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Remix64: Into Eternity Arrives

Posted: 17/12/2003 - 6:51
by tas
Tomorrow Stock will arrive of Remix64: Into Eternity.

After testing, We will ship the products to all those who pre-ordered.

Hopefully the vast majority should get their CD's before x-mas. UK customers are just about certain to recieve them before x-mas.

You can order from:

Posted: 17/12/2003 - 20:49
by tas

Remix64: Into Eternity is the last in the series, i'm now concentrating my efforts into other ventures. It's been fun, it's been often stressful. I'm very happy with the result and pre-sales have gone very well. But to be honest i'm all shattered out. I've done what i set out to do, and on a personal level i'm extremely pleased with what has been created.

I must say v2 has been one of the hardest things i have ever done in my life and through one of the dullest periods of my life. Heaven knows how i managed to keep with it, when it would have been easier to just close the doors and run way.

For those who have purchased the CD or plan to, i'd like to thank those persons.

Posted: 17/12/2003 - 22:24
by Chris Abbott
You can order from:
And authorised dealers everywhere!


Posted: 18/12/2003 - 6:01
by tas
It won't be available from Synsoniq. (or at least not in the near future).

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 6:25
by seVeneleVen
... very good ... this store is bullshit anyway. :x

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 7:00
by tas
Rumor on the tread mill is that the company is struggling and that it's main offices have closed. To me it sounds like the company is about to go bye bye. Anyway, after repeated mailings to them without reply i've decided to say well if they want it then they come to me.

Besides for our German customers it works out cheaper if you buy direct from MbD. Amazingly we are even cheaper postage wise. Uk -> Germnay by MbD is cheaper than Germany -> Germany with Synsoniq.

Crazy state of affairs if you ask me.

synSONIQ Records

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 8:05
by Jim Power
>... very good ... this store is bullshit anyway

Hmmm... what makes you say that, Mr. Weling? Unhappy with their product line? Didn't get a CD you ordered from them? I wonder. I found them to be very reliable as a customer and highly supportive when working on the "Immortal 2" project. synSONIQ Records have also sponsored game music related efforts like the "BIT live Germany" event with free CDs - do you think that's "bullshit" as well? I don't know why "Remix v2" won't be available from them, but I'm not so sure this is a "very good" thing: even if synSONIQ are "struggling" at the moment, they still are the biggest and most well-known retailer for game music here in Europe - if they decide not to carry "Remix v2" for whatever reason, it could easily affect the sales of that album.

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 8:16
by tas
Well lets say ive had contact in the past them them, only to be ignored on several occaisions. Infact i contacted them about one of the competitions here once only to be ignored, it wasn't untill Chris Huelsbeck's Intervention they responded.

As with remix64 v2, they have repeatedly ignored my mails YET again. Is that good buisness???

I find it downright rude!

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 8:32
by Chappers
I had good service from synSONIQ with my order. They were quick to reply & friendly.

Going on the one and only order I have done with them so far, I have nothing but good to report about them.

Maybe my case is a one-off and they are only reliable when they choose to be. It will filter out sooner or later how reliable or unreliable they are overall but I can't find fault with them from the evidence I have.


Posted: 18/12/2003 - 8:48
by tas
I've wrote to them again. Lets see what happens!

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 9:00
by Jim Power
I didn't say they were the perfect company, but I certainly don't think they deserve to be described as "bullshit"! synSONIQ Records have done a lot in terms of giving game music the respect it deserves. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been able to get in touch with them about the "Remix v2" album. However, if it's actually true what you say and they are having a hard time at the moment, you should try to give them a phone call instead of mailing them.

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 9:56
by Chris Abbott
Yeah, running a game music shop isn't all yachts and cigars. Most of the time it isn't even plastic boats in the bath and candy cigarettes...

I think the unit sales per product may have decreased, and so you need ever more new products to stay alive, which means more suppliers, more admin, and more debt to keep stock. I know the market has changed in the last six years, and not for the better across the whole CD buying industry.

And no, Synsoniq don't deserve to be called "B*llshit".

The one time I tried to ring Synsoniq about a matter I had a problem getting through the receptionist because of the language barrier: so that may not be an option for Neil.


Posted: 18/12/2003 - 10:00
by merman
Anyway, let's concentrate on the GOOD news - INTO ETERNITY! Order your copy now!

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 10:11
by Chris Abbott
The real good news :Perhaps-a-Doobie! Available... er... not!

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 10:14
by tas
The funny thing Chris, I think that could work ya know. ;)