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Next Bitlive??

Posted: 01/02/2004 - 9:23
by Subzero
I know its early, but I was wondering if theres any sketchy details of WHEN the next bitlive will be, coz I think its obvious to everyone that its going to be in liverpool this year, even just a month when itll be would be nice.



Posted: 01/02/2004 - 12:21
by Chris Abbott
It'll be in September, I guess. Me and the team are too busy with our current workload to worry about it too much. If September goes, then it would have to be in mid-2005. It's too late to organise anything in June this year: at least anything of the scale people would expect. I guess Xmas 2004 would also be a possibility, but would definitely run into problems with (a) ambient temperature wandering the streets drinking beer, and (b) other family commitments that people would have. I think BIT Live works best in the warm (and not the rain ;-)

It's kind of off the radar a bit, since the last one kind of cleaned me out financially and we've got to redefine the C64 music scene as we know it just to break even ;-) But Fred Gray has kind of found a venue. Gotta chase him about that.

However, there is a retro weekend event at Fairfield Halls Croydon in June, which may make a nice substitute.


Posted: 03/02/2004 - 17:35
by hikari
And hopefuly I'll actually make it to this one :) Cursed money...which I appear to have just spent a load more of to catch up on the CDs I didn't have *looks at Chris*

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 17:40
by Chris Abbott
Yeah, thanks Chris :)

Well, I'm suddenly uncertain about Liverpool, since the venue we wanted has a not-terribly-available contact...

If this is to be on a weekend, we have to get creative, since we can't have a club (and we wouldn't want one anyway, since this will be a live gig). So we have to think of suitable venues.

How do the following sound:
Brighton (again)
London (again)
Birmingham (again)
NOT DONCASTER! (sorry Neil)

Any other ideas? Apart from that Italian island, obviously...


Posted: 03/02/2004 - 17:55
by hikari
I think Manchester would be my favoured venue. It's fairly centraly located in the UK, decent transport links, has an international airport for the foreign tribe too :) Of course the fact that I have friends there who I can stay with is entirely irrelevant *g*

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 18:54
by Subzero
I'd quite happily make the trip to brighton again :)

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 18:56
by DHS
if again on september, i'll not be there (again).
NJoy is gonna marry in september and i'm his withness.


Posted: 03/02/2004 - 19:30
by skitz
Milton Keynes!!!!

I've got a perfect venue and it's pretty much central... and I can go home at night :)

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 19:59
by Chris Abbott
Heh... "BIT Live Milton Keynes"

I can see the punters running over from Europe :)

Nice try Skitzy :)

But I'll talk to you and BozKenz tonight about possible alternatives :)


Posted: 03/02/2004 - 20:40
by hikari
They will, of course, be running away ;)

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 21:08
by Marcel Donné
skitz wrote:Milton Keynes!!!!
Isn't that where they have concrete sheep? Or was it concrete cows? :wink:

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 21:11
by Chris Abbott
Ahem. Perhaps we can have some sensible specific suggestions?

One that occurred, which is actually an idea that occurred a while back, is to have the concert in a cinema and combine it with a C64 film show and party disco thing.


Posted: 03/02/2004 - 22:48
by skitz
Chris Abbott wrote:Heh... "BIT Live Milton Keynes"

I can see the punters running over from Europe :)

Nice try Skitzy :)

But I'll talk to you and BozKenz tonight about possible alternatives :)

I was being serious :) There are plenty of venue's here, we are practically on the M1 and Luton airport is 30 minutues down the road!

I guess people are just scared of the roundabouts and concrete cows! :lol:

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 22:57
by Subzero
As I said already - Id gladly do the brighton thang again!!!

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 23:33
by Chris Abbott
It's semi-official: the next BIT Live will be in London. It will be in a cinema with live performance facilities.

Currently here's the schedule (which I haven't discussed with anybody except Boz and Skitz, so this is the first they'll see of it!!)

* all information is provisional *

1) Official launch of Sensible Software's "Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll" DVD (c64-related in spirit)
2) Stuck in D'80s, PPOT (obviously), probably string quartet led by madfiddler, and hopefully with guest performance from Rob Hubbard
3) Various C64-related film (as well as other funny stuff)
4) Maybebop type group for fun
5) Open SID80s and PPOT rehearsals for the willing on Friday/Saturday morning, a la Brighton
6) Also launch of Project: Norman and the "Best of Sensible Software" compilation. Hoping that Paul Norman will be a special guest.
7) Designated pub, Friday evening ;-)

Time? Well, it will probably start at 5pm on Saturday, and that Saturday will be in September. Ticket price will be £15.

Date? Well, probably the 5th September or the 12th September.

I'd better post this as an announcement. And then I'd better actually ask the people involved if they're available!
