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Posted: 27/09/2004 - 20:11
by madfiddler
I'd just like to have the last word here, and say that for BIT London, I don't know if ANY of the performers (including me) ended up asking for expenses....

Posted: 27/09/2004 - 20:44
by Chris Abbott
I'd just like to have the last word here, and say that for BIT London, I don't know if ANY of the performers (including me) ended up asking for expenses....
OK, you can have the last word ;-) I'm grateful to everybody!

(OK, that was really the last word. Fluffy, huh? :)


Posted: 27/09/2004 - 21:08
by madfiddler
flit kills moths

Posted: 27/09/2004 - 22:46
by DHS
Ok, last word, but i'm too "arrogant" to not have *my* last word:
madfiddler wrote:I'll let Ben know that it's an honour for him to play at BITLive too, shall I? oh and Rob last year....
Talking about performers or about guest stars not being part of the scene (even if inspirer of the scene)?
madfiddler wrote: I think you're already being arrogant in that reply.
I'm surely arrogant in my replies, at least i don't consider myself a guest star or a guy at the level of Ben or Rob.

Arrogant cheers.

Posted: 27/09/2004 - 22:57
by skitz
COME ON GUYS..... PLAY NICE :twisted:

Posted: 27/09/2004 - 22:57
by Chris Abbott
> at least i don't consider myself a guest star or a guy at the level of
> Ben or Rob.
Er, I guess you haven't seen Mark perform? If you have, you'll understand that you just said something _really_ inappropriate!! The fact that he's on the poster should say something... :) Not to take anything away from the other performers, of course...


Posted: 28/09/2004 - 5:43
by Matrix
Yikes ... Flame War ! :roll:

Posted: 28/09/2004 - 9:40
by DHS
Flame war?

Not really my intention.

I don't doubt at all the skills of Mark (and no, i still didn't have the luck to hear his performances, looking forward to it in a next event) while i admitted many times without problems i'm a technician, not a musician.

This isn't a race to see who's got the biggest one.

As i said in a previous post, i don't see the point in a scener to be or not a pro. A scener is a scener. A guest star (and inspirer of the scene) is a different matter. Of course, the two figures may coincide (Ben, Rob) or may nor (Fred, Martin). I'm not arguing about paying guest star performances or presence. I was talking about sceners playing for the scene.

I exposed my POV, stating clearly it would have been arrogant to assume it should be applied to everyone out there. For that, i have been marked as an arrogant. Whatever, every reader can get his conclusions. No problems.

No more words on the question from me: I already wasted too much time.


Posted: 28/09/2004 - 10:09
by Chris Abbott
> This isn't a race to see who's got the biggest one.
That's lucky. 'Cos I hear it's Boz ;-)


Posted: 28/09/2004 - 10:24
by Cheetor
Time for me to jump in on this one...!! 8)

Purely from a financial point of view, you have to locate an event where it makes the most sense to get as many people attending as possible (so a central location for your key audience is a must) as well as the best location for your guests.

In addition, you've got to take into consideration venue costs, equipment hire costs, transport and everything else, and some venues are going to be cheaper than others.

To give you an idea, I ran a Transformers convention in May this year in Birmingham - central to the whole of the UK - and there was another held in London in August. Comparing the two, ours ran for two days and charged £15 admission, the other ran for one day and also charged £15 for admission.

We had more people attending ours because of the location (approximately 50% more from estimates), more guests attending (including an actor from the US), we gave all attendees items as part of the admission price including a full colour magazine (those attending the London event received nothing) and our convention cost approximately £4,500 to put on for the weekend held in a hotel compared with about £6,000 for the one-day London event that was held in a sports hall.

I know running a convention and a concert are two different things, but the basic principle is the same in terms of cost variations and location playing a key part. We know that a massive part of the costs for the other event were taken up purely because of where it was held and the attendance figures struggled for the same reason.

I'm sorry for going slightly off track, but I thought the example would give you an idea of what could be possible with a BIT Live in Copenhagen, especially with the mainland European scene presence and how it could be less stressful financially on Chris.