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Posted: 19/07/2007 - 21:26
by xo
Google's got to shape up. I love their services, but that's sloppy and disrespectful treatment. Anyway, great to hear that it's been solved now.

PS, I've heard the expression "indie" too much now. Now I really want to know what it means. I thought it meant music with "indians" involved, or indian influences or something like that. Clearly I must be off-track. :?: :?: :?: :shock:

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 21:40
by Jan Lund Thomsen
xo wrote:PS, I've heard the expression "indie" too much now. Now I really want to know what it means. I thought it meant music with "indians" involved, or indian influences or something like that. Clearly I must be off-track. :?: :?: :?: :shock:
As usual, Wikipedia is your friend:

The term indie is short for "independent" and refers to artistic creations outside the commercial mainstream, without the support of a major record label, major movie studio, or other source of a large budget.

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 22:50
by xo
Thanks, I thought wikipedia would know it, I was just too lazy to plough through the text. *runs away like a lazy bum*

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 23:06
by Razmo
[edit: to that extent, being in "business" with the music makes it at least easier to justify musical activity: most remixers probably get a lot of "why are you spending so much time on that? It's not going to make any money or anything..."]
That's exactly the problem I've run into all the time... but it's not only your girlfriend giving you this response... it's probably everyone exept other musicians... friends, family... everyone... They go WOOOW!!! when they are told that you make music... then the next question comes: Have you anything on the streets yet? ... next question is: Can you make any money on this?..... and when they figure out you don't... then it's just a time-stealing hobby, and respond the way you just wrote Chris.

But what does one do then, when you "recharge" your energy by making music?... I'd go CRAZY, if I could not play with my toys just a LITTLE bit every day... as it was in my previous relationship, everytime I sat down by the gear, I had her eyes in the neck, and I felt really bad...

I guess you just have to find a woman, that know as much as you do, how to do something for herself once in a while... or someone who has an interrest in what you do, which would stop the solitary lifestyle, but for some reason these women are far in between :)

So me being alone now is both a blessing and a curse... though... I seem to have found someone recently who has a great interrest in music and my work :) ... lucky me... hope it stays that way.

Posted: 20/07/2007 - 16:33
by Vosla
I guess that problem manifests in everything a man does when his woman isn't involved (and doesn't comply).

One girl ruined roleplaying for me, one managed to separate almost all links to friends, most of them disliked me spending too much time on painting and all of them tried to trash my computer hobby. Almost all tried to negate my past with throwing away my stuff.

ALL girlfriends were extremely jealous about everything I did that wasn't centered about them or our relationship.

NO girl accepted my interests as something that was MINE.
I mean, no woman allowed me to mount my sword onto a wall, not even in my hobby cellar. How pathetic is that?!
I can't even listen to MY music without earphones!

If I overheard conversations, ALL my girls complained about me being so stubborn to hold on my hobbies.

Posted: 20/07/2007 - 16:44
by Chris Abbott
The answer's simple: everyone will have to share Makke's Sara ;-)


Posted: 20/07/2007 - 18:03
by Knycklo
Chris Abbott wrote:The answer's simple: everyone will have to share Makke's Sara ;-)


Naaaw... You're the sweetest, Chris. :)

I believe that in a relationship, you ought to have three lives: one of your own, one of your partner's and one together. If not, it's far from healthy.

I think one of the most important things to remember when engaging in a relationship, whether you're a man or a woman, is to save some of yourself. Have your own things, be your own individual. Have your own friends and hobby and so on.

OK, for some people it is obviously not quite that simple. But you have to try. At least.

I feel sorry for all of you that have been dominated and pushed around in a relationship. In my point of view, it's not the way to let love grow. Give, and thou shall recieve. ;) Hehe.

Once again; thanx Chris for your sweet comment. Made my night. ;)


Posted: 20/07/2007 - 18:55
by Chris Abbott
It's nice that some of the scene are so lucky :)

Anyway, an update on the Google thing. I don't think they'd treat EMI like this...
Firstly, you mentioned you are concerned that a complaint was made about you by a third party. I can confirm that this was messaged to you in error and you may disregard this. I apologise if this caused you concern. The reason that your ad was disapproved is because it was found to be in violation of our copyright policy by our AdWords specialists. At this time, advertising is not permitted to promote the copying or distribution of copyrighted content for which you do not have consent from the copyright holder.

I acknowledge the points that you mentioned in your last email, however, before we may approve your ads to run on Google, we need to confirm a couple of points.

(1) If you are a record label we will need proof that this is so.

(2) If you publish your own artists, please also reply to this email providing proof of this.

(3) You mentioned in your last email that you own the vast majority of the material on your site. If there is any material that you do not own, please reply to this email outlining the material that you do not own.

(4) If you wish, you may provide us with any other material that you believe is relevant.
I gave them my membership numbers of PPL, MCPS and PRS (the memberships that count) and my company number, but they feel disinclined to do any actual verification, like, for example, checking my site or ringing up the organisations in question. They'd prefer if I just sent them scans of copyright paperwork for every single damn track in my catalogue. Well, they can screw themselves. They don't ask iTunes to copyright-validate all their tracks, do they?



Posted: 20/07/2007 - 20:33
by Razmo
It starts to get "dangerous, when you in a relationship start to use the world "We" rather than "Me and X"... you always have to remember that you are two individuals, and not some piece of molded together multi-individual.

Though It was hard to become single again, it's the best thing that happened to me... wfter 11 years of psycic terror, you suddenly realize that you forgot who you really were... it's a downright revelation to witness the finding of your inner self again... and it's very rewarding, and you learn a lot about yourself... suddenly you know what you want, and what you do not want...

Though, that does not make the task of finding THAT person any easier... not at all! ... but the most important thing is to NOT want to change eachother... it's up to you to learn your partner what you are, and then he/she can decide if this is worth living with... if not; STOP!!!

at least this is what I learned.

Posted: 20/07/2007 - 20:42
by Razmo
Vosla: Find someone that is like yourself! ... you just have to look long enough, cuase there are women out there, that are creative, and "selfish" enough like us men, that they want time of their own, and don't have a problem with it... In fact there are women that get downright tired of "sticky men" that cannot do anything for themselves... usualy it's women with low selfesteem that get jealoux.

Now I would not mind a girlfriend that were a musician as well, but I can live without... as long as I can be allowed to lock myself up in my studio every once in awhile, and forget about her.... likewise I hope to find one who will want to do the same! ... with a bit of coordination it should be possible to find time together, and individualy.

Many times, the problem is that we are attracted to the same type of women... thus we always end up with the same shit! ... that's why I've tried to focus differently this time... somethin' new please! :lol:

Posted: 20/07/2007 - 20:52
by Romeo Knight
You shouldn't forget my Sara as well (maybe it's about the name?)!
It can be tough and it's a struggle sometimes but at least it's possible to have a wife, 2 daughters, a business, a band, C64 remixing and demo soundtrack composing.
What definitely helped was that when I met her 10 years ago I wasn't actually doing anything else than making music in my freetime. She knows I get in a bad mood if I don't get my musical things done and she doesn't want to have a bad-tempered husband. It's a self-preserving system. :)
Vosla wrote:I mean, no woman allowed me to mount my sword onto a wall, not even in my hobby cellar.
You know what I'd done with the sword instead?! :twisted:

Posted: 20/07/2007 - 21:11
by Razmo
Romeo Knight: You have an understanding wife... treasure her!!! ... she just did what I wrote in my previous post... she looked, and understood the words "What you see, is what you get!" ... now if every woman just had that view on things... men do!!!! :lol:

It's actually a little funny is it not?... Women find a playin' musician mysterious and exciting when they meet him... they tend to fall for such skills as playin' the guitar around the camp fire etc... I once was with a girlfriend that I were in a toy store with, buying christmas presents for the kids... when we came by a keyboard in the shop... it was on... and I just spontanously fired off some renaisance two-hand piano stuff on it, that sounded out in the whole shop... her eyes were flashing after that... I bet I could have taken her right out in the car and had fun on the backseat :shock: ... but when everyday life then show itself... the interrest and fascination suddenly stop :roll: ...

Why is it that so many women think they can change men?... and why don't they ASK if they want to be changed before they tie our hearts up? ...

Now before I get too generalizing... sure there are exeptions... anyone seen an exeption lying around? :lol:

Posted: 20/07/2007 - 21:12
by Vosla
@Romeo Knight: A bloody mess?

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 8:44
by Lagerfeldt
Certainly my wife is 100% behind me, but then I actually do make money and live exclusively from music and sound production.

However, it wouldn't change a thing if I didn't, IMO it all comes down to finding the perfect partner who understands your dreams and respects them no matter what.

It's the same with other things about your personality. Someone who won't accept you spending lots of time on your hobbies (music, computers, etc.) is also very likely the same kind of person who wants to change your personality in other areas.

Of course you need to adjust somewhat to each other in a relationship but basically we either match or don't match as a couple.

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 9:29
by Razmo
Lagerfeldt: Have you tried the opposite I have to ask you? ... Have you tried an ordinary 8 our job, kids, housework like cleaning up, go shopping etc. and at the same time spend quality time with your wife and kids? ... and then at the same time try to find enough time for you precious hobby?

Personally for me it was simply impossible, and the result was this; either TAKE the time, and have your spouse freak out as other important relationship things go haywire, or sacrifice your hobby and break down...

There are situations where it's impossible... now had I made a living from my music, the story would have been totaly different, I know that cause I tried, but failed, and she was 100% behind me trying... but when she realised it did not work, my hobby could go jump in the ocean if she cared!

WHat I'm trying to say Lagerfeldt is; are you REALLY so shure, that your wife is 100% behind you if your situation was the same as it was for me? ... if so, then you truly are a lucky man :wink:

But otherwise, you're absolutely right; it all comes down to respecting eachother for what you are, no matter what ... as long as you do not hurt the other one being what you are, but to get this, it is as you say: find someone who match you. Unfortunately to this day, I still has to meet the woman who do not try to bend everything in a relationship until it fits HER view on how things should be... sad to say this ladies, but I'm optimistic enough to believe I just did not meet the right woman yet :wink:

One thing is certain though... I'm NEVER going to be in a relationship again, where I have to feel being a bad person for sitting down making music... never ever ever again! and I don't care shit if the laundry has to wait a day more for that! as long as there are enough clean underwear :lol: ... but then; I'm sure some people here follow me on that one, after listening to slay radio :lol: