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BITLive DVD Update

Posted: 31/12/2003 - 1:07
by Bog
We're back on the road.

As some of you may have read, I came across all brass-balled and shoved in the front of the queue to muck in with this... and then got burgled, kinda scuppering me.

However, re-teching has ensued... no thanks to the fucking insurance companies, but I'm back on-stream. Badly in debt (what's new?) underpaid (ah-heh!) but well-rested after the break and full of piss and vinegar to get it all going... new video capture rig, new DVD authoring suite, new whole tamale.

It's going to be worth the wait. Have I ever lied to you?



Where you goin'? ;)

Posted: 31/12/2003 - 1:19
by Larsec
Thanx for the update, Bog... You still rule... Just so you know...


Sorry about that, Rollins attack, it happens every once in a while... I'm back to normal now, really I am... Well, as normal as it gets...


Posted: 31/12/2003 - 1:30
by tas
Lars, you need to get out more ;)

Posted: 31/12/2003 - 2:10
by Bog
Lars, you're a sick, sick man.

Do us some menu music. Oh, do. Do.

*tickles Lars under the chin*

After all - you're sick like me! Just like me!

Posted: 31/12/2003 - 2:40
by Larsec
Menu music? Sure I'm game :)

Posted: 31/12/2003 - 14:47
by Waz
Larsec wrote:Sorry about that, Rollins attack, it happens every once in a while
Respect to that man Larsec there. Anyone who appreciates the genius at work that is Henry Rollins is fine by me.

Did you ever see him host Full Metal Challenge on Channel 4? If not, you missed out. For a limited period of 24 hours only:

.. "and I am going to LAUGH!"

Posted: 31/12/2003 - 15:39
by Matrix
Insurance companies suck till they decide to pay out...... only accept the 3rd offer and dont go for legal protection - its a waste of time imho.

Thx for the update - now go hire some1 to kneecap the robber ;)

Posted: 31/12/2003 - 15:46
by Larsec
wazzaw wrote:Did you ever see him host Full Metal Challenge on Channel 4?
Sadly I did not... Although I would like too... Nice soundbyte there... "I fought the law and I won!"... Priceless :)

Guess who got me hooked on Rollins in the first place...(Hint: Do we have any mutural danish friends? ;))

Posted: 02/01/2004 - 18:40
by Kenz
I waded through the BitLive Brighton rehearsal footage yesterday which got me all excited and revved up to get cracking on the DVD project

(there's some GOLD stuff featuring Benn going bonkers during Deflektor - DAAA-AAAYYY-OOOH!)

Drop me a line Bog - - and we'll make stuff happen! 8)

Posted: 02/01/2004 - 20:14
by Subzero
How much of the exhibition part of bitlive will be on the dvd do ya think?(hoping to see myself struggling with eight bottles of beer, and one of my group asleep on the floor!!!)

Posted: 02/01/2004 - 21:10
by Chris Abbott
Depends if I can find the damn tape that Alex Gray made... it's mysteriously vanished...


Posted: 02/01/2004 - 22:12
by Matrix
uh-ohh this does not bode well.... wouldnt fred have kept a backup ?

Posted: 02/01/2004 - 22:43
by Chris Abbott
There was only one tape: it was handed over to me at the end of the night. I know it was here... oh well. I'm sure it will turn up. It was only bonus footage anyway...


Posted: 02/01/2004 - 23:01
by Matrix
Could be a good thing in a way since i was on it - and im never good with a camera in my face and totally lost the conversational plot lol .... jibber jabber was the order of the day and im sure Rob thought "WTF IS HE ON ABOUT !!" lol

Posted: 02/01/2004 - 23:20
by Mayhem
Perhaps I should have kept hold of it then!