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Any collectors, C64 cartridges going on Ebay, 9 days.....

Posted: 22/01/2004 - 20:16
by StudioX64
I have a number of C64 cartridges on Ebay at the moment, anyone interested pop over to: ... =3&rows=50



Posted: 22/01/2004 - 20:33
by Subzero
Youll be lucky to get anywhere near £25 for those!!!

You can pick em up at car boot-sales for next to nothing these days, but good luck!!


Posted: 22/01/2004 - 20:58
by StudioX64
The buy it now option is just for the mad impetuous fools of the world. Or collectors as I like to call them :) It disappears after the first bid has been made. Buy it now 9 times out of 10 goes unused on everyone's auctions, for the 1 in 10 who strikes it lucky, the rewards can be most fruitfull.

Last night for example I listed Dark Basic (boxed retail programming language). There had been a number of Dark Basics sold on Ebay the past 2 weeks, all going for under £8. I set my minimum bid at £3.00 or something low like that, and my buy it now at the 'unreasonable' price of £15. I honestly expected the item after auction to reach about £8. Someone really wanted it though, and within 10 minutes of starting the auction it was gone at £15! + £2.70 postage.


'One persons junk, is another persons gold dust'

Posted: 23/01/2004 - 9:55
by merman
I've already got all them...


Posted: 23/01/2004 - 10:14
by StudioX64
Merman> I would have guessed that :) you are the worlds number #1 C64 fan after all.
