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Posted: 27/09/2006 - 16:48
by Chris Abbott
I was already getting Kenz to do the poster and banner, although I do like what Matrix came up with sneakily in the previous post. The Kenz style was associated with that period, and I'm kind of nostalgic for it :) And, more importantly, so is he. Mind you, that's some good 8-bit-alike work. Daaamn!

The line up is:

Seth Sternberger (definite)
Jeroen Tel (I asked him, it's not confirmed)
DJ Skitz @ Spitz

I'm sure that will grow a little, but only using people who were coming already, since I've got to keep this one within its budget.

Entry will be a tenner, which will hopefully not bankrupt anybody. Because tickets and lists are mostly being controlled by the venue, only actual event staff get freebies: currently that means me, Kenz, Skitz, Seth and Jeroen. And the C64 Mafia if they can do something :) And Boz if he does Perhaps-a-Doobie Live ;-) Obviously a Slay Radio stream would be cool. Perhaps a Z-show reunited :)

There will be definite CD releases at the event, but that will be clarified later on: they may be limited edition CDR releases though.

The main theme of this one is "Remixers Unite", so I'm hoping all remixers will be able to make it :)


Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:00
by Matrix
EEekk, im toe stepping...

* hands the mantle over to kenz :lol: sorry bud, didn't know.

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:08
by Chris Abbott
Matrix wrote:EEekk, im toe stepping...

* hands the mantle over to kenz :lol: sorry bud, didn't know.
Well, that looked very promising what you were doing... I'll have a chat with Kenz... now! :)

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:12
by Chris Abbott
Chris Abbott wrote:
Matrix wrote:EEekk, im toe stepping...

* hands the mantle over to kenz :lol: sorry bud, didn't know.
Well, that looked very promising what you were doing... I'll have a chat with Kenz... now! :)
OK, Kenz loved your work and as long as we keep the 8-bit style it should be koolio!! Now let's see the whole thing you slacker :)


Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:15
by Matrix
Errrr... :( i just deleted it, a minute or so after reading kenz was doing it...

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:17
by Chris Abbott

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:24
by Matrix
Undeleted from the trash folder (lukily I hadn't emptied it yet). But, err, i'm really toe stepping here and it's a pet hate of mine. I appreciate the comment but i'm a big ole' believer in one designer per job. and it was only a 10 minute thing anyway just for the fun of it really. May bang it on a t-shirt for the event mind...


Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:25
by Chris Abbott
Matrix wrote:Undeleted from the trash folder (lukily I hadn't emptied it yet). But, err, i'm really toe stepping here and it's a pet hate of mine. I appreciate the comment but i'm a big ole' believer in one designer per job. and it was only a 10 minute thing anyway just for the fun of it really. May bang it on a t-shirt for the event mind...

No, Kenz has completely backed off in awe: the floor's yours! Tell the truth, I think he was a bit relieved. "Chris", he said to me, "I'm relieved!! Don't make me work again!"

Now we need to shoehorn the details in there, and we're set, though I think maybe "Sid and the City" should be a lot smaller so we can put a fuckoff big "8-Bit Weapon" in there (perhaps we can borrow his logo).

Still waiting for confirmation from Jeroen: I've emailed him myself, but if we all prod, then we can get him to confirm faster so the poster can contain his genius :)

And we should put the C64 mafia in there somewhere! Even if not all of them make it, we can fill in ;-)


Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:29
by Matrix
I knew I shouldn't have posted that sample... :? now i feel i've stepped on toes AND upset somone... i'm not of the muscleing in mindset. I'd love to see what kenz wanted to do actually, I love his work to BITS... hehe "bits" geddit ;)

No but seriously.. kenz is ya man.

* (sees the edited added info)

The details are everything after all ;)
Re: the design, it's VERY rough... just ideas bouncing around inside me bonse at the moment anyway.

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:34
by Chris Abbott
Matrix wrote:I knew I shouldn't have posted that sample... :? now i feel i've stepped on toes AND upset somone... i'm not of the muscleing in mindset. I'd love to see what kenz wanted to do actually, I love his work to BITS... hehe "bits" geddit ;)

No but seriously.. kenz is ya man.
No, seriously, he wasn't in the least bit upset! Honest!! What you made us do was to consider the unapologetic "8-bit look" instead of the old look! Forget what happened with BIT Live 'n all that, no one else is lining up, and you've already produced something we only need to tweak to get it ready. Don't make me slave drive Kenz to reproduce your work :)

D'oh!! Someone tell the man to take "yes" for an answer!!!


Posted: 27/09/2006 - 17:42
by Kenz
Hehe, don't panic Matrix, your design is fantastic! I really love the demo-sceney feel to it - tis lovely. Perfect in fact. Plus it's great you pulled this off so quickly (oo-er) as it means my very-limited-at-the-moment creative juices can be used in other ways.

Well done that man! :D

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 18:47
by Matrix
Cripes ! I step out for an hour and this ! Ok Chris, sill see what I can do with your new data as it comes in. Thx too kenz.. you truely are... DA MAN 8)

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 18:47
by RetroMarkie
My work here is done ...

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 19:06
by tas

If all this comes from a negative coment i should do it more often. :lol:

Seriously the plans sound very good! I hope very much i am proved wrong! I certainly won't mind eating humble pie! Aslong as it comes with a beer!

Posted: 27/09/2006 - 19:22
by Matrix
sample logos and (moved the sid and the city to the bottom to balance out the spitz logo)

