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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 19:57
by Razmo
And by the way... I've begun work on the album :wink: and I'll return when things are done. I've not lost hope in, but it would ease my mind if you "broke up the party" and stated that it's time to "pay the tickets" if everyone wants to party again.

Keep the scene alive.

Re: Fatal server crash

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 21:11
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Razmo wrote:Yes Chris!... but it's not just up to YOU to be goodwilled and farsighted! ... Jan will have to see the problem as well as everyone else who cares for the scene, and try to help here, if we want this scene to stay alive! ... in the end it's the composers of the SIDs that has the final word on this right?
When I first found I told everyone I knew who had the faintest interest in C64 remixes about the stuff available in the shop. We ended up ordering 14 CDs in total - including a mixture of Back in Time, BIT deluxe, Back in Time 2, BIT 2 Deluxe, Immortal, and Wanderer.. and 7 copies of Nexus 6581, which had just come out at the time.

Sure, RKO wasn't around at the time of that order. However, Triad MP3z was in full operation back then. And that site was providing the same service and run on the same underlying philosophy. But despite that I still chose to support C64Audio, which I have been done ever since.

I'm not trying to put myself up on a pedestal, but frankly speaking I take offence in you implying that by having stuff freely available on RKO, I'm not caring for the commercial part of the "scene".

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 21:17
by Chris Abbott
'Tis true, Jan has really put his money where his mouth is, and come to BIT Lives and everything. I count him as a friend, which at least gives me hope that we can work some miracle with square circles. Or something.

But don't expect him to turn RKO into ;-)


Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 21:27
by Analog-X64
I'll make sure to Mention more often and will for sure have a banner up when My Personal site is up and running.

We can all help to pitch in....and no need to feel embarrassed, and there is nothing wrong with making us aware of the situation... as omzaR said, better find out now, than later when it may be too late.

My Wife used to organize the Christmas work at the her company and she soon realized that no matter how well of a party it turns out to be, there will always be one or two that will bitch about something.

Remember this quote:

You can make some of the people happy some of the time, but you cannot make all the people happy all the time.

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 21:30
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Ph0B1uS wrote:Maybe it's just me but I haven't heard the "... which you can buy at" being said in a lot of live shows nowadays.
I always make sure to mention on The C64 Take-away. The way I see it, it's the very least a broadcaster can do for a label visionary enough to embrace the internet as a marketing channel rather than a piracy threat.

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 21:40
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Razmo wrote:RKO is the competition and the main reason in my belief that noone will buy from C64audio
RKO is not and has never been meant to be in any sort of competition with If it has become that then it is because people at the other end of the ether fail to see the two outlets as mutually complimentary.

Which is a damn shame.

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:09
by Chris Abbott
It is a damn shame... I think the mental image I have is of RKO being a huge sunflower, quietly minding its own business, but casting a long shadow it didn't intend. It doesn't matter how pretty the orchid in its shade looks, it's still in the shadows.


Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:12
by Razmo
Jan: Don't get me wrong... it may seem like I feel RKO is "competition", but I'm not talking in the true sense of the word. I know that you all work together... well actualy I don't know much about how anything in the "inner circle" works, exept that I may believe that you talk with each other, and join efforts.

What I was trying to say was, that the reason C64audio is not selling as much as they did MIGHT be because people feel saturateed enough from downloading at RKO for free... I don't know if this is the case, but maybe it is to a certain extend?... music on RKO has become much greater in standard, and honestly many users crave better and better quality as they get used to this.

So PLEASE do not feel offended about my posts... they were seen from a general point of view, and had NOTHING to do with your opinion Jan.

One other thing I came to think about today, after reading all this is, that Chris said something about it being quite some time since a proper dance oriented CD had been made at C64audio (when I privately talked to him about my visions on my own new album). I believe he said that the last true dance oriented CD was Instant remedy... at the same time the charts at RKO seem to point, that many listeners prefer unzy tunes. Also I notice many requests on Slay Radio to be unzy tunes... Could sales be related to this perhaps? are there a connection etween sales and the remix genre?

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:13
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Razmo wrote:And maybe Jan is a stubborn person ... (like the rest of us probably :lol: ), but if his site is threatened by the current state of the scene, even he will have to take precausions to not have this happen would he not?
First of all, I don't think RKO is "threatened" by anything other than the risk of harddrive failures or someone accidentally cutting the connection to the server. But that's something we all live with on a daily basis.

Second, if something non-technical should ever threaten RKO's existence (be it Timbaland going back in time with a copy of the HVSC and registering everything in it as his own, or something else) I wouldn't need to take any precausions.

Allow me to explain: I got into this to provide people with free copies of free remixes, hosted on a free platform. Which has been made possible in part by the free software used to run things, but most importantly by a gentlemans agreement with the original creators that as long as money wasn't made on the tunes then we would all be free to pursue the creation, distribution and enjoyment of these remixes. That's the philosophy that started it all, and that's the philosophy that the site will continue running on. Now, if anything was to remove or disrupt that balance, making me physically and/or legally unable to stay true to that underlying philosophy, then I would pull the plug in a heartbeat.

And the site would vanish knowing that it had served it's intended purpose. And I would cherish the time that we had together. But I wouldn't mourn it's passing.

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:24
by Razmo
CHris & Jan: But with both of you two having this view on things, and C64audio not being able to run, would this not mean, that your collaboration would finish eachother off in the end then?

I'm not trying to say what is right and what is wrong... actually I believe in the joint efforts you guys have build this whole thing on... but IF the reason for C64audio going the way it does IS in fact the sheer quality of free material at RKO, then what can be done about it, if you do not want to change some things? ... the only solution I see then would be to persuade the scene's users to start purchasing from C64audio... which I certainly hope they will, if it's the only solution cause I'd HATE to see C64audio, RKO and Remix64 fade away.

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:28
by Razmo
And Jan: You seem to quote my posts in a way, that I think you feel it's my actual opinion on you... but if you read my posts carefuly, you'll see, that they are based on assumption that you ARE stubborn, which was actualy the impression I got not from myself, but from Chris' posts... and thus in my answers to Chris, I ASSUMED you were/are stubborn :)

In no circumstance was those sentences based on my own personal point of view on you... I do not have enough insight into your inner circles colaboration efforts, so I'd have nothing to carry my opinions of either you or RKO in.. or anything else related to your circle... I'm just responding to what I'm told here :)

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:31
by Chris Abbott
I think I said I was stubborn. I implied that Jan doesn't like being told what to do ;-)


Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:33
by Razmo
Chris: surely! ... but to me that is the same as being stubborn... it just was written in a way that it should sound like Jan was not even interrested in debating, which I WOULD find stubborn if it really was the case... my personal feeling is, that everyone will want to survive this including SlayRadio, C64audio and RKO... am I right about this?

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:44
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Razmo wrote:And Jan: You seem to quote my posts in a way, that I think you feel it's my actual opinion on you...
Settled in PM. I know Razmo means well, even if some of his statements earlier in this thread have been downright self-contradicting. :)

Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 22:48
by Razmo
Jan: THank you! :) now lets find "the cure" for our beloved scene 8)