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Ok then I'm a geek, it's official!<G>

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 13:04
by Hacky
Chris Abbott wrote...
BTW: you look like Danny Wallace, Dave Gorman's mate.
Who the hell is he? Show me pics!<G>
The pic I took of myself for the forum looks a bit wierd coz of having to make it so small, try the orig and re-evaluate.<G>


re ads don't make more people come.
Ok, so that basically means that that room was filled with the UK's supply of remaining C=64 geeks! Help! I'm one of such a small sect! I think it's time I booked some serious therapy!

It's a bummer the whole thing can't be made into a money maker, or at least a cost coverer, coz I know it's damn hard to do something like this if you can't make it into a kind of 'job' on the side or something. MUCH respect to you sir for carrying on with it even though it is basically costing YOU money to do it. I shall buy the DVD as soon as it is available!

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 17:37
by Chris Abbott
I think there would be a fair few old developers interested. I know a number of people who could have made it if I'd told them about it a bit sooner. Is there no chance a getting another feature in Edge magazine a month before, tied to some sort of preview of the next event? There are always ways to blag...
Edge are so snotty, I think this would be a double-edged sword, to be honest. Every time I've had coverage they've managed to say something snidey which completely counteracts any positive effects.

And speaking of which, are any magazines doing any sort of report about it?
GamesTM might, though I didn't actually meet anyone from that magazine (or the Brighton Argus, who were also going to). If they do, I don't know about it!

Mike, you supported the event by coming! ;-)

But there is a payment page at if anyone feels like donating, or my paypal is

Note: trying to pay me negative numbers to I end up paying you only works in the game Bureaucracy :)


Posted: 16/09/2003 - 18:30
by Zeb
Somewhere south in the UK suits me fine!

I almost didn't make it due to finances but I sure am glad I did!