Bug Reports Here.

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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by LMan »


the other homepage is the one registered at Remix.Kwed.Org.
I'll ask Kwed to change it there, as well.
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by analoq »

Ah is that what it is? Sounds obvious now yet it didn't occur to me. Oh well, I suppose there is no user form for regardless, so thanks very much for looking into it on my behalf. :worship:

cheers, LMan!
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by LMan »

You're welcome - Kwed has taken care of it in the meantime :)
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by trace »

Don't know if it happends now but sometimes when I write here and in swedish (with åäö)����� �et these square boxen in my massages, and when I press prewiev I get even more of those small squares and so on...

but only if a use the swedish last 3 letters åäö .
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by Amok »

I have got the same problem with the german äöü.� at least in pm's
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by LMan »

Happens since the recent phpBB update to 3.0.5. I'm hanging on for a new version...
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by Vosla »

That happens randomly for me with other sites as well. FireFox has sometimes troubles to identify the character coding and uses a wrong code page thus the strange little squares with ASCII numbers in it. Sometimes, purging the cache and reloading the page helps, sometimes not. Image
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by LMan »

Hmm, the "destruction" of special characters seems to be random. Sometimes characters are broken while other times they pass fine.

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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by Makke »

I was just about to report this problem, and it doesn't affect special characters. It seems completely random.

Makke turned into Makk� for example, and last time I checked e wasn't that special a character. ;)
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by LMan »

I noticed that it begins to affect random characters after the occurence of a special character.
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Re: Bug Reports Here.

Post by LMan »

The Char issue is resolved for now.

@all: I'll close this thread.
Please create separate threads for each bug from now, so it's easier to keep track of them. Thanks :)