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Tiny bit of music needed for MY MOVIE!

Posted: 05/04/2004 - 22:04
by Kenz
Hey guys,

I'm currently working on a DVD remix of my universally acclaimed (?!) Xmas Chortles 2 movie and I'm stuck for a bit of music to go in our Tron spoof. Basically, it's the bit after we get hit by the "big laser thingy" and get sucked down a tunnel into "Tron-land". I was thinking of something kinda up-tempo and trancey - zoomy tunnel music basically!

I've put the relevant snippet online for you to check out. If any of you talented musician type people out there can come up with a 17-or-so second chunk of cool music that would fit the scene then that would be great. The resulting bit of music that gets chosen (if anyone decides to take up this challenge!) will be used in the final movie - AND I'll buy you a pint at the next BitLive. :)

Anyway, here's where you can find the clip extract (it's a 2.65mb Mpeg file):- ... xtract.mpg

Thanx in advance for your help! 8)

Yes, that's really us lot in my mates Vauxhall Nova in "Tron Land"!

Posted: 05/04/2004 - 22:19
by Feekzoid
17 Seconds eh?

Hmmm. I do have some experience in this Xmas Chortles business... I may have to fire something up...

Posted: 05/04/2004 - 22:22
by Kenz
Splendid! It's tricky cos the scene is now so darned short - but good luck anyway. Something tunnelly-retro-Tron-esque-trancey will do - ta! (Not asking for much, am I?) :wink:

Posted: 05/04/2004 - 22:25
by Feekzoid
Expect a result tomorrow...


Are you mastering the DVD in AC3? Fancy doing 17 seconds of 5.1 me ;)

Failing that Pro Logic will have to do.

Tunnelly trancey Tronny things were meant to have surroundeyness :)

Posted: 05/04/2004 - 22:29
by Kenz
I'm sure we have the technology to do that. :)

Your fab XC2 intro theme (done how many moons ago?!) is still being used in the main title sequence - which has been re-rendered for about the 12, 000th time!

Posted: 05/04/2004 - 22:31
by Feekzoid
Kenz wrote:I'm sure we have the technology to do that. :)

Your fab XC2 intro theme (done how many moons ago?!) is still being used in the main title sequence - which has been re-rendered for about the 12, 000th time!
How frickin' bizarre man? I watched THAT video only just this evening again, got as far as the "here comes the shoes" before stopping it for continued re-viewing later.

Shame I didnt know you were working on it again, might've been tempted to re-engineer the title piece.

Posted: 05/04/2004 - 23:29
by Kenz
It's not too late to conjure up something new for the title sequence if ya want. That's the beauty of digital editing - I can go back and work on ANY part of the movie while it's sat there on my HD ... Bliss! :D

Do you want me to send you the new CG title sequence? - *Kenz in getting excited mode!*

Posted: 06/04/2004 - 1:47
by Matrix
[arse lick]

Kenz m8, one day i hope to have ur skillset .... u come up with the most amazing stuff.... cant wait for chortles 2 ;)

[/arse lick]

Posted: 06/04/2004 - 6:25
by Feekzoid
Kenz wrote:It's not too late to conjure up something new for the title sequence if ya want. That's the beauty of digital editing - I can go back and work on ANY part of the movie while it's sat there on my HD ... Bliss! :D

Do you want me to send you the new CG title sequence? - *Kenz in getting excited mode!*
Drop me a mail Mr Kenz with an url to download the sequence from if ya got the space to host it, and I'll bag it from me uber-fast work connection.

It'll be cool to have a project to work on again, I think its easier for me to compose when I have a Mission of sorts, if ya check me webpage theres a bit of music there that I did for a mates Architectural promo video, and it was easy and great to write for as I had this 4 min video to view and score for.

Posted: 06/04/2004 - 10:31
by Kenz
Thanks for the arse-cleaning Matrix. :) The XC2 is looking mightily impressive indeed - if a bunch of drunken apes jumping around and swearing can be called "impressive". 8)

You should have the URL by now Feeky (unless I used the wrong email addy!) I'll PM it to you from the forum as well - just in case.

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 22:09
by Kenz
Here's some, erm, "audio research material" *cough!* *ahem!* That might come in handy ... ! :wink:


Posted: 08/04/2004 - 22:31
by Kenz
D'OH! Silly me - the solution was staring me in the face all the time - a section of the track I just uploaded is PERFECT for the Tron spoof - and the quiet section towards the end makes for perfect backing for the rest of the scene. SORTED!

Thanks for your offers of help FeekZoid & DHS. :)

(Oh, and keep working on the title theme FeekZoid!!! Having a new track to go with the new CGI intro would be awesome!)

Posted: 09/04/2004 - 10:09
by DHS
Kenz wrote:Thanks for your offers of help FeekZoid & DHS. :)
So, i guess, no more ass&tits for me :-(


Posted: 09/04/2004 - 10:17
by Kenz
I'm sure I can sort out some 'T & A' for ya - keep an eye on your mailbox. :)