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Is this better.. ???

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 10:40
by Dimmignatt
This is an EDIT of the precious message i wrote.

Well then.... We will remaster this song and if you dont like it then, well that is your problem aint it ?? ;)
Anyways Kwed rocks as i have written before but that got little notice this time.. Maybe i was a bit of an asshole, but i think that the concept of one person ruling out everything is a bit hmm BAD.. But that is probably just me ???

(Link to the song)

(Link to Vgmix)

(if you dont think it should be there, hey no prob with that..)

Thanks for reading ..

Best Wishes... Ola Brandt aka Dimmignatt from X-formZ

Re: Do you think this song should be in the Kwed ???

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 10:59
by DHS
Dimmignatt wrote:So I ask you people if you think this song has the right kind of stuff to be in the Kwed...
I can imagine the "desolation" to see an own work refused by someone.

Said that, there's no need for a referendum.

RKO isn't a public site, is a private site.
Owned by Mr.Kwed.

So, the only one who can decide if a remix has the right or not to be there, is *only* Mr.Kwed.

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 11:10
by LMan
Hi Ola,

you aren't going to achieve anything by causing such a fuss. People keep forgetting that RKO is still a <i>private</i> institution, although Jan does in fact do a great service for the community. He has the right to reject a tune for whatever reason he likes, and no public poll or whatsoever will change his mind. In fact I believe it is a rare occasion that he actually gives feedback and reasons for a rejection, so why don't you heed the constructive criticism, try to improve on your tune, and upload again.

It's not good to take constructive criticism too personal. I'm speaking from my own experience, that even if you're absolutely convinced of your own work, it most likely can still be improved. And sometimes it just takes a little constructive feedback to set you on the right track.

- Markus :)

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 13:00
by Makke
People also tend to forget that there's a whole team advising Jan Lund "behind the scenes" on what to keep and what to can. In the end though, Jan is the one with the final verdict, and righfully so. As LMan said, it's his site. He made it, he maintains it, he fixed the bandwidth and webspace. This sort of behaviour (moan and complain) only puts Jan off from maintaining the site, because basically this is the only kind of worded feedback that he gets. Complaints from rejects. I mean he did after all give you the reason why he didn't like it and invited you to do something about it and try again.

Anyway, my 5.

We just want to hear the peoples opinion..

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 13:29
by Dimmignatt
I don't know if that was unclear or something and i am not mad on Jan for rejecting the song either..
Kwed is an excellent site no questions about it..

But still we want to hear the peoples voices on this track and so on..

Best wishes Ola Brandt aka Dimmignatt..

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 14:04
by DHS
You still have a lot of great feedback on vgmix.

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 14:56
by jgb
To me the guitars are mixed way to high, I can barely hear the drums, when the piano like lead comes in at 00:51 everything else sounds muffled, there is no treble to speak of in the song. Is there a bass line somewhere?

Note that this only concerns the mixing of the song, the remix idea and choice of sounds works fine for me.

My advice? Have another go att mixing the song, compare it to commercial recordings of similar material. I know that one tends to become quite "blind" to how it actually sounds when it comes to mixing ones own tunes, perhaps you have some friends that could help out?

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 15:41
by tas
my take on this, is that Jan is free to do as he wishes, if he's rejected it from RKO then thats his decision. I've listened to the tune and i think it's quite ok, there's much worse out there...

However requesting people to basically spam him with complaints is a bit OTT!!

Re: Do you think this song should be in the Kwed ???

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 18:53
by Waz
Dimmignatt wrote:Hello boys and girls..
As the soul caretaker of Kwed he canned our remix on Trolls from the kwed..
And with good reasons. You should note that as RKO is, after all, Jan's baby, and something he does completely voluntarily in his spare time, he's free to do as he likes in terms of deciding what makes it or not. Sure, there's a few people he trusts to assist, but the final decision lies with him - and that's fair enough. In the upload guidelines this is even mentioned along with plenty of dos and donts which the community respects and takes notes of accordingly. If you haven't already done so, please do have a quick re-read of them.

I did have a listen to your mix myself, and I pretty much felt that with a bit of tweaking and improving, it may be approved. However as it stands now, for me personally the guitars didn't seem to be mixed in the right way, and sounded really muffled and not given enough space to breathe freely in the mix. Also, use C64 arpeggio carefully, and with extreme caution, particularly if it's from the original C64 tune. In addition, I would not sample an arpeggio from any SID emulator, as although they're good, only a real Commodore 64 will actually give you the right sound in there. For me, the arpeggios seemed to be lifted from the SID, and further, they also seemed out of place the way the tune was mixed.

However, the idea was promising and did show some thought, and I'm sure that if you worked on it and tweaked it to be more listenable, and re-submitted it (might be worth detailing comments about your changes to the tune when you do) then I'm sure it will be re-evaluated fairly. It's happened to mixes in the past and ultimately it's ended up better because of it.

Please do also remember that within the C64 remix community there are people who still use their C64s, and in my case for example, still compose occasionally with it. They love their SID sound (rightly so, of course) but do bear in mind as the original game or demo will have memories for them, to enhance a tune to be pleasing to both the casual listener and the C64 diehard is quite tricky, so don't be surprised if some people here are a little more critical.

I also think it's a bit out of order suggesting people email Jan to complain about the tune not being there (not least for spammers if nothing else) - Most of us respect Jan's decisions because at the end of the day, he's usually very fair with what he evaluates. The fact he actually posted his reasons is rare and he was dropping a hint as to how he felt the mix could be improved.

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 20:10
by ifadeo
Tas wrote: However requesting people to basically spam him with complaints is a bit OTT!!
i've got exactly the same thought... :wink:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 21:04
by Floaf
We just want peoples opinion on the track. Don't get us wrong, we dont have anything against Jan, we love his site and anything with it. We just wondered why it's in first place in vgmix and didn't got approved here. But with your help we got some reasons :-)

So, we are going to (try to) remaster the shit. See you soon :-)

//Floaf @ X-formZ

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 21:59
by dan gillgrass
I was actually gonna start a thread on this topic but it already happens this has taken care of everything.... for some reason Jan and RKO has come into a bit of stick recently..... and unfairly..... when people complain about remixes being rejected on RKO makes me think Jan might sit in his seat and think "Why do I bother?." if a tune gets rejected, think about it and try redo it, dont re submit it exactly the same just under a different name or just dont resubmit as the same same... cmon, if it gets rejected and you feel its as good as you could do it or as good as it gets just host it somewhere and post the link....

Posted: 14/07/2004 - 23:16
by tas
It's the manner in how you went about it X-formz guys...

If you posted something along the lines saying..."This was rejected from RKO, i've posted the link here to get some feedback, we quite like the mix, what do you guys think?", then i'm pretty sure you would have got a different response.

But the matter of asking people to actually complain to jan what is actually a Private site is a bit awkward to use a light term.

maybe a lesson learnt?

Posted: 15/07/2004 - 9:40
by Makke
Tas wrote:But the matter of asking people to actually complain to jan what is actually a Private site is a bit awkward to use a light term.
Yup, that's what I disliked about the post as well. You didn't ask people for feedback as much as you asked people who liked it to email Jan and tell him how to run his site. That gets in peoples eyes, and especially in the eyes of those who know how much time Jan has spent on the site and how many times he's felt like just throwing in the towel because no one ever gives him any slack or credit for what he does.


Posted: 15/07/2004 - 10:38
by Dimmignatt
Okay let's run this again because your obviously stuck up on the mail thing to Jan .. and the whole idea of this thread was to question the people if they thought "Trolls" was Kwed material or not..
Not to mail Jan and say that he does a "pisswork" with his site..
If that's what you feel then okay.. But as we have said. Kwed is an awesome site and it's fucking great of Jan to manage this on hiw own with peoples like us or you or someone else that maybe don't appreciate his work all the time.

And our Agenda was to hear the peoples voice and it was ..
Do you think this song should be in the kwed or not.. ??
YES or NO.. how hard can it be ??

But you guys didn't notice that at all ..
And if Jan took this post to his disliking.. well sorry but one does have the freedom of speech and i thought "General Conversation" was the right thread to post this in .. Anyway a Yes or No question might have seem to hard for some people to understand so let's just Ignore this festering crap of forumpost.. We in X-formZ are going to remaster the song and then upload it to Kwed once more (and yes we will remaster and not just change the name).. If it gets rejected once again we will not have any big problem with it..
Once again sorry to Jan.. Bye

Best Wishes Ola Brandt aka Dimmignatt from X-formZ..


Tas wrote:
But the matter of asking people to actually complain to jan what is actually a Private site is a bit awkward to use a light term.

maybe a lesson learnt?
Leason learnt ?? I thought this was a general forum that you can bring this kind of things to bitch about.. Maybe I'm wrong .. I don't know.. The mailthing was wrong of ME to write but im very sorry about that.
But it's done and i stand for it.