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Posted: 13/05/2003 - 17:43
by tas
Markus: i have to disagree here, if that ok with you.

it's paramount there are clips, any fool can say it's the best thing since sliced bread and get away with it, the market isn't so fickle to believe any idiot who says it's the best work ever. the phrase seeing is believing comes to mind, here we'd use hearing is believing.

I for one would never buy a CD which said it was rock, just because it was rock, and i love rock. (actually i don't but thats a different matter ;))

why do new artists in the charts get recognition and increase their sales? certainly not by advertising the genre, but by advertising the music they do.

btw, Chris, sorry for not replying to that mail, but 1 min is better i feel. :)

Posted: 13/05/2003 - 21:34
by Markus Schneider
Tas wrote:Markus: i have to disagree here, if that ok with you.
No problem, mate. I know that many people will do.
Tas wrote: it's paramount there are clips, any fool can say it's the best thing since sliced bread and get away with it, the market isn't so fickle to believe any idiot who says it's the best work ever. the phrase seeing is believing comes to mind, here we'd use hearing is believing.
That's the main difference. I don't buy anything because someone tries to tell me it's the best. I personally buy things because I want to have this or because I think it is the best or worth it or a person I appreciate produced it. 99% of my bought soundtrack cd's I don't regret... so for my way I am not unhappy with the way I do.
Tas wrote: I for one would never buy a CD which said it was rock, just because it was rock, and i love rock. (actually i don't but thats a different matter ;))
When I see special names like Williams, Horner, Goldsmith or a still very rare c64 remix CD (4 a year) etc. I buy it without any clip. If I was disappointed sometimes I avoid it. (like Reyn Ouwehand CD's im my case)
Tas wrote: why do new artists in the charts get recognition and increase their sales? certainly not by advertising the genre, but by advertising the music they do.
That's true. But they don't get success by playing short clips IMHO. I think there are much better ways to reach the goal today, while we have a huge amount of black copies out. They are easily pushed with a huge amount of money, advertised in TV and on radio, so it is. Anyway I do not understand why it's impossible to get one special tune of a CD for about let's say 1 Euro ? Why do we need credit cards ? Why isn't there a better allround payment solution ? Ask Tom I am not wrong here. Anyway this is not the 1.000.000 seller we are talking about. I would bet that more people are not buying CD's because it is too long winded instead of not listening to clips.

And many SID lovers STILL do not know that this all here exist. I think it's a question of advertising (in a long way).
But at least this goes too far.

Where shall this end ? First off, 30 second clips, then 1 minute clips , then the whole track 256 kbps full and then finally you lend the customer 14 days the CD for testing ? Sorry, we are talking about a product of 15 Euro with a minimum of profit.

Posted: 13/05/2003 - 21:49
by Chris Abbott
> finally you lend the customer 14 days the CD for testing
Heh, that's what Plasm wanted :)

Well, one minute is where you draw the line in the sand...

Or is it? :)


Posted: 13/05/2003 - 21:54
by Chris Abbott
> They are easily pushed with a huge amount of money,
> advertised in TV and on radio
Radio. Media. Precisely. The media has been stitched up by the major record labels, who have a smooth operation going, record pluggers, etc.
Indie labels like us just get the scraps from the table, if that.

However, the feedback has been that one minute clips allow the listener
to get into the track more, and it doesn't hurt anyone (except my webspace, which is an inanimate object/concept, and so can't be hurt anyway).


Posted: 13/05/2003 - 23:33
by Kenz
I'll go along with the 1 min clips idea. It's quite tricky choosing those 30 second track chunks (I did it for Sidologie) - I went through the tracks (several times in some cases) and carefully chose sections that demonstrated the Jarrey bits, tried to include some of the main lead sections and generally attempted to give an overall feel for the track - which ain't easy when you only have 30 seconds to play with.

As for Dreamscapes, it sure does appeal to the fairer sex - my lil' lady Natasha liked the CD (but then she's already a fan of atmospheric spacey music and new age / instrumental stuff).

So, er, there. :)

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 2:55
by Markus Schneider
Chris Abbott wrote:... and it doesn't hurt anyone (except my webspace, which is an inanimate object/concept, and so can't be hurt anyway).
You are wrong here. While some people had been going to get the CD BEFORE they heard the clips they didn't after (not for SIDologie, but som others). As I know this definately from some of my mates, you should bear in mind !

Anyway if there are really more sales with (long) clips on EVERY track, then it's good how it is. I, for myself, don't see any COMMERCIAL sense in it.

When I buy a CD or DVD, I am doing myself a present. Don't you think it's boring to know what's in there ?

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 6:41
by Makke
As usual, there's not just the one truth. There's no almighty way to do this.

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 6:45
by Makke
Markus Schneider wrote:ADDED:
When I buy a CD or DVD, I am doing myself a present. Don't you think it's boring to know what's in there ?
Apparently, some would like to hear what the whole album sounds like in lo-fi before buying it.

I don't mind the clips, but I don't need to hear clips before deciding to buy a CD when it's from an artist I've heard before. I know what to expect (unless that artist is Mahoney).

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 7:08
by Markus Schneider
Makke wrote:... but I don't need to hear clips before deciding to buy a CD when it's from an artist I've heard before. I know what to expect (unless that artist is Mahoney).
Thanks ... that's what i meant !

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 9:46
by Feekzoid
Bloomin Jarre. :P

I only just listened to the clips yesterday and found the album not to my liking at all. Now I'm a big fan of Vangelis, and loved the 1492-esque instrumentation on Cobra, and Yie ar Kung fu 2...

But I thought the whole thing was just *too* plagarised...

The Bombo track was - IMHO - terrible. I'm really sorry, but thats what my impression was. One of my cronies described the melody part as sounding as if it was being played by a child. And I think this was due to its desperate hanging on to that infernal Jarre backing bit.
Some of the other tracks were just too samey, I realise that this is what the intention was (emulation of Jarre/Vangelis) but I just thought it didnt work. Some of the tracks on their own stand out very well, and I think I would listen to a few of them again, but the whole album would be overkill for me :(

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 10:32
by Chris Abbott
> While some people had been going to get the CD BEFORE they
> heard the clips they didn't after
Does that mean they would have disliked the CD after buying it?

Actually, thinking about it, I think the very nature of the CD (and the
analytical nature of musicians) means that it will appeal less to musicians than the general c64-music fanbase. Probably. Kinda.


Who knows ?

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 14:03
by Markus Schneider
Chris Abbott wrote:Does that mean they would have disliked the CD after buying it?
Who knows ? You can call me a fool, but I think the disappointment won't be THAT big in this contrary case. It's a psychological thing. Your money, your decision and your fault. Who says this very likely about hisself ?
Chris Abbott wrote: Actually, thinking about it, I think the very nature of the CD (and the
analytical nature of musicians) means that it will appeal less to musicians than the general c64-music fanbase. Probably. Kinda.
Perhaps.. but then I am an exception again. I will buy the CD when Marcel visits me at BITLive Germany. (and I hope I'll get a special package price with Crystal Dreamscapes :lol: )

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 19:05
by tom
hey guys too much bad vibrations in this thread here,right?!!

this is for all of you :wink: especially for Chris :lol:

cheer up with TOM::::...

Posted: 14/05/2003 - 19:20
by Max Levin
Now I'm REALLY pissed off! :evil:
Nah, just joiking, Tom, you're a very good guy cheering rainy-day me up, thansk :lol:


Posted: 14/05/2003 - 19:30
by tom
you're welcome . Max :wink: