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Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:21
by Chris Abbott
Er... some confusion I think!

> MOG who was also (i think) the barmaid from Gossips last year !!
Er... no!! Although the idea
is nice that one of the Gossips barmaids was so taken with SID music
that she came to the Brighton event, Mog has been a SID fan for ages, and apart from Jools, the most elegant wearer of the Commodore logo :)

Also the Thai lady of whom you speak was probably Natasha who was with
Kenz, not Mahoney. I'm pretty sure Mahoney's girl Melina was a blonde.


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:24
by Dr.Future
Hehe, it was "Big Cinema" as we call it in Germany what Markus Schneider was doing... :twisted:

Stumbled into PPOT's & my room at 1 AM aon Sunday, then noticing "Huh, where's all my stuff?" and leaving again...

Coming back at 3 AM, whining "Huh, I've lost EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING...". Then "Who cares? Who needs anything?"...hehe... :shock:

Tryin' to get the light on in the bathroom for about 5 minutes, then "Who cares? Who needs light anyway?"... :P

Finally didn't manage to get the bed ready "Man, who needs all this stuff" and finally shot pillows and sheets in the corner...

What a show! :twisted:

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:27
by Matrix
Er... no!! Although the idea
is nice that one of the Gossips barmaids was so taken with SID music
that she came to the Brighton event, Mog has been a SID fan for ages, and apart from Jools, the most elegant wearer of the Commodore logo

Also the Thai lady of whom you speak was probably Natasha who was with
Kenz, not Mahoney. I'm pretty sure Mahoney's girl Melina was a blonde.
Sry MOG ..... u look so like the one from London - my bad :)

Yeah - Natasha, cept it wasnt her Chris, I met Natasha on Kenz stall - nope definately not Natasha. and ya, i know melina was blonde - darn cute, Mohoney you LUCKY FELLA YOU !! lol ....

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:29
by Trauma
Hey guys.

Thanks for a really great event. I had the best of times. The only sad thing is that being the last performance gave us a lot less time to get drunk and missbehave. (And just to chat. Didn't do enough of that this year)

I still feel a bit weird about coming AFTER "Stuck in D'eighties" and Rob *Aiiiihhhhhh*... It's like... "Hey we have these fab musicians as our WARM UP???" That surreal!

And shame on you, Rob *Aiiiihhhh* for stealing the drum-chair, hiding it and adjusting it to bar-stool size while we were dressing up behind the scene. It is really weird playing drums placed beneath your knees.

And Markus... I have some interesting fact to add to the story of how you got to the hotel... I will spare the public ears, though.

Hope to see you all again

Søren. PPOT.

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:31
by dan gillgrass
Matrix wrote:[Sry MOG ..... u look so like the one from London - my bad :)

Yeah - Natasha, cept it wasnt her Chris, I met Natasha on Kenz stall - nope definately not Natasha. and ya, i know melina was blonde - darn cute, Mohoney you LUCKY FELLA YOU !! lol ....
MOG was at Gossips tho last year, I think the Asian girl you are wittering on about is the one that had her back signed at BIT1

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:40
by Chris Abbott
Heh, and once again I got to spend no time with PPOT at all!

Next time, don't book any gigs the day before so you can fly in early and we can have a meal!!


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:47
by Mog
Matrix wrote:Sry MOG ..... u look so like the one from London - my bad :)
No, I was at BITL 3, I just wasn't the barmaid. I think you mean Nicki, who has a full head of hair, but wears similar makeup. And no C= logos. :) I seem to remember someone put up a photo of her at the time - no idea if it is still there, though.


(Did I really bend over? I was so trying to avoid doing so!)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:52
by Bog
Re: Dreadzy Bird - that'd most likely be Bluey if she's a six-footer. Re: Editing, there's nothing official yet, I'm just being a tart and saying pweeeeese use my edit rig, pweeese, pweese, pweese let me play!

She's a farkin' top deck-pilot, though, must be said.

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:52
by Darrenxyz
I don't remember Mog bending over, but I do remember her having to step over a load of us who were laying down at the front...... ;)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:53
by Matrix
@ Mog - Muhahahaa - Maybe im all confused, gossips was a crazy night, i knew id seen you before - wasnt sure about the barmaid bit :) - nice boots btw, a few i spoke to mentioned them :)

@ Dan ... wittering ? lol ......

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:54
by Bog
Re: Mog bending over

I don't remember seeing that, all I remember is her shouting "MONTY!" and hustling me onto the dance floor.


And after the second time, collapsing backwards, and some wonderful person pushing a C64 against my chest and shouting "CLEAR!"

Heeheeheeeheee.... gh0d I hurt... ow, ow, pulled muscles, ow!

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:56
by Matrix
hehe I had he camera on auto which goes chug-chug-chug-chug *repeating seies of pics* It was a pure fluke shot lol.... i wont be releasing it lol.... in fact i may have deleted it already due to the band bouncing around so much they were all blurred.

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:57
by Chris Abbott
> and some wonderful person pushing a C64 against my chest
> and shouting "CLEAR!"
Yup, that sounds like my brother Pete... just his sense of humour :)


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 17:00
by Larsec
Mog wrote:No, I was at BITL 3, I just wasn't the barmaid. I think you mean Nicki, who has a full head of hair, but wears similar makeup. And no C= logos. :)
Mog... What can I say? I still think you rule. Your forehead was the prettiest one at BITLive Brighton... You have my eternal love and respect... Sorry I missed you bending down... Oh well, maybe next year :)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 17:08
by Matrix
LMFAO !!!!! Image