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Shows this week.

Posted: 22/04/2004 - 12:09
by Slaygon
Thursday, April 22 - 2004 - 20:00 CET
Boz & Kenz - Oh... It's THAT!

- Boz and Kenz present a show where they play music that SID tunes were based on. Some are easy to tell but some of them will make you go 'Oh... it's THAT!'
There is a competition running throughout the show, in five parts. Try to answer as many as you can and send your results to!

Saturday, April 24 - 2004 - 20:00 CET
Tas & Dan Gillgrass - I Just Dunno!

- Coming to you live from the Lake District comes The "I Just Dunno" show. Tas and Dan Gillgrass will be your hosts for what should prove to be an entertaining night of siddylicious fun with just a little bit of intoxicating lubrications being mixed in for good measure.

Sunday, April 25 - 2004 - 20:00 CET
Boz & Kenz - The Z Show

- Boz and Kenz are back for another live show that ruins -- sorry, I mean ENHANCES -- your favourite Commodore 64 remixes. Requests and shout-outs are welcome, as usual, via the SLAY messageboard or IRC (on EFNET channel #RemixCommodore). Wind down your weekend and get ready for the Monday grind!

More info on Boz & Kenz in this thread viewtopic.php?t=1413

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 8:47
by Kenz
WOW! What a show last night - many thanks to everyone who tuned in, joined in and sent requests etc. It was really was an EPIC broadcast!

Thanx also to Skitz for driving all the way from Milton Keynes to take part in the show - it was great having an extra 'Z' in the 'Z-Show'!

Hope you all enjoyed it and will tune in again next week! :D

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 9:55
by skitz
100 LISTENERS!! I was happy to drive 90 miles to be part of such a record breaking show!

I was more drunk than Kenz & Boz I think :P It was a great show!

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 10:54
by Chappers
Fantastic show! The addition of Skitz and the webcam were excellent touches. Skitz being let loose with the jingles was great stuff but a bit like putting the loonies in charge of the asylum. :)

A great achievement to get 100 listeners! Just shows how good the show really is. More of the same, please fellas. :D



Posted: 26/04/2004 - 10:59
by C64GLeN
Great show, More please.

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 11:46
by skitz
Paul Chapman wrote:Skitz being let loose with the jingles was great stuff but a bit like putting the loonies in charge of the asylum. :)
You must be a looney...... you are a looney :)

Actually, I only drove the Jingle machines for one song.... :) Lot's of "Boobs is what they want!"..

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 12:56
by Phantom66uk
Really made my Sunday night, especially since there was sod all on TV.

I'll be waiting patiently for the next show :wink:

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 13:02
by Chappers
skitz wrote:
Paul Chapman wrote:Skitz being let loose with the jingles was great stuff but a bit like putting the loonies in charge of the asylum. :)
You must be a looney...... you are a looney :)
Well, takes one to know one I suppose. :)

Some of the stuff I was posting was evidence for the men in white coats to be called for. Large scale beer consumption on the night before work is not recommended....ooh my aching head. :P :evil:


Posted: 26/04/2004 - 14:37
by Chappers
.....and just because my bee licence runs out tomorrow and needs redoing does not make me a looney.....

Spoken like a gentleman, sah! :)


Posted: 26/04/2004 - 15:32
by Boz

Just wanted to add my thanks to everyone to listening in to our little show. It's good to know that all the jingles and sound effects only piss people off for a short while, and they're willing to stay online to have their favourite songs ruined! ;) I try not to do it, honestly... but the jingles call out to me... "Make a noise, Boz... make a noise..."

Or it could be the voices in my head. :twisted:

It's great that we have more and more listeners tuning in, too. You all make us -- and Slaygon -- very proud!

Seeya on-air soon!

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 18:48
by Makke
It was a good show. :)

Posted: 26/04/2004 - 19:28
by boatman
Great Show !

Many Thanks to the ZShow team for the excellent entertainment ! :D

P.S.: Now I know how to fart the right way :lol: