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Posted: 24/05/2005 - 19:38
by Vosla
it failed reality check.

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 8:00
by LMan
On a sidenote: maybe we should try to have some consistency in the story? So it becomes a real story? Just an idea. :)

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 8:29
by n3mo
Later that day the

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 15:27
by Vosla
postman delivered a parcel

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 15:58
by Dumper
that started ticking rapidly

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 18:21
by tas
shaking it, he found

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 18:26
by LMan
that it might be

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 18:51
by tas
a great big...... Clock

Posted: 25/05/2005 - 21:15
by n3mo
that was way old

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 7:59
by Chappers
and falling to bits


Posted: 26/05/2005 - 8:31
by 1337
and maybe also haunted

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 10:11
by n3mo
but it wasn't his

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 16:02
by Vosla
property, so he was

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 16:21
by n3mo
forced to deliver it

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 21:42
by Vosla
to the right address.