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Posted: 10/07/2006 - 15:44
by DHS

Posted: 10/07/2006 - 18:33
by xo
Sad exit for Zinedine Zidane. Hoped for a french win. But some fun comes out of it. :)

Posted: 10/07/2006 - 20:02
by tas
Always been a strong admirer of Zidane and for him i wanted the french to win (romantic aspect) but as soon as he did the head slam i thought instantly.."You've lost everything i liked about you over the years!" and turned instantly to i want the italians to win!

He was a great player but that for me bannishes him to no more than a thug!

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 8:47
by xo
This uncharacteristic episode wohn't change my valuation of him. Some insight: ... ge_id=1770

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 10:36
by Infamous
yeap if that IS what matterazi was saying then seriously ask yourselves could you keep a cool head about it? .. if someone was saying the equivelant of that to me they'd need more than a stretcher to take him off the pitch, they'd need a few bin bags and a rake.

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 10:41
by LMan
I Concur.

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 11:13
by gibs
DHS wrote:Image
Why Italian are always complaining... may I have a word ?

-Materazzi is a facist and he deserve what zidane gave him.

-Materazzi is doing lot of fault, because he don't know how to play football.
Here is the Materazzi Style :

-There were 2 real penalty ! the first one (on malouda) wasn't a gift.
you can have a look on youtube videos and what the world is saying about
those actions. (I can search the links for you if you need)

I don't care about the cup! you can put it where I think. I'm talking about football. I would like to see a beautiful match, but I have seen a shit.


wow ! what a success !

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 12:41
by Makke
gibs wrote:Why Italian are always complaining...
Much like the French then!

I kidd! I kidd!!!

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 13:34
by Firefox
I think that violence does not belong on the field. No matter what someone is saying. You always have a choice to listen or not.

Why be a worse sportsman by giving him a "Danish head" just because he says something bad to you? It's bad behaviour from both of them. Suspend them both from fotball forever I say!!!

The whole world is watching.. Even kids, and they are supposed to be rolemodels for the young!!!???? My 6 year old was watching and he was asking why he did like that. How do you explain that to a 6 year old?

Make a good example out of this and suspend them ....

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 14:11
by gibs
Firefox wrote:My 6 year old was watching and he was asking why he did like that. How do you explain that to a 6 year old?
explain them what the respect is. this is what my father teach me, because when I was young I was out of respect...(and maybe today too, I'm not perfect) but compared in some country, I have grown where respect is important.

I went in italia (rome) and people there are out of respect, the use some words freely...fortunatly there, there are no headbutt each time...
But if oneday you go to Corsica and talk about the mother of somebody, I'm not sure that you leave in good health. I mean anybody should respect anybody. you can joke, you can kid, but not about the parents, familly, racism etc...

the fun part is at that players, before the match show the flag "NO RACISM" to the supporters...

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 14:12
by beyond
Danish head... hmmm, don't know if I like the undertones in that... ;-)

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 14:17
by Makke
One of the big complaints I have about the over all behaviour during the World Cup is that when players were stepping over the line for what's acceptable, the blame was shifted on the refs. That the refs had "not been able to keep things under control", which makes me ask myself if the refs are supposed to act like some kind of police force on the field?
gibs wrote:explain them what the respect is. this is what my father teach me, because when I was young I was out of respect...(and maybe today too, I'm not perfect) but compared in some country, I have grown where respect is important.
Yes, and you very respectfully said that all Italians always complain... Just because DHS posted an animation, when he one post earlier said France deserved to win.

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 14:25
by Firefox
gibs wrote:
Firefox wrote:My 6 year old was watching and he was asking why he did like that. How do you explain that to a 6 year old?
explain them what the respect is. this is what my father teach me, because when I was young I was out of respect
It does not give another person the right to headbutt another person just because of some words. I'm teaching my 6 year old not to bother. But if the same person is getting violent and start to push then he can hit back :D .... But not if he can avoid it....

They can fight all they want off the field. But on the field no. But i agree with you Gibs that many people don't know the meaning respect.

In my oppinion both players did not respect the people watching the game. They had their own little thingy going on and did not give a fluing F**k about who was watching.

MORE RESPECT I'D SAY!!! :cheers:

I can feel some bad mood getting over this thread :D . Beyond, in what tone do you want it? D-minor? :wink:

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 15:44
by LMan
Come on guys, we don't need a discussion over nationalities... we've had enough misunderstandings recently. As for Zidane, the article makes his action understandable. Still there was no other way than giving him the red card for it - that's the rules. In a way he's the tragic figure of the championship.

Posted: 11/07/2006 - 15:53
by DHS
gibs wrote:I went in italia (rome) and people there are out of respect, the use some words freely...fortunatly there, there are no headbutt each time...
I wanted to reply, but, at the end, you don't even deserve it.