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C64 Audio Release Schedule

Posted: 08/07/2004 - 14:24
by HeadingtonBard
Hi All ! :D

Perhaps this maybe aimed at : Sir Chris Abbott

Does anyone have a list of future C64 Audio or Remix CD release dates ?

It will be nice to know what is coming out in the future ! :D

Thank you in advance !


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 14:53
by Chris Abbott

Nothing set in stone, I'm afraid. I think no one will finish their remix CDs in time for BIT Live, so we're looking at only "Project: Hubbard" for release at the show. The DVDs should appear next June.

There's a rumour Nexus 3 could appear in time for BIT Live though. Well, after all those people complaining about too many remix CDs, that should come as a breath of fresh air...


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 16:35
by tas
on the remix front from MbD comes...

An atari st remix CD provisionally called "Revive" due to come out in December this year.

Also another ST remix CD, tho thats still sketchy and has no release date as yet.

Also we are looking into a viable console remix CD again maybe out the end of this year. This one is a bit tricky tho, so it may not happen yet.

there's other CD's coming, but none of them remix CD's. Coming in a month or two is an official soundtrack from SEGA tho.

Posted: 08/07/2004 - 17:21
by Subzero
Dont you mean Sega/Sammy?


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 18:27
by Chris Abbott
> An atari st remix CD provisionally called "Revive" due to come
> out in December this year.
Bjorn Lynne already used that title... not that he has a monopoly, but it might be confusing...


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 18:43
by Chris Abbott
At the moment my main energies are being directed into publishing and licencing, and mobile and online content creation, as well as Back in Time Live (and the DVDs, but that's more the work of Boz 'n Kenz).

I've still got a number of CDs I want to do, but we need to renovate the audience first, as opposed to continually producing CDs in a climate of diminishing returns. I see the chance of that happening through the new online climate that exists now, and co-operation with new partners in delivery of C64-related stuff worldwide...

I don't really feel part of the whole Merregnon/Synsoniq/MdB scene thing, since I'm not interested in the vast majority of that stuff, though I respect that a lot of people are (probably more so than the C64 stuff). It's good that those people are being catered for by people with more enthusiasm for it than me :)

Things in this area I'm enthusiastic about:

The 80s (esp. TV themes, children's themes, synth music and pop culture)
SID + orchestra
Sonic Wanderer CD
Makke's CD
SID done as commercial pop song
making limited hardware sound good
mobile content
BIT Live
Ooooh Snakes
... and more.

BIT 4 falls into "SID + Orchestra" :)


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 18:43
by tas
thats true....

i actually ment it's called "Revival" my error!

Posted: 08/07/2004 - 18:46
by Chris Abbott
> "Revival"
Still a bit of a generic title: but then, I suppose so was "Back in Time" ;-)

I withdraw my comment, m'lud :)


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 18:53
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote:
BIT 4 falls into "SID + Orchestra" :)

Now thats my kinda talk! :)

Posted: 08/07/2004 - 19:14
by tomsk
so we're looking at only "Project: Hubbard" for release at the show.
I've tried asking this before, where did this come from....No search results yealded any other hits other than a mention on Slay Radio (to which no-one answered anyway)

I was aware of Project : Norman, and thought this was the next release for the pipeline. Any more details on Project Hubbard ???? Chris ???

Posted: 08/07/2004 - 19:29
by Chris Abbott
Pretty much the same as Project Galway, but... er... with Hubbard tracks. it still might not hit BIT Live tho': depends how much info we can get out of normally not-so-talkative Rob ;-) Plus we were hoping for some new stuff, but the timing is against that. Project Norman stalled when Paul started a new IT contract: I'm waiting for some new files.


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 20:29
by ifadeo
any details 'bout project hubbard ???

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 08/07/2004 - 20:46
by Chris Abbott
Track listing is still being semi-finalised by Kenz (so we can get Rob to finalise it)


Posted: 08/07/2004 - 20:48
by ifadeo
thx, for the info....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 15/07/2004 - 12:21
by CraigG
Chris Abbott wrote:Things in this area I'm enthusiastic about:
SID done as commercial pop song
I have to say, I'm seriously looking forward to FTC's CD. As for SID as commercial pop, add dance to that (Zombie Nation, despite the guy being a prick, was conceptually a step in the right direction) and your list echoes mine.