people will start new parties themselves, but the problem with that is, that those that "left the building" are the ones old enough to enjoy the C64 sound by itself... they grew up with it... the newcommers are not as old and may not have experienced the glory days of C64 like we have, and they cannot "start a new party" without the old geeks who know the drill.... it's like going to school, having all teachers leaving school, demanding that the kids learn the drill by themselves.

Of course noone can pressure any of the "elders" to participate if they have lived the scene through and just don't WANT to do this anymore... I just say that IF this site is going to fizzle with life again as it once did, then everyone has to take a part in it... the "elders" cannot just sit back and enjoy the ride like retired C64-nerds not participating and showing their affection for the SID sound... it will not work (I think).... This site really give the impression that C64 remixing is NOT in anymore, and that is the problem!
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Vosla »

When you feel that you can't contribute anything usable to a thread, you will lurk instead. I don't think I'd wisen up the last years but I lurk a lot more without posting so much shit like before - still annoying people but not that much any more. In my case it's not that I am fed up with the scene or C64 remixes but I'm physically too tired to invest energy in ANY kind of activity.
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by SarahKreuz31 »

yeah, this is also the Forum for,isn`t it? So I`m sure many more Users will visit Remix64 (just like me) in the foreseeable future, who`d grown up with an Amiga instead the C64. (I was Twelve when my father bought me the A500 - had a fantastic Time with the old C64 of my father BUT...most good memories are allied with the Amiga and the community I have to say). For the "Retro-feeling", the Remixes or whatever intention they got (starting to create some Remixes for themselves and using this Forum to get advice for example). I`m sure many more Visitors will come to Remix64. But...don`t know if they will stay (as I mentioned in my earlier post) ;)

My cousin is 26 now. And he had an Amiga too as a Kid. So, who knows if he won`t show up here in five or ten Years or so !? If he`s in the "right mood" to step aboard and take a trip to the past of great Amiga-Days (if you know what I mean :roll: ) And , that`s a fact, every Amiga-User loves the C64 as well. Haven`t met anybody who don`t - and I met a lot o`people (well, not so many in RL that`s for sure....but you know what I mean, forums, german freeware Mags and stuff like that)
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Razmo »

Vosla wrote:When you feel that you can't contribute anything usable to a thread, you will lurk instead. I don't think I'd wisen up the last years but I lurk a lot more without posting so much shit like before - still annoying people but not that much any more. In my case it's not that I am fed up with the scene or C64 remixes but I'm physically too tired to invest energy in ANY kind of activity.
I agree with this also... I believe that many might be "lurking" in the shadows, but the problem with this is that none of the "active" members can see this, and when they begin to think everyone has left, they stop writing as well, becoming "lurkers"... at some point some will have gotten the feeling that too many have left, and desert the place themselves.

Not much fun when we end up sitting silently waiting for everyone else to start something interresting... not that I'm targeting you Vosla, not at all, it's just a bad trend that I myself is beginning to do also... just... "lurking" because I still enjoy the C64 and the scene, but won't write anything because there won't be any significant hightened activity from it in the long run... but I'm here nonetheless... it's just a matter of how long I will be...

What other members view on this thing is, is of course their own decision, and what I write here is solely my OWN opinion and view of things... I might be wrong about some of my asumptions, but when noone intervenes proving you wrong, You can only believe what you think yourself. I see a relatively DEAD forum that shows little activity making ME believe that the community is dying... maybe not the Remixing, but the community sure seems to go that way (for me).
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: The shape of the scene 10 years on

Post by Chris Abbott »

SarahKreuz31 wrote:and I know (I`m aware of your relationship with "(name removed)") you hate to read this...but: there`s much more goin` on overe there.
Sarah, no one here is in competition with that forum, or that person. We don't "hate to read" that people are having fun over at the Radio (name removed) forum. It's simply two different unconnected places for people to go. It's good you're here, it's good you're there. In fact, you've been very positive here, so thanks for that.

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