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Posted: 05/06/2005 - 1:33
by Angus
Men va fanken!!!
First time in 3 years I'm able to return back to Sweden/Gothenburg, I arrive 1st week of August and not July! :(

Oh well...

Posted: 06/06/2005 - 8:41
by Makke
Angus wrote:First time in 3 years I'm able to return back to Sweden/Gothenburg, I arrive 1st week of August and not July!
That's sooo unfortunate! :(

Posted: 06/06/2005 - 17:03
by westerling
trace wrote:If the slay-gath... is the first weekend in july i can't make it, my wife is away that weekend... :cry:
I don´t see the problem. Sometimes I love when my girl is away so I can do whatever I like. :clap: :wink: Don´t get me wrong; I love her. :D

Posted: 06/06/2005 - 19:55
by westerling
I wonder what is happening on a typical gathering like this. That´s why I have decided to go and join you. :cheers:

Posted: 12/06/2005 - 20:28
by StormKeeper
It's looking increasingly likely I'll be able to make this :)

Posted: 14/06/2005 - 7:26
by nib
Well I guess I'm supposed to say Hi or something since this is my first post here. =)

So... Hi everyone.

I certainly hope that I'll be able to make it to Götet at that date. And if I'm lucky I have somwhere to sleep too.

Cu all

EDIT: Luck is not with me atm.. =/

Does anyone have a floor one can sleep on? I demand nothing more than a floor and access to a shower. 8)

Posted: 18/06/2005 - 10:48
by Makke

I got my "reporter kit" now, so there will be a SLAY Radio Gathering Special show with scene celebrity interviews, reports and drunken ramblings, all in the usual SLAY Radio style.

The REPORTER KIT (tm) is comprised of a Sony MZ-NH700 mini disc, a Shure SM58 mic and a variaty of cables (of different lengths and colours), all nicely tucked away in a Skyddsmaskväska 90!

Wooohooo! I rule!

U-S-A! U-S-A!

Posted: 18/06/2005 - 18:58
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Makke wrote:Wooohooo! I rule!

U-S-A! U-S-A!
You're drunk, right? .... Sipping a Newkie Brown myself while trying to get some GDI+ code done. I swear it's the early days with the VIC-20 and Superexpander all over again. Maybe I'll finally produce that LOGO clone I wanted to do back then. Only 20 years late. :D

Incidentally, if someone doesn't volunteer to send a Copenhagen<->Göterborg train ticket over (reimbursed once I get there of course) I'll have to miss out on the gathering. Danish Rails charge an arm and a leg to take one there, and I need all my limbs for the upcoming holiday with the missus. :D

Posted: 19/06/2005 - 21:46
by fnordpojk
I have a floor, if anyone needs a place to sleep.

And Jan, I can arrange that. Email me.

Posted: 20/06/2005 - 13:43
by Makke
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:You're drunk, right?
I was well on my way to The Land Of Drunken Bliss, yes. :)

Got one six pack of Guinness and one six pack of Kilkenny as a late birthday present, all of which (naturally) had to be consumed as quickly as possible. Not to mention the rest of the stuff I had that day. Mmm... 'twas a good day...but a not so good day after...

Now I'm just waiting for the midsommar pissup, and then there's the SLAY Gathering pissup...and then there's the Kristianstadsdagarna pissup...I love summer!

Posted: 20/06/2005 - 18:12
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Makke wrote:and then there's the SLAY Gathering pissup...and then there's the Kristianstadsdagarna pissup...I love summer!
And the SLAY Gathering will feature yours truly, as Fnord just set me up with regards to the train logistics. w00h00!

Posted: 20/06/2005 - 18:25
by Makke
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:And the SLAY Gathering will feature yours truly, as Fnord just set me up with regards to the train logistics. w00h00!
Best news of the day! :D

Posted: 20/06/2005 - 19:11
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Makke wrote:
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:And the SLAY Gathering will feature yours truly, as Fnord just set me up with regards to the train logistics. w00h00!
Best news of the day! :D

Mind you, Aurora and Rayza plugging the C64 Take-away on todays VGDJ installment and saying it's good for people who like "listening to sexy european voices." comes in at a close 2nd. :D

Posted: 24/06/2005 - 1:06
by n3mo
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:And the SLAY Gathering will feature yours truly, as Fnord just set me up with regards to the train logistics. w00h00!
Another dane to the Gathering! ^^

I will be there!! Tickets are booked at Kville Hotel,
Traintickets wasn't expensive.. But it means that I will be in Gothburg already at thursday! I REALLY get to check out Kville!! ^^

Wonders who's around that day?!

Posted: 24/06/2005 - 7:35
by Floaf
Weee... Only a week away... Better start practise some english :-)