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Posted: 05/01/2007 - 13:16
by C64GLeN
Vosla wrote:Does somebody use the built-in torrent client of opera ?

It downloads pretty good but I can't get it to distribute, it is permanently at 0kb, though it says it does share.

I can test outgoing ports but to no avail. The error message says something about looking for firewall & router configuration but the fw router can't possibly block all ports. As I'm connected to the router using NAT, this may interfere but it didn't when it worked some time ago with the old bittorrent client (though not without seeds).

I'm quite baffled, sadly out of time & power for researching this in detail.
Any suggestions with torrent in opera ?
I use opera for my Torrents, It works fine for my download and then automatically sharing. Sorry, but my best suggestions is

RKO Quarter one 2007

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 23:54
by Misser
Uploaded and seeding. Have a look at the slacker :)