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good or bad news ???

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 15:57
by ifadeo
due some different reasons, the remix project 'ifadeo' is DEAD...
this means no more remixes from ifadeo, but i still keep ifadeo
as name for the message board...

the main reason for leaving the remix scene is the lack of time,
i've got so many other projects, so that i decided to retire....

thanks to all supporters...

best wishes

ifadeo (aka 2Klang)

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 16:22
by Dr.Future
This is very bad news!!! :(

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 16:31
by tas
A big shame :(

Hope maybe sometime in the future you gain more time to do the odd tune.

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 16:34
by Monty
but why bury 'ifadeo' ultimatively? why don't you take a time-out and eventually return stronger than ever? :twisted:

however, i'm surprised and sad about your decision and really wonder if there's something that can be done to discourage you from quitting.


p.s.: are your other projects music-related? then i would be very interested to listen to them.

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 16:53
by Chris Abbott
Yeah, it's usually better to just quietly fadeo away (!) and then return triumphant later on when you've got time. I'm sure the lure will eventually be too strong :)


Posted: 24/02/2004 - 17:11
by wobbler
Chris Abbott wrote: I'm sure the lure will eventually be too strong :)
Yes, the lure (i.e. 'wobbler') eventually becomes too strong.

/me speaks from self experience

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 17:34
by DHS

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 18:12
by Makke
DHS wrote::(
I second that.

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 19:00
by Vosla
doh! :cry:

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 19:14
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Sad to hear, ifadeo!

Somehow, I have a feeling that sometimes next year, you'll surprise us all!


(just trying to plant the idea... come on help me guys! :wink: )

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 20:49
by ifadeo
hey, thank you all for your gentle words...

i will also miss my 'ifadeo' remix project, but i've still got
two other music projects running and i'm sure that i soon
or later another remix comes up, done by one of my other
projects... :wink:

btw. out of sight, but not out of mind....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 21:15
by putzi
_Time_ is these days so hard to get hold of...

Posted: 24/02/2004 - 21:47
by Makke
putzi wrote:_Time_ is these days so hard to get hold of...
Yeah, trid.K and me ones discussed the benefits of a 50 hour day. :)

Posted: 25/02/2004 - 22:41
by Marcel Donné
Thank you for the great music ifadeo and I sincerely hope to hear more of you soon in the not too distant future :D

Posted: 26/02/2004 - 12:51
by Infamous
damn! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

its a real real shame someone with your talent is leaving even if it is just temporary, absolutely love all your remix's here.. but we all have things we need to do and whatever it is i hope you do it as well as u remix :D

your kraftwerk stlyings shall be missed.. god bless the good ship ifadeo hehe may it moor at our docks again once more sometime soon.
or some crap like that anyway hehe.

wish ya well in all you do iffy :-)