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Posted: 29/06/2005 - 7:54
by Boz
I see what you did there! :slap:

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 8:47
by Dimmignatt
Boz wrote: Hehe... I don't know whether to appreciate your being a fan, or be very scared... ;)
Be afraid, BE very afraid... :lol: Mwhahahahahaa

just kidding..
I'm really a nice guy..

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 12:09
by n3mo
Tomorrow, thursday, is the day!! Dang, have to get up early!
First a driving-lesson, then grabbing my gear, and then off to Sweden!! ^^
Really looking forward to this!!
*n3mo^^ was here... @Kville!!* ^^

Sorry Boz!! I will miss your show tonite!! :P
wr0k suxx.. especially when have to attend when live show is on... :P
Make it a looong good live show Boz!

To the ppl that attends the Gathering..:
See ya'll there!!! ^^

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 12:11
by Slaygon
o2 wrote:Damn.. working this weekend, Drink a few guiness for me :)
Will do.
And fart in the key of C. =)

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 12:46
by tas
Could have made it there after all, came back early from the USA cos i split with the girlfriend, hah! if only i knew i would have booked ;)

oh well, its war of the worlds and a piss up on saturday instead. Not too bad.

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 12:49
by Boz
n3mo wrote:Sorry Boz!! I will miss your show tonite!! :P
Well you don't have to look so happy about it!

Oh wait... maybe you do... ;)

But never mind, I shall see you at the weekend anyway! :cheers:

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 13:05
by n3mo
Boz wrote:Well you don't have to look so happy about it!
Notice the smiley.. it's bloody messed.. it was supposed to be a : (colon) and P (P) asin pleh becoz I miss the show :evil:

SLAY RULES!!! :mrgreen:

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 13:08
by Boz
n3mo wrote:
Boz wrote:Well you don't have to look so happy about it!
Notice the smiley.. it's bloody messed.. it was supposed to be a : (colon) and P (P) asin pleh becoz I miss the show :evil:
Hehe I know, I was just joshing with ya! :P

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 13:32
by Slaygon
Those of you needing my contact details, send me a PM here on Remix64, and I'll get back to you with what you need!

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 13:40
by Chappers
Chris Abbott wrote:* sniff * I miss Boz :(
Chris, there's nothing un-manly about howling like a hungry prairie dog... :)

It's like a drug....I can live without Zee, I can do it.....nearly 17 days now (not that I'm counting obviously) :fear: :wink:

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 15:03
by FunkyM
Oh my goodness! I was gonna come out to the gathering, but now I am skintificated!


Oh well, it's at least good to have a live show back on the air again :) Go Boz! :D :D :D

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 17:52
by Vosla
Well, as usual, you are all save!
I won't make it to the gathering, :(
so all I can do from here is to wish you all
a bloody good time there!!! :D :D :D

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 18:35
by tas
Vosla wrote:Well, as usual, you are all save!
I won't make it to the gathering, :(
so all I can do from here is to wish you all
a bloody good time there!!! :D :D :D
Makes two of us.. fancy a swift pint mate at your local? :)

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 18:39
by Vosla
Tas wrote:Makes two of us.. fancy a swift pint mate at your local? :)
If you don't mind to pay a visit to one of the most boring places in earth, sure! :)
"Schleswig - A nice place to die and get buried at."

Posted: 29/06/2005 - 18:42
by tas
You wouldn't make a good salesman would you :)