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Posted: 14/09/2004 - 10:21
by Bog
My hat's off to ya, Chris. I like the pun about you being Messianic, given your forename and all, ha-ha.

I've blithered a bit in another thread, so I'll try to sum some things up...

1) Realising that the people who were our heroes in the time of the '64 are Just Guys Like Us. There aren't any God Complexes here, nobody's wandering around with a smug sense of superiority. It's beautiful, it's humbling, and it's inspiring.

2) The Scene Welcomes Have A Go Joe. Whatever your personal talent, if you bend it to supporting the scene, then it's gratefully received. Anyone can play - and that makes every one of us mighty.

3) It's enough just to Be There - anything else you do or bring is bonus material, but just standing up to be counted is the core of it all.

It's a beautiful, special thing.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 10:42
by SIR'86
One thing that struck me is how this event is unique in that there's no separation of the original creators and their fans. Everyone mixes freely, unlike other events where the fans are deliberately separated from the artists.

In many ways the C64 remix scene and the BIT Live events in particular are performing a remix of the original c64 community, taking everyone who was involved with the C64 back in the eighties and mixing them up into a wonderful fellowship with no borders or boundaries between anyone.

So the scene is remixing us, at the same time as remixing the old tunes. :D

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 12:23
by fnordpojk
jgb wrote:The sound from the audience cheering could have been louder though, to get more of a feeling of actually being there.
From what I surmised, there was no audience micing, everything came from the stage mics. I agree with you fully, though.
jgb wrote:Inbetween the live acts? Nah, quite boring actually to be honest. Someone should have been hosting the radio part of the show too, but hey! One cannot cover everything.
I thought about this too, but then we would have to:

1) Be a lot more prepared than we were, and time didn't allow for that
2) Have something to say ;)
3) Need someone to basically give up the right to have fun during the event

So yeah. It would have been nice to have been a tad more professional, but then again, we are SLAY Radio, and have a reputation to keep. ;)

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:02
by Slaygon
fnordpojk wrote:So yeah. It would have been nice to have been a tad more professional, but then again, we are SLAY Radio, and have a reputation to keep. ;)
What fnord said!

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 15:38
by skitz
Slaygon wrote:
fnordpojk wrote:So yeah. It would have been nice to have been a tad more professional, but then again, we are SLAY Radio, and have a reputation to keep. ;)
What fnord said!
I was SOOOO tempted to add a few farts/burps to the stream but in the end I didn't :) The only thing I did play was "Owww My Mask!" which for some reason I was having turrets sydrome saying the whole weekend - much to the bemusment of Boz :)

I actually thought all the interviews were very professional - I actually thought we had hired a prefessional when Andreas interviewed PPOT :)

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 17:39
by Slaygon
skitz wrote:I actually thought all the interviews were very professional
You must have missed one. *grin*

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 19:32
by Matrix
In many ways the C64 remix scene and the BIT Live events in particular are performing a remix of the original c64 community, taking everyone who was involved with the C64 back in the eighties and mixing them up into a wonderful fellowship with no borders or boundaries between anyone.
- This is more true than youd imagine..... step back a few days when you (Sir) joined the forum.... SUDDENLY im like "SHIT, the graphics guys are coming in too now !! YESS "..... then i rememberd, Microrythem, Cybernoid etc etc etc etc etc and thinking (looking at my VidCom 64 art package) why cant i do that ? ...... from pretty much there on in i was focussed on graphics design... even though i did learn to play piano and remix tunes too.

Chris has done far more than BIT Live, and you all damn well know it :)

Thx Chris ;)

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 1:38
by tony.rc
I'm very interest in what you guys are planning for the future!

The only reason I did not go to London2004 because I can only afford an overseas hoilday every 2 years or so!

After all I did go to Brighton.

And I don't mind doing whatever comes up. Like a subscription idea etc to fund whatever events that may follow BIT-Live London 2004

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 10:30
by Cheetor
I'll probably say this repeatedly in every thread that it comes up in on here, but whatever happens in the future with any other events, if there's ANYTHING I can do, count me in.

From a PR point of view which is one area I do specialise in, the more notice I get, the better results I can get. With the Transformers conventions I've been running the last four years, the growth in them has been phenomenal. The first one had 30 people coming along. For our latest one back in May, I did more PR work than ever before pushing my PR contacts to the limit globally... and we smashed our attendance records, had 320 people come along and were the biggest Transformers convention in Europe since 2002.

Planning meetings are definitely essential as was mentioned before, but I'd say a good 5-6 months of PR are important as well to get mainstream coverage as well including better TV coverage next time (I'm trying to find details for my old contact at GamerTV)...

As I said, count me in wherever and whenever it is!

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 11:23
by rambones
SIR'86 wrote:One thing that struck me is how this event is unique in that there's no separation of the original creators and their fans. Everyone mixes freely, unlike other events where the fans are deliberately separated from the artists.

In many ways the C64 remix scene and the BIT Live events in particular are performing a remix of the original c64 community, taking everyone who was involved with the C64 back in the eighties and mixing them up into a wonderful fellowship with no borders or boundaries between anyone.

So the scene is remixing us, at the same time as remixing the old tunes. :D
Hi SIR, nice to see you :-)

Yes, that's exactly what's going on. This dream materializing is already 10+ years old now, and all the pieces to make it live, really live are now in place.

Now we just need to find a spot, where we can have BIT live next time.

I'll have to say thanks to Chris again, thanks Chris!
And to everybody really. I just haven't gotten around to write personal letters yet, there's so much info in this forum, that it takes quite some time to sort it all out.

Thanks SIR, for coming! I hadn't thought about the possibility to run into a guy like you :-)

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 12:21
by Matrix
Retrovision has dontaed a free venue... thats in another thread somewhere... i think the venue is like Somerset or something.... thats like south-west of the uk (i think).

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 12:44
by hyperhack
Okay peeps i've thought about it for all of 5minutes and heres my ideas for the next BITLIVE! I don't care if I get shot down in flames! lol


1.For the next one try and get Chris Huelsbeck or maybe hassle some big name musicians like Jean Michel Jarre to take part!

2.Live Mixing/ DJ'ing, I'm sure plenty of remixers would be up to it. They can play their mixes but play them live instead!

3.Intermission breaks with visuals and FMV (use winamp if need be *ahem*). I would like to see xmas chortles, a loading screen pisstake with c64'ized pictures taken from previous events! and some old demos to get the nostalgia flowing or even ZZap64 covers!

4. UV colouring and lighting to make jean michel jarre like visuals

5. Mark Knight doing the laser-harp or laser strapon! *hehe*

6. Sponsored main event, can we all put money in the kitty to see Chris Abbot gunged on stage or something? Some proceeds to his fund and some to charity perhaps?

7. Hunt the C64 competition, find it and get a kiss from Larsec!

8. A Mini Mame comp as hardly anyone knew about the last one.

9. make the event longer, with breaks inbetween the event with remix tracks from played loudly like a club like thing.

10.Get DHS/TSW to do some playing and mixing because we all love their stuff.

11.go with the subscription idea but make it cheaper, around £10-£15 a year. The cheaper it is more people will go for it. raffle to win goodies, dvds, cds, tshirt, posters

13.dont charge ticket prices for members if enough money is found

14.any profit gets split via the musicians first

15.have it in a club if possible :P

16.Play voted tracks from voting polls on here. Maybe even some things that have not been remixed yet such as Terra Cresta in-game music! mmmmmm

17.Someone dresses up as monty mole (whoever gets the short straw) it to general public but charge them on the door ahahahhah!

19.Approach some celebs to see if they are old fans and if they would come, might attract more people

20.Have it as fancy dress, come as game characters lol

* edit *
21. SIR'86 loading screens slideshow on bigscreen as well as some others!

Right thats me done, use it or lose it! but as Makke says opinions count :P

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 12:49
by dizimatt
re no. 7: would you actually expect anyone to take part in this,
or maybe find the C64 and leg it before he finds you :P

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 12:51
by hyperhack
dizimatt wrote:re no. 7: would you actually expect anyone to take part in this,
or maybe find the C64 and leg it before he finds you :P
Good idea that dizzimatt, nothing like a dangerous situation to get your adrenalin flowing is there? oooh look out its larsec! nooooooo! leeggggggiiittttt!!!!!

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 12:53
by Larsec
dizimatt wrote:re no. 7: would you actually expect anyone to take part in this,
or maybe find the C64 and leg it before he finds you :P

Ehhh... Nevermind.... :D