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Boz & Kenz live tonight at 8pm CET!

Posted: 28/03/2004 - 15:10
by Slaygon
Hi all,

Tonight at 8PM CET, Boz and Kenz wind down your weekend with some
remix-related mischief, to ease you into another Monday. - Be there!

Posted: 28/03/2004 - 23:08
by Kenz
Thanks for letting us broadcast our drunken radio flatulence chortles Mr Slaygon. Great show, really enjoyed doing it. Hope the listeners had a chortle or ten while listening to it too (especially Mr Nolan - our hero!) ;)

Kenz, Boz & Natz. :lol:

Posted: 29/03/2004 - 7:57
by Makke
Was a great show, even though I arrived late and had to leave early. :(

Hope you'll do it soon again, guys. :)

Posted: 29/03/2004 - 8:22
by Kenz
Cheers Makke, I'm glad you enjoyed our mad ramblings!

We've definitely been bitten by the radio show bug so hopefully we'll do another live show soon (and our first pre-recorded show is almost ready to be unleashed too!) :D

Posted: 29/03/2004 - 8:24
by Chappers
Kenz wrote:Thanks for letting us broadcast our drunken radio flatulence chortles Mr Slaygon. Great show, really enjoyed doing it. Hope the listeners had a chortle or ten while listening to it too (especially Mr Nolan - our hero!) ;)

Kenz, Boz & Natz. :lol:
Can't think he would have stayed on too long with all the 'cussin' from the chaps. In any case, it's likely he would have left early enough to be up early for his English language course. :wink:

Judging by his message, he's got a long way to go still. :)

Was a great show indeed. As Makke said, hopefully more of these are on the way.


Posted: 29/03/2004 - 8:40
by Kenz
The only slight problem with our impromptu beer-fuelled radio extravaganza = GROAN! MY HEAD! *Throb* *Ache* :wink:

Posted: 29/03/2004 - 9:22
by Boz
Hello chaps,

Thanks for your kind words. As Kenz has said, we enjoyed putting it together, albeit all a bit impromptu. Any errors, glitches or noises you heard on the show were... erm... KENZ'S FAULT... yes, that'll do... :wink:

Anyway, I'm hoping that we can start getting a regular thing going, so hopefully you'll be hearing from us soon. Especially once the pre-recorded show is passed onto Slaygon.

Cheerio! :D

Posted: 29/03/2004 - 11:50
by skitz
Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.... or something like that..

Posted: 29/03/2004 - 12:13
by Boz
You're doing what now? :P

Posted: 29/03/2004 - 12:14
by Kenz
Sounds like Skitz has been at the Coca Cola again. :D

Posted: 09/05/2004 - 16:08
by boatman
Is there a Z-Show tonight at 8pm ?

I found this at

Here's the preliminary schedule (yes, this might change)
All times in CET, i.e. GMT+1 (time now: 2004-05-09 18:03 CET)

This week

Sunday, April 11 - 2004 - 20:00 CET
Boz & Kenz - The Z Show

- Boz and Kenz wind down your weekend and help you tackle that Monday Mood with another healthy dose of mixes and mischief!

Posted: 09/05/2004 - 17:05
by Boz
Yes, there is a Z-Show! Sorry there wasn't an "official" announcement, but I was away all day so I forgot! (Oops!)

Posted: 09/05/2004 - 17:36
by boatman
Thanks, Boz :) This show always helps me out of my monday mood 8)

Posted: 10/05/2004 - 11:23
by Chappers
Excellent Z-Show last night. Missed last week's but the farts, burps & lager-fuelled chat made a welcome return this week.

Highlights were the Carlsberg can tower that wouldn't stay up, the collapse of said tower onto the DJ mixing desk spreading beer and the genuine surprise that everything was still working.... :D

A chap called mad rab made an impact on the Slay messageboard for all the wrong (funny) reasons. Didn't he realise that Kenz & Boz would up the piss-ripping the more that he complained? :) Mad rab's requests were even more comical - asking for the Wham rap. :roll:

Somehow, I don't think he understood exactly what the show was about. Actually, on comparison, it's arguably more of an exercise in extreme flatulence than actual retro remixes but the mixture there is fine by me..... :lol:


Posted: 10/05/2004 - 12:34
by Chris Abbott
> the collapse of said tower onto the DJ mixing desk
Aargh! Mackie poorly!
