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C64 Mafia returns!!!!!! - Forbidden Forest!!

Posted: 07/06/2004 - 20:13
by tas
The c64 mafia Return with a new remix of Forbidden Forest!!!!!! You really must check this baby out =)

you cang get it <a href=" ... HERE***</a>

Posted: 07/06/2004 - 20:15
by dan gillgrass
Great track you mysterious funsters you!!!

Posted: 08/06/2004 - 7:59
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Excellent! :D

This one really made my day. And from now on, I promise to walk faster through the woods :wink:

Posted: 08/06/2004 - 9:18
by merman
Excellent, love the keyboard at the start but it does finish a bit abruptly...


Posted: 08/06/2004 - 20:01
by Dimmignatt
This really sucked.. that's what i think..
good production and everything but Forbidden forest is my favourite game (and songs) and this was not good..
I mean the only good part was the intro..

well that is what i think..

Posted: 08/06/2004 - 20:09
by Papa Sid
You're of course entitled to you opinion, but the mafia won't expect someone with the name Dimmignatt (Foggy Night) to be able to see things clearly.

Posted: 08/06/2004 - 20:15
by Don Peppino
There's no problem if u don't like it, really.
We really like to hear our 5 minutes work sucked from the height of your 8 posts (believe me, from a guy with 9 posts).
We are the mothafuckin' c64mafia, if someone don't like our tunes.... well, you have your time to change your mind...

A chopped horse head is on the way for your bed.
While waiting, listen to my comment on your post. :wink:

Posted: 08/06/2004 - 20:51
by Papa Sid
Due to public inquiry, the mafia will graciously reveal the lyrics for this song so that all can sing along.
I was chillin' at the back of my home
Needed to relax, and just be alone
Weather was fine, the sky was clear
So I was sitting in the sun just zippin' a beer

Opened the paper, a headline read
Be ware of the spiders, or you'll be dead
I didn't take the stuff so seriously
But all was to change, quite mysteriously

Cus how was I supposed to know
That just there down by the road
The trees are cursed

And how was I supposed to know
That where all the birch's grow
You must expect the worst

Realised it was late when I looked at my clock
So I wistled for my dog to take a walk
Strolling down the street with no cares in mind
When I heard a noise and turned around

There before me, a hideous beast
I was scare, to say the least
I couldn't believe this spiders size
And that was when I realized

Don't (don't) go (go) walking slow on your own
In Forbidden Forest
Don't (don't) go (go) without your bow in the zone
Called Forbidden Forest

So there I was surrounded by all these scary creatures
They were even scarier than what Microsoft call features
I was so scared I almost shat my pants
But I realized that I only had one good chance

So I pulled out my bow and started firing arrows
At huge bloody bees that were larger than sparrows
And weird ass creatures that were jumping around
Stumbling as they died with a *crrrk*y sound

I wasn't chillin' anymore as you might gave guessed
But killing all in sight like I was possessed
Blood all around, from my foe
Mafia style as I hope you know

Just like trauma was singing
I was shootin' and I was killin'
I'm shootin I'm killin (x4) <-- © Trauma

Cus how was I supposed to know
That just there down by the road
The trees are cursed

And how was I supposed to know
That where all the birch's grow
You must expect the worst

Don't (don't) go (go) walking slow on your own
In Forbidden Forest
Don't (don't) go (go) without your bow in the zone
Called Forbidden Forest

Posted: 09/06/2004 - 1:06
by tas
Award for the most constructive post goes to Dimmignatt

Posted: 09/06/2004 - 5:52
by LMan
Great phun, you mafiosi, really great :D

Now could you please point your guns away from my head? *sweat*

Posted: 09/06/2004 - 7:40
by CraigG
Apart from the intro and the lyrical concept, how is it linked to the original? In my opinion, the song was all right, but not the sort of thing that had me jumping up and down in fits of excitement.

Posted: 09/06/2004 - 13:00
by C64GLeN
I think the point is being missed.

So, what was the point again? :D

Posted: 09/06/2004 - 13:26
by DHS
CraigG wrote:Apart from the intro and the lyrical concept, how is it linked to the original? In my opinion, the song was all right, but not the sort of thing that had me jumping up and down in fits of excitement.
Listen carefully:
under the lyrics, when they start to sing:
"Don't (don't) go (go) walking slow on your"

there's the FF theme played with what seems to be some kind of flute
(but it can be any mafia-instrument out there).


Posted: 09/06/2004 - 13:35
by CraigG
DHS wrote:there's the FF theme played with what seems to be some kind of flute (but it can be any mafia-instrument out there).
Fair enough. I missed that first time round (it is _very_ low in the mix).