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It's a kinda Tragic Show - Saturday 15th May

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 19:39
by tas
The title just about sums it all up. Be there at SLAYradio at 7pm (BST) 8pm (CET) for a new Dan and tas show.

The plan is just to get the bugger working properlly and see what happens....

Slay Radio: 7pm (BST) 8pm (CET) Saturday 15th MAY

Be there or be... normal really ;)

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 21:30
by Chappers
Tassy, with you at the controls, it will be amazing if anything works. * :wink:


* Thought I'd get my dig in first before all the Grimsby Town relegation baiting starts here and on Slay.... :D

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 21:31
by Subzero
If Dans going to kill another mouse, I dont think I can stand it!!! :P

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 21:32
by dan gillgrass
subzero wrote:If Dans going to kill another mouse, I dont think I can stand it!!! :P
All mice are at my mercy......... :twisted:

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 21:43
by Chappers
dan gillgrass wrote:
subzero wrote:If Dans going to kill another mouse, I dont think I can stand it!!! :P
All mice are at my mercy......... :twisted:
Doesn't look like they stand a chance, do they? :)

I bet Tas is buying in bulk so you don't run out. :wink:


Posted: 13/05/2004 - 22:18
by Phantom66uk

Something decent to listen to instead of watching the crappy "Eurovison" / "Song For Europe" / Whatever it's called these days.

Great news! - I'll be listener #2 :lol: :wink:

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 1:37
by tas
hehe....I've been thinking of bringing Grimsby up for a while, but now you mention it ;)

Didn't expect you to do down really and it's a shame as we will pass each other on the way with Rovers being Champions (thought i'd mention that).

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 1:38
by tas
hehe, if your not careful we might broadcast the Eurovision on Slay by mistake... Worse things have happened ;)

Well, no not quite that bad ;)

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 8:56
by dan gillgrass
Hee hee, I had forgotten about Eurovision, me and Tas are more than a match for Terry Wogan :)

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 9:05
by Chris Abbott
> me and Tas are more than a match for Terry Wogan
Third round, cut above the eye, I reckon :)


Posted: 14/05/2004 - 9:23
by dan gillgrass
Phantom66uk wrote: Great news! - I'll be listener #2 :lol: :wink:
The lads will be knocking on your door....

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 10:04
by Subzero
Yeh to get out!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 10:13
by dan gillgrass
For peoples information, the reason why my mouse seems to sound so loud is due to the fact I have one of those glass mouse mats and it was right next to the mic...

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 10:23
by Infamous
glass mousemat? ... you poncey student you!.


Posted: 14/05/2004 - 10:54
by Chappers
Tas wrote:hehe....I've been thinking of bringing Grimsby up for a while, but now you mention it ;)

Didn't expect you to do down really and it's a shame as we will pass each other on the way with Rovers being Champions (thought i'd mention that).
What's keeping my spirits up mainly is the (tiny) possibility of drawing Donny in one of the cup competitions and then getting revenge. :D

Though, if Law is still at the helm, it would probably be a rout. Town brought in a failure and got a failure so the sooner that Law gets sacked, the better.... :evil:
