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Boz & Kenz go TURBO NUTTER BONKERS: The Z-Show 23/5/2004

Posted: 23/05/2004 - 14:56
by Kenz
Me & that Boz shaped bloke over there will be presenting a BEER FUELLED TURBO NUTTER BONKERS C64 TUNE-FEST this evening on SLAY Radio. We'll be spinning TOP C64 remixes, playing as many REQUESTS as we can squeeze in, demolishing DEFLEKTOR with DEY-OH's and much MORE!

HEAR us by tuning into SLAY Radio:-

SEE us by pointing your browser to:-

TALK to us via IRC on the EFNet network, channel #RemixCommodore!

SMELL us:- Just be glad you're not in the same room when the farting starts!

If you've got any requests in the meantime or wanna mail over any 'sclusives then send 'em to - ta!

See you all later!

Bouff sez:- "Listen to the Z-Show, it's GREAT!"*

* The above not actually said by Bouff.

Posted: 23/05/2004 - 22:08
by Marcel Donné
And if you don't believe all of the above you can get a taste (smell) of the show yourself:

Posted: 23/05/2004 - 22:17
by Kenz
Wow - that was a CLASSIC show!! And that was the first time we've had requests to replay part of the show from the show we're currently airing! Excellent stuff!!!

Thanks to Marcel for your inadvertant request which became the SHOW HIGHLIGHT and caused me to INJURE MYSELF LAUGHING!!! *Genius!*


Posted: 24/05/2004 - 8:34
by Makke
The F1 extravaganza was so damn funny it must either have been illegal or a health hazard. I'm leaning more towards the second, but I'm not excluding the firts.

Posted: 24/05/2004 - 8:37
by Marcel Donné
Formula 1 Simulator, the Methane Man edit 8)

Posted: 24/05/2004 - 9:02
by Boz

Thoroughly enjoyed myself last night. Good show all in all, although I think I broke several ribs in the F1 bit. THAT'S what my sound effects application was written for! ;)

Anyway, thanks for tuning in again, folks!

Posted: 24/05/2004 - 10:19
by Chappers
Kenz wrote:Wow - that was a CLASSIC show!! And that was the first time we've had requests to replay part of the show from the show we're currently airing! Excellent stuff!!!

Thanks to Marcel for your inadvertant request which became the SHOW HIGHLIGHT and caused me to INJURE MYSELF LAUGHING!!! *Genius!*

I hurt myself laughing as well. Was laughing so hard when 'FormulaFarts' was on that I fell off my chair! :lol:

The 1-second delay DAY-Os with Skitz, Marcel & Makke on Deflektor were just as funny as the fart marathon. The best gags are the unplanned ones certainly. :D Those pesky ISP problems made it a bit difficult to have a 'conference call' but it was still lots of fun.

Best Z-Show ever....ever.... :D


Posted: 24/05/2004 - 13:23
by skitz
I think Boz should code a "Fart along to F1 Simlator" emulator with all those soundbites being playable from the keyboard with F1 playing along in the background :)

Posted: 24/05/2004 - 14:03
by Boz
Hehe!! That's not a bad idea actually! :)

Posted: 24/05/2004 - 15:51
by skitz
Actually it should be called "The Fart Along to F1 Simulator Simulator" :)

Posted: 24/05/2004 - 17:13
by boatman
Oh my God !! Some of these farts sounds very wet; how many times have you changed your pants ? :shock: :shock:
And: yesterday, I recognized very large, brown coloured, ugly smelling clouds coming from UK..hopefully it will never rain :lol: