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Posted: 05/07/2007 - 9:56
by Mayhem
You can contribute to other groups on Flickr with a free account afaik, but the free one only allows to upload 200 photos to it. I suspect Waz has a lot more photos than that he wishes to upload! ;)

I went pro myself and it's some money well worth spending... means I can also have unlimited sets too (the free account only allows you 3).

Posted: 05/07/2007 - 11:06
by Waz
Mayhem wrote:You can contribute to other groups on Flickr with a free account afaik, but the free one only allows to upload 200 photos to it.
It's 200 photos to your own free Flickr account, which can include groups as well (you just assign a set within to the group). So for me, I uploaded 115 pics, all associated to a BITlive set, but also associated to the official BITLive Flickr group as well.
Mayhem wrote:I suspect Waz has a lot more photos than that he wishes to upload! ;)
All the ones I took from the recent London shindig are up there. I didn't hold anything back, even the shots where I've got tons of redeye and look rather spooky! If I do go Pro, I'm going to upload all my other BITLive pics (there's around 120 or so from Manchester 2005 alone, as well as the 2002 Gossips gig including rehearsals and the classic pic of PPOT outside the shop with the Commodore logo, ooh yes..., and even the early BITLives with the old Kodak DC215. Cue Boz playing "Oh No" at Chris' place...)

Posted: 05/07/2007 - 20:28
by naughtyboy
What a show!

Special thanx to Chris "bullet train" Abbott for putting the event together and making sure we had a c64 to play live by all means necessary~! He is also publishing our new CD "Confidential 64" to be released something this fall/winter. Thank you!

Another special thanx to Ziphoid. He worked the merch booth like there was no tomorrow! He also hooked up with us in Sweden for a nice gig. Thank you!

To Jeroen Tel, he is the ELVIS of sid...I've never seen a live show like his! He can make a crowd of straight men dance! lmao!

Thank you all who attended and supported the scene! It was great to see everyone in the c64 sene again, face to face...


Posted: 06/07/2007 - 18:15
by naughtyboy
Ziphoid wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:How does the feel of these micromusic events compare with BIT Live?

Well, to be honest, the event yesterday was VERY amateuristic in all aspects. You could notice that 8BW and CH had been playing a bit more since last Friday and FirestARTer had a quite cool set run by 4 Gameboys and a GP2X running a C64 emulator, but the overall arranging of the even was just not good.

The nerd-level was a lot higher (even though the BIT Live events have their share of nerds as well ;)), but overall it was a friendly atmosphere, although not many visitors.

Seth, Michelle and Melissa was nice and talkative as before and it was worth going there just to get to talk to them again...
It was really kool to meet up with Ziphoid in sweden!

I think there is room for improvement there, but they did get 500+ peeps to attend on a tues day! :)

Posted: 06/07/2007 - 18:21
by Chris Abbott
naughtyboy wrote:
Ziphoid wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:How does the feel of these micromusic events compare with BIT Live?

Well, to be honest, the event yesterday was VERY amateuristic in all aspects. You could notice that 8BW and CH had been playing a bit more since last Friday and FirestARTer had a quite cool set run by 4 Gameboys and a GP2X running a C64 emulator, but the overall arranging of the even was just not good.

The nerd-level was a lot higher (even though the BIT Live events have their share of nerds as well ;)), but overall it was a friendly atmosphere, although not many visitors.

Seth, Michelle and Melissa was nice and talkative as before and it was worth going there just to get to talk to them again...
It was really kool to meet up with Ziphoid in sweden!

I think there is room for improvement there, but they did get 500+ peeps to attend on a tues day! :)
Yeah, such numbers are impossible in the UK *sigh*


Posted: 06/07/2007 - 19:55
by naughtyboy
That's too bad, why is it so?

-Seth :)

Posted: 06/07/2007 - 20:03
by the_JinX
And as you've seen in Castricum (Netherlands) it's hard to fill a room in .nl too ...

Was a great show btw . . didn't even notice the "broken" 128 sound . .

Thx again for a wonderful evening :)

Posted: 09/07/2007 - 19:05
by tas
naughtyboy wrote:That's too bad, why is it so?

-Seth :)
Possibly down to culture?!?!

Britian, especially England seems to me at least more more reserved as a whole than other European countries.. I can't imagine an event like Assembly or other things being a success over here. It's of little surprise why these big orchestral events that are happening over the world has never surfaced in the UK.

One thing i noticed was when i went to America there were musicians just jamming not playing anything in particular just giving it the good old jam and enjoying themselves doing it. It was great, I loved it.. They just played their heart out just doing what they loved and the crowds gathered around over a few drinks. It was great to see and it was very social. A far flung cry what the UK is about. There's bands playing in the clubs and pubs of which i enjoy seeing but something about those musicians just giving it a jam made it more personal and totally enjoyable.

I think the UK has become far too much mainstream and in that way has lost it's own identity and it's creativity. I'd love to visit the US again just for those moments.

I've just finished reading Mike Oldfields autobiograhy and it was an amazing read. He mentions often that he used to jam in clubs even when Tubular Bells was successful and he felt at home there, thats something we've lost over time and i'd rather have it back!

Posted: 10/07/2007 - 19:15
by Jan Lund Thomsen
merman wrote:I'd forgotten all about the Kwed head transplant photo :lol:
WTF?!? :)

/me looks through Tomsk photo-album and starts giggling like a madman. Good one, Andrew.

Posted: 16/07/2007 - 23:29
by StormKeeper
Ziphoid wrote:*hmmm* Care to put the pics on a host that doesn't require a login? I've already got WAY too many accounts on stray websites I seldom visit... :)

If you haven't got any other options, just send them to me and I'll add them to my gallery at to collect some more pics in one place...
Oh, sorry... I thought that they were actually set in such a way that anyone could access them... :oops:

I'll upload them to my personal webspace over the next couple of days... once I get my gallery sorted out.