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Communities for musicians?

Posted: 14/02/2004 - 21:36
by sumppi
I've been searching for a while for a decent place to contact other musicians on non-c64-remix issues, but I haven't found any decent communities offering forums, sharing and the usual stuff. For artists in general there's for example, but that's mostly for the visual arts.

Anyone found any good communities for that kind of stuff? There are few that are more into the sharing part but I'd like to have more than that, collaboration on works etc. I have several songs at the moment just waiting for vocalist, but finding a decent one is a hard task it seems.

Also, it wouldn't hurt if the community was more pro(duction/fessional) oriented, it's always a good thing to get feedback from someone that understands the issues of mixing, mastering etc. If I want "yeah, it's great" I'll just ask my mother. Oh well, I guess I'll just harrass you guys then ;)


Posted: 14/02/2004 - 22:58
by tom
Well, i am always on which is not only a place for musicians who work on LOGIC . You'll find everthing there from pro to non-pro users. Unfortunately it's mostly in german language , but some people from Scandinavia are there as well and most of the guys do speak english,too :wink:
Perhaps you'll give it a try ?! :)

all the best

Posted: 14/02/2004 - 23:51
by sumppi
tom wrote:Well, i am always on which is not only a place for musicians who work on LOGIC . You'll find everthing there from pro to non-pro users. Unfortunately it's mostly in german language , but some people from Scandinavia are there as well and most of the guys do speak english,too :wink:
Perhaps you'll give it a try ?! :)
Yeah, I've tried to take a look at that few times but the language barrier is just too much for me - there is a reason that I flunked the finnish college equivalent :) The other problem is the same as with most of the boards, they're just mainly focused on the technology and not so much at the actual music. I follow the forum from time to time just to keep up with things but it's just too much technology oriented.

Then there's the stuff with engineers sharing war stories, I don't really feel at home with those either. They're mostly focused on the studio production (which is good too and often missed by the amateur music sites) but discussing subtleties of some ~10000eur Neumanns is a bit off my turf :)

It's the same dilemma as ever, technology vs. music as a focus. The great problems of life, along with whether to subscribe to Future Music (I read it for the articles, honestly ;) ) or Sound-On-Sound. Or both. And Keyboard too.


Posted: 15/02/2004 - 0:04
by tom
Ah, i see :wink:
Ok, but well if i can help from time to time , don't hesitate to get in touch with me :wink: i will always listen !!

have a good nite -.- over and out

Posted: 15/02/2004 - 0:11
by sumppi
tom wrote:Ah, i see :wink:
Ok, but well if i can help from time to time , don't hesitate to get in touch with me :wink: i will always listen !!
Great, you wouldn't happen to have a stunning voice a'la Beth Gibbons? ;)


Posted: 15/02/2004 - 8:39
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
If you know the Swedish language (which I guess you can handle a little bit better than German, since you're from Finland!), then take a look at club Cubase:

Maybe that's what you're looking for?

Posted: 15/02/2004 - 10:57
by sumppi
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote:If you know the Swedish language (which I guess you can handle a little bit better than German, since you're from Finland!), then take a look at club Cubase?
Let's not go to my svenska skills either ;) Those are pretty much on the hello world -level. But as good as those forums on their own right are, they're just forums.

We have RKO to share stuff, R64 for reviews and votings, forum on the side. Profiles and votings. It could be a bit tighter integrated (yet again I have to advertise which is does pretty good job on that front) but the tools are there - and the people are using them. Of course, technical stuff doesn't form a community, people do.

I guess I'm just too demanding on that front - every time I see potential in a site I get spun off to this ideological world of web development. Clean and simple design, technical purity, usability, flexibility and future development, robust databases, integrated webshop and everything. Sigh.

Then usually just I wake up and remember I have my own clients to take care of instead of just dreaming of grand projects :)


Posted: 15/02/2004 - 12:22
by tom
sumppi wrote:Great, you wouldn't happen to have a stunning voice a'la Beth Gibbons? ;)

ahhh... NO sorry :wink:


Posted: 15/02/2004 - 18:38
by Markus Schneider
Hi Sumppi,

perhaps this is what you look for:

I am sneaking in there a lot of time.

PS: Nice birth date, man :wink:

Posted: 18/02/2004 - 21:32
by LauriT
Moi Sumppi,

Have you tried It's a really nice community.

Posted: 18/02/2004 - 22:05
by sumppi
Lauri [cirdan/pds] wrote:Have you tried It's a really nice community.
Tried it, hated it ;) Or at least that was the first impression. Full of trance/eurodance pushing teens, it seems (like most of the other communities too).

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't feel at home there either. Oh well, I'll just whine to the end of my days and die alone :)


Posted: 21/02/2004 - 17:16
by LauriT
sumppi wrote: Tried it, hated it ;) Or at least that was the first impression. Full of trance/eurodance pushing teens, it seems (like most of the other communities too).
Sure there's a lot of trance and hiphop artists but also a lot of not so mainstream stuff. So far it's been the best place to get comments about my music. Just try to imagine that those trance teens don't exist ;)

Posted: 04/03/2004 - 20:51
by Xelebes
A tiny community that needs to grow and could use your help.