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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 02/12/2008 - 22:01
by StuC_Ovine
I think it might be down to the samples not having the same lead in/lead out ? as this has only just started when I put the fade in fade out sample stuff.

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 02/12/2008 - 22:23
by tomsk
Stu - Skitz

Looking good my friends. I understand this is a very early demo, but once the sync issue is sorted things should start to sound decent too ! Given time I'm gonna upload Skitz's FL packs and see what's going on in there ;) Many thanks for the hard work attributed by you both so far :cheers:

Keep up the fantastic work, I still can't believe I only posted the original idea less than a month ago and already we have a semi-working demo. Jees ! I really enjoyed hearing Trace's mp3 mock up too, and with more support this thing could just grow and grow.

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 02/12/2008 - 22:45
by StuC_Ovine
This is a better sync version. Download the previous version first as that contains the music pack

forgot to mention ... press SPACE for the 3d attract mode

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 03/12/2008 - 15:08
by trace
Now it works perfectly in sync :D
In the beginning or if it is at the end of each loop there is a noticable fade, but that can be fixed right? :D
Excellent! :D

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 03/12/2008 - 15:43
by StuC_Ovine
I attempt a cross fade between the samples (as per Skitz example) I'll do a version without see if thats better

here you go

as before this doesnt contain the sample packs - grab that first from

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 03/12/2008 - 17:02
by trace
This works better :D
When the loops have reverb and needs to kling out it won't be a problem i guess cause when a change of bass is made the previous will kling out and stop :D right? :P

bass in 2 bars and kling out in the 3'rd and so on, loop starts over after 2 bars but continues to it's end :D

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 08/12/2008 - 11:47
by smila
anyone created a new set o tunes yet ?

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 10/12/2008 - 12:26
by trace
Ok, here you have some stuff I did just now, I have only made one own drumloop so far placed at "Bonham" :D

I tryed it on the beta mix e load I have and it doesn't sync that well when the loops starts over, I went around that to make them sync by pressing left alt to let the loops finish and then pressing it again to start all over at the same time :P

The file is 55mb big, I don't have a ogg encode/decoder :P
The files is 2 bars long and ends at 3'rd with a kling out to the 4'th bar at 144bpm
Time in 2 bars 4.211Sec. Time with kling out to 4'th bar 6.316sec

Hope it sounds ok, I tryed to make them in about the same volume :D

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 10/12/2008 - 13:52
by StuC_Ovine
kling ? The samples dont need a lead out of any kind - I automatically fade them out (all be it quickly) to avoid any clicking etc. Can SKITZ clarify ?

When posting new packs, you dont have to include all the other packs. Also to clarify the naming convention.

If you do a new version of the Drums say Bonham put your drum sample into a zip called.

Drums-[your tag]

When this is downloaded, simply download the zip into the folder called PACKS.

The program will insert a new Drum sample called [tag]Bonham. I'll have todo something about the length of the name as theres not alot of room on screen :S

Heres an OGG'd version of TRACEs' pack (sounds ok to me ...)[trace] (seems the forum doesnt like the square brackets - cut and paste instead of clicking onto the link)

Copy the zip into the "PACKS" folder and look for [trace] in the DRUM listing.

For those that haven't got the latest PACKS folder here is a full copy of the PACKS folder. (including TRACE)

*PLEASE NOTE 10-12-2008 13:54 *
Seem to be having a bad server day today so the server connection may be down - I suggest you keep trying

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 11/12/2008 - 8:07
by StuC_Ovine
Web server errors now corrected ... download away

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 11/12/2008 - 9:02
by trace
StuC_Ovine wrote:When posting new packs, you dont have to include all the other packs. Also to clarify the naming convention.
Should we do the loops without reverb, delay and so? How does all the looping of the loops work in the mix-e-load?

The pack I uploaded was not only the bonham drums, sorry if I wasn't clear about that :P
I have redone all in that pack, except the Depeche, rumba and March drums ;)

Sorry about the nameing, I didn't know what to call them, done the nameing now and found a ogg converter :D

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 12/12/2008 - 0:00
by StuC_Ovine

They sound ace

Yea be careful of the reverb and echo as the sample is looped by a time when the sample is fades out and the new sample is played, so effects might get lost.

Smila is going to change the panel slightly so I can split out the authors name, its too crowded ATM. I'll upload when its done.

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 12/12/2008 - 9:36
by smila
new panel added underneath each window. ;)

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 12/12/2008 - 10:36
by trace
Now I have done all 4 drums(own made) and updated the bass and leads so there is no delay and reverb on them :D

How does it go with the sync on the loops, and do you have a fade in the beginning also cause it sounds like it?
This starts to be something really nice and fun to play with :D

BTW: Maybe to soon to talk about but how about to add like a playlist with selected loops so it plays by it self or the player selects loops by random by press of a button? :P

Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Posted: 12/12/2008 - 10:46
by smila
if you press space on the little demo you get a 3d version of the ship flying in sapce - on that screen the idea is to have it play randomly.