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Posted: 15/09/2003 - 8:38
by Subzero
Quote:'The Guys running the MAME Competition:
I didnt get their names (which sux) but for the record YOU GUYS ROCK !! not only did provide a great amount of variety with the roms, but you let me take away a tripple set DVD too.... *Adds reminder to buy drink next year* - Thx guys - the games are Top Bollocks'

You want names - you shall have them:

Subzero = steve = ME - chap wearing the F*CK FEAR DRINK BEER t-shirt(Scotland)
rockwaldo = rocky = the chap who arranged our compo (also a top bloke and a man with a passion for track and field!!)
Sir-LANS_a_lot = erm should i say, no dont think he'd like it if i did = he wore the pacman 'eat me' t-shirt
DeeInTheUk = Dawn = girl sleeping on the floor next to our stand (she got kicked a few times!!!)
Blackork = blackork = camera shy chap who brought his shuttle pc so you could enjoy the mamey goodness
and last but not least = 'Dungeon' Dave = Dave = chap who fumbled with his laptop to try to get it rendered demos running on the screen, two french peeps come along and do it for him, he is happy they are happy, they leave their digital camera behind - sirlans thinks its my camera, puts it in a carrier bag of ours, we are officially now theifs(lol), I return from my wander, i tell him its not mine as mine is in my pocket, we all panic and laugh, an hour later the panic stricken chap returns to find his camera safe and sound!!!!!

slightly long winded description there matrix, but you needed names and you got them, oh and if you ever beat me at street fighter II again, i'll hunt you down ;)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 8:43
by Yodelking
DHS wrote:MMMM

Who did win the breakdance dance compo?
Me and Mahoney did. :) I still haven't read all the authographs yet, as I directly packed the prize in a bag, to not rub them off with all my sweat after the breakdance!
Like Chris wrote, I showed Mahoney the break moves at the airport, and then we talked a bit, and a guy approached us saying: "You're going to Brighton, right?" It was Makke who recognized the break-moves. :)

We decided also to do a rap, so at Bit Live I told Makke: "Write the rap while me and Mahoney practises the BreakDance". So Mahoney and I went to an empty room and practised to the breakdance song 2 times. So after 3 minutes we went out and Makke said: "Rap is finished, wanna practise?" So again, into the room, Mahoney doing bass, me doing drums and Makke doing the rap... We practised only one time and said: "Ah, well... that's good enough, people will be drunk anyway." :)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 8:48
by Mog
I had an absolutely fantastic time.

PPOT really were "teh rock", as always.

Highlight of the evening was that after chatting to someone for a while, he said, 'well it was nice meeting you, Bouff.'


Still makes me chuckle.


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 8:50
by Makke
Yodelking wrote:"Ah, well... that's good enough, people will be drunk anyway." :)
And boy was I! ;)

I hope it sounded "good" people, because to be frank I was surprised I was able to just speak English considdering all the beer I'd the rap part might've been kind of sloshed'ish. ;)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 9:35
by tomsk
Hey Makke - it was just fine man (but it did help that you ran though it with me before hand!) Mind you, the photo you took of me with Ben sucks ! I think you were breakdancing when you took it :)

The whole thing was a great experience - brilliantly organised and full of brilliant people.

Many thanks to my party at the Paskins hotel who made the event even more satisfying/drunken. Still a bit was an early morning when I arrived back a Newcastle station.

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 10:20
by madfiddler
Totally enjoyed the event. Didn't get much time to look around in the day time, but hey, never mind.

Great to meet up with lots of people I do know, and some I didn't before....

All the VGM guys, Mike, Andrew, Dave. Jason (AS) Whitely... blimey, that's been 10 years, Mark and Adam (haven't seen Adam for years, since we were in an Amiga demo crew 2gether), GaryL, Pete (Abbott), the composers, RichardJ, Rob, Martin, Dave (are you ok mate?), Fred. Was great to meet SimonNic, didn't realise who you were during the day.. can't you look older??? Kwed, Mad Pete the photographer :) Me ol' mate RichardL, and and a big hi to the grumpy PA cables guy, who I very nearly p*ssed right off ;)

PPOT! - an honour. Great set guys, and a pleasure!

Andreas, Marcell, Reyn (I've got your bass strap) - you ready for the next one?

Ben, you star. Had a great time, lots of fun. Ready to get the TV theme covers band on the road (grin). This guy can play the flute like you've never heard before!

Hats off to everyone in the organising team. Can't believe though, that Chris is now already thinking about the next one, haha!

and others whose names I can't remember now cos I had consumed to much mind numb liquid. BarryL - where were you? Too many people I know now were there, who I didn't get a chance to meet... maybe next time :)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 10:29
by dan gillgrass
'MayheM' wrote:I was the guy with the '38911 basic bytes free' t shirt on.
AH! that Mayhem :wink:

Had an awesome time (apart from the bar prices!!!!,) Stuck were really rocking, they were so enjoying themselves, all we were singing in the car on the way back was Deflektor.... I thought Rob was excellent as well as the PPOT guys (they seem to get better evertime you hear them!.) Once again, everyone there was super friendly and willing to have a chat with you and for once I wasnt the most drunk person there! (/me looks at Markus :wink: )
I just wanna apologise to Lars cos due to the traffic he missed his flight (it took us nearly 3 hours to do 100 miles :( )

Re: So glad I was there :-)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 10:48
by Mayhem
Franksey$D012 wrote:PS why are you selling your SX-64, they are so nice!
Thanks for the support... I was almost as knackered as Chris by the end, but Red Bull kept me going (and I helped Chris keep going! :lol: ).

As for the SX64, it was a spare. Frank Gasking took it off me in a pre-arranged deal but with a lack of C64s running, I thought I'd rope it into being used for playing. If Frank hadn't bought it, a couple of other people had inquired about taking it off my hands also...

@MayheM... oh THAT was you (jn the basic byte free T-shirt)?! Heh... my "namesake" and I saw you plenty and I think spoke to you on Saturday without realising heh. I was in the black shirt with wiggly white lines on... wiggly now...

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 11:02
by Marcel Donné
Just woke up... sort of. Still unable to get that grin of my face that was put there by the events of last weekend :)

Let me start with taking a deep bow for the guys I had the pleasure to play with. Ben, Reyn, Mark and Andreas, über-massive respect to you all and thank you so much for letting me play with you. I had the best time of my life loosing my gig-virginity, as Ben put it :D

Many many thanks to all the people I had the pleasure to meet during the day and finally being able to say hello to everyone in real life.

Chris, Skitz, Boz, Kenz and everyone else involved in organising everything.....Image

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 11:05
by Yodelking
madfiddler wrote:BarryL - where were you? Too many people I know now were there, who I didn't get a chance to meet... maybe next time :)
Barry had to leave just before the concert, but I took him to the rehearsals before, so he saw you playing Monty twice before going to the airport. :) He will buy the DVD for sure!

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 11:05
by Larsec
dan gillgrass wrote:I just wanna apologise to Lars cos due to the traffic he missed his flight (it took us nearly 3 hours to do 100 miles :( )
No worries mate :) Nothing, I mean NOTHING, could spoil that weekend :D I don't blame you, I blame the traffuc. You did everything humanly possible to get me there on time and it was out of your hands... So please feel better, OK? :)

I'll throw some stuff in my Thought Tank later to bring you my thought of the event... It's all good, right guys? ;)

Markus Schneider: Which hotel were you in again? ;)

Re: Disappointing.....

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 11:28
by Yodelking
ElliotM wrote:He played a Spectrum tune, an Atari tune, a Sega tune & a classical tune, but no-one had a clue what these tunes were, and they were a waste of his valuable playing time. :evil:
The Atari tune you're talking about, wasn't that "Goldrunner"?
(Which is same as the C-64 tunes "Human Race" (subtune 4 in HVSC))
As Hubbard also explained, some of the tunes he did was way too fast to play live, and might not be good when performing them on piano.

Anyway, I really enjoyed what Hubbard played, and his version of "Für Elise" was so fantastic.

Hearing those tunes made by Hubbard that I've never heard before was a bit like hearing Galway's long lost tune "Streethawk" for the first time. :)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 11:32
by madfiddler
Yodelking wrote: Barry had to leave just before the concert, but I took him to the rehearsals before, so he saw you playing Monty twice before going to the airport. :) He will buy the DVD for sure!
Ah, Peter, that's you then. Added you to my "list", knew there would be some I forgot.

Thanks for brining Barry in, shame I didn't get a chance to say hello.

Had a look at your site. Fantastic photography work!!!

Re: So glad I was there :-)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 12:41
by Franksey$D012
Mayhem wrote:
Franksey$D012 wrote:PS why are you selling your SX-64, they are so nice!
Thanks for the support... I was almost as knackered as Chris by the end, but Red Bull kept me going (and I helped Chris keep going! :lol: ).

As for the SX64, it was a spare. Frank Gasking took it off me in a pre-arranged deal but with a lack of C64s running, I thought I'd rope it into being used for playing. If Frank hadn't bought it, a couple of other people had inquired about taking it off my hands also...
What was the situation with the failed/lack of 64's ? I didn't realise there was a problem when I was there, though did notice there wasn't a lot of activity on the row of machines on the opposite side to the IK+ machine. I've got a few C64s with PSUs in my loft that I repaired ages ago, wish I'd stuck them in the boot of my car now..

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 12:49
by Chris Abbott
> What was the situation with the failed/lack of 64's ?
The day before the event the guys who were bringing the
13 C64s for the event pulled out due to family emergency.
We had to scramble Allan Bairstow and Shaun Bebbington to
get some machines to fill in: they managed to get lots of machines
together, but some of them were non-functional. Hence the TVs not
doing much!

We tried running a couple of Kenz's Nintendo gamepad things on
them, but there was a battery pack problem with one of them.

Luckily the top end of the room rocked :)
